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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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So this happened (look for schlangster's):




You know, I was fairly optimistic about the future of this situation, but now...


Whelp, unless he realises he just shot himself in the foot when he comes back to an inbox overflowing with hatemail looks like it's time for someone to create a new Skyrim UI overhaul mod.

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My mod, Phenderix Magic Evolved, will now be hosted on the steam workshop. (pending approval now)

The skyrim nexus version will exist as an old version that can still be used.

The new version which requires DLC and adds over 100 more spells will be available only on the steam workshop for $2.99.

I have put more than 1000+ hours into making this mod and would like to be compensated for people using my work.

Many mod authors put a lot of work into their creations and I believe this is a great opportunity for the community to give back.

I have modded for years and only one person has ever donated money to me. This is an obvious sign that the donation system does not work.

No one is entitled to anything, let alone free mods. People releasing mods for free should have gotten a lot more respect and thanks for the amount of time they spent on their creations.

The community needs to settle down and realize that in the long run this is a good thing and will result in much better mods being made.

This development has reinvigorated my interest in Skyrim modding and I will definitely continue to mod for Fallout 4 (whenever it is announced...E3 please!?!)

With every purchase of my mod, Skyrim Nexus will be getting a share of the money.

Please be understanding of this decision. I did not make it lightly.

All of my other 7 mods will be Nexus exclusives and not ever be ported to the Steam workshop.

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I fail to see how Valve and Bethesda being compensated for the work you and other modders have done while they have done nothing themselves to earn it can be viewed as a good thing, especially when the modders are being paid a pittance for their work while these corporations take the lion's share.

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My mod, Phenderix Magic Evolved, will now be hosted on the steam workshop. (pending approval now)

The skyrim nexus version will exist as an old version that can still be used.

The new version which requires DLC and adds over 100 more spells will be available only on the steam workshop for $2.99.

I have put more than 1000+ hours into making this mod and would like to be compensated for people using my work.

Many mod authors put a lot of work into their creations and I believe this is a great opportunity for the community to give back.

I have modded for years and only one person has ever donated money to me. This is an obvious sign that the donation system does not work.

No one is entitled to anything, let alone free mods. People releasing mods for free should have gotten a lot more respect and thanks for the amount of time they spent on their creations.

The community needs to settle down and realize that in the long run this is a good thing and will result in much better mods being made.

This development has reinvigorated my interest in Skyrim modding and I will definitely continue to mod for Fallout 4 (whenever it is announced...E3 please!?!)

With every purchase of my mod, Skyrim Nexus will be getting a share of the money.

Please be understanding of this decision. I did not make it lightly.

All of my other 7 mods will be Nexus exclusives and not ever be ported to the Steam workshop.




Well, that is that. I understand your reasons phenderix, and I sincerely hope good fortune smiles on you.


Personally I don't like the direction things are heading towards, however we must admit that the monetization of mods has some compelling arguments at both sides.

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Lets look at this from a marketing standpoint because money matters... obviously.


Every single "helpful" review on the first page for skyrim is negative. Not a single positive... so for someone interested in the game and dont really know much about it ( yea I know where have you been, but there are young people that have started gaming after the release of skyrim )


All they see is an entire page of red... that would stop me dead in my tracks if i was considering purchasing a game.


Skyrim went from a 97% positive review score, that put it on the first page of the steam store when listing based on review score. It is now at 95% which barrys it a couple pages in... yes still an amazing score but not top tier cream of the crop amazing.


Skyrim is likely to drop below 95% which will move its standing from "overwhelmingly positive" to "very positive" thats not a very good thing at all.


What does all this spell.... really bad marketing and surly a drop in sales. Myself personally will not be pre ordering or buying fallout 4 at launch if this system is still in place on skyrim and especially if on fallout 4.... I will wait until an extreme sale maybe a year later.


If the anger of all these people doesn't move you the benjamins should.


Bethesda heres a little advice from me... you should strongly consider publicly giving Gaben and steam the middle finger and reversing any kind of contract deal you signed with them unless you were stupid enough to sign a contract with severe penalties over a system that will make you very little money even if it worked.


This will not get better... it will get worse... think if a quarter, just 1/4th thats it, of the modding community left the skyrim/fallout scene... Yea skyrim is great but its the mod that make skyrim truly amazing. The impact that would have on Fallout 4 is disasterous.


Skyrim vanilla is a great but forgettable 80 hour or so game, skyrim with mods is timeless.

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People releasing mods for free should have gotten a lot more respect and thanks for the amount of time they spent on their creations.



I don't mod for Skyrim but another game and have put in months and years in the stuff I've made. So I know what you mean in lots of time spent. Spending 12+ hour shifts working on a mod and you have so much work to do it can sometimes feel like you have a toothpick chipping away at a mountain. It soon becomes month long and sometimes a year long endeavor between everything else you have to juggle in life. But then when all is done and said having something you made released is a great feeling. In fact, my 3 day weekend I'm using most of it to mod right now.


I don't expect any respect, thanks, or monetary gain from the work I do in the community I am part of. I mod becasue I want the game I like playing to be better and if others enjoy my content then great! if not it doesn't phase me. If people like or hate my content cool but I'm not doing it for the 'glory'. Money with modding is a terrible thing. It has torn the skyrim community apart and all the baggage that comes with money is now going to affect mod makers and the consumers. We're already seeing this draw people into skyrim who are only interested in the $$$ and don't give a crap about skyrim or its community. If money got pulled they would leave in a heartbeat without a care.


I admire your optimism as a fellow modder myself and wish you best of luck in your mods. However, I personally feel this paywall vavle has made is going to destroy the community.

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I'm curious what The Nexus think of mod page like this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5898/?

Will the Nexus become the cheapman modding site allowing people to basically use it as advertising platform for their more official "premium" workshop mods?



Please be careful with stuff like this. This problem is about Bethesda/Valve trying to coerce modders into guilting/shaming/compelling the gaming community to give Bethesda/Valve more money in return for community created content. The last thing we want, at all, is any modder to feel like their work and effort is unappreciated or they are not welcome. We screwed up, badly, with someone who already caught hell on the Workshop (name left out to avoid getting this thread closed) and we need to stop that.


What someone chooses to do with their creations is up to them. I would say that if someone feels they deserve remuneration, paid cash money, for their time and effort they should do so professionally either part time or full time and seek a job in said field. When they decide to stop being a peer in a community and instead be a merchant wanting to sell us a product they should expect to be treated like we treat the phone company or cable company or guy at Best Buy wanting to sell me a TV.


That in mind... I would say that the Nexus should not allow content that redirects or points someone to a paid mod location. Essentially that's advertising and should be treated like anyone else wanting to put an add on the Nexus.

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