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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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Traitors like Chesko and Isoku are only going to pull their content if we bury their mods in terrible ratings, fill their inboxes to the brim every day, and make derivative ripoff mods of their content and encourage people to buy those instead (content that is maliciously designed to destroy the purchaser's game).

It's comments like these that make it completely impossible to take your cyber-punk-esque data war with mod authors seriously. Mod authors are not traitors just because they offer mods at a price-point, they're human beings operating in the real world. In the real world, time is money. You seem to have a grasp of that fact and the tendencies of people with regards to money. They are not forcing you to buy their mod, nor are you personally entitled to their time and effort just because things have been free in the past. Chesko in particular doesn't deserve any sort of negative backlash from people like you, seeing as he is still going to offer his mods for free. Valve might need to adjust their division of payment, but beyond that, the fire that mod authors are coming under is completely misplaced. You aren't going to completely dishevel the curated workshop by intentionally making bad mods any more than the people on steam discussions are going to solve anything by threatening death on anyone who puts a price point on mods. Yes, the system is unfair. Yes, it may have seriously negative effects on the future of modding. But this kind of response from people is going to do nothing but make it all worse and make mod authors not even want to bother producing things for people, free or otherwise.

Edited by miscdude
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I'm not whoely against the idea of paying for mods(good ones that is), but everything is charged way to high. For $5 I expect to buy something DLC sized, not something that barely effects the game. For $1, I expect a good overhaul or a good quest mod, 50 cent for a good batch of armor or weapons.


This is completely rediculous and its going to split the community. The only thing I can hope for is that with paid mods, we will see a lot higher quality content come out.

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I just hope more of the modders who choose to take advantage of this carefully read the terms and services. The only positive spin on this - supporting modders - is killed when you do. They only receive 25% and the payout is only given after they've made over $100 on that specific item/mod. And you can bet that's likely $100 -after- the 75% cut, meaning they'd have to sell $400 worth of their mod before they see a dime. Ridiculous.


WTH? Thats even worse than expected, so basically what if they 'never' reach the $100 bar? So basically steam gets all the profits and the modder gets nothing period? And if you suspect the -after- 75% is real then...the modders are getting completely shafted, this can't really be legal can it? O.o

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Traitors like Chesko and Isoku are only going to pull their content if we bury their mods in terrible ratings, fill their inboxes to the brim every day, and make derivative ripoff mods of their content and encourage people to buy those instead (content that is maliciously designed to destroy the purchaser's game).

It's comments like these that make it completely impossible to take your cyber-punk-esque data war with mod authors seriously. Mod authors are not traitors just because they offer mods at a price-point, they're human beings operating in the real world. In the real world, time is money. You seem to have a grasp of that fact and the tendencies of people with regards to money. They are not forcing you to buy their mod, nor are you personally entitled to their time and effort just because things have been free in the past. Chesko in particular doesn't deserve any sort of negative backlash from people like you, seeing as he is still going to offer his mods for free. Valve might need to adjust their division of payment, but beyond that, the fire that mod authors are coming under is completely misplaced. You aren't going to completely dishevel the curated workshop by intentionally making bad mods any more than the people on steam discussions are going to solve anything by threatening death on anyone who puts a price point on mods. Yes, the system is unfair. Yes, it may have seriously negative effects on the future of modding. But this kind of response from people is going to do nothing but make it all worse and make mod authors not even want to bother producing things for people, free or otherwise.




If you are in modding for any reasons besides donating your creations to the community or to build a portfolio for REAL employment, you are in modding for the wrong reasons, and you should quit.




nor are you personally entitled to their time and effort just because things have been free in the past.


Actually it does. The only people who are feeling entitled here are the mod creators. Before Chesko was making mods, other people were making mods. Chesko probably played some of them, and I'll bet he didn't pay a single dime for them. Chesko started modding, and now I want you to tell me what makes HIS mods worthy of money that the previous generations of modders weren't? Nothing, that's what.


People got into modding knowing exactly what they were doing. If 'time is money' as you claim, and they didn't feel they were getting a return on their time, they wouldn't be modding. I have been playing with mods for various games for over two decades now, and almost nobody has ever charged for them. Now suddenly modders are entitled to being paid? No, they aren't. The status quo says that they aren't. They didn't start modding with any expectation of making money, so hearing them in here moaning and groaning that their time is so valuable is ridiculous. I know for a fact that their time isn't valuable, because twenty hours ago they were still working on their mods with zero expectation of getting paid.


Chesko absolutely deserves the flak. He's a traitor and he's helping bring Nexus down. He is one of the first names to be branded on what might be the most evil, unethical, twisted smelly dump any game company has EVER taken on gamers in the history of gaming. This is worse than Day 1 DLC, worse than Starforce DRM, worse than literally anything I can think of.


Valve will only support the pay-for Workshop for as long as content creators utilize it. 75% of any 'donation' you make to Chesko is going to Valve, for the glorious privilege of using their terrible service, and to Bethesda, who did literally nothing to earn any of that money. And Chesko is encouraging this.




But this kind of response from people is going to do nothing but make it all worse and make mod authors not even want to bother producing things for people, free or otherwise.


I would rather the entitled modders who think their time is worth more than anyone else's quit modding forever.

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Valve has killed modding.

I've played Bethesda games for thousands of hours with thousands of mods; but I'm not paying for user created content. Ever.


How will this affect the Nexus sites? Greedy modders are inevitably going to remove their mods from the Nexus in favor of the Steam Workshop. So much for Mod Organizer.

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Valve has killed modding.

I've played Bethesda games for thousands of hours with thousands of mods; but I'm not paying for user created content. Ever.


How will this affect the Nexus sites? Greedy modders are inevitably going to remove their mods from the Nexus in favor of the Steam Workshop. So much for Mod Organizer.

I expect this ends with the Nexus getting DMCA'd and taken down.

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Valve has killed modding.

I've played Bethesda games for thousands of hours with thousands of mods; but I'm not paying for user created content. Ever.


How will this affect the Nexus sites? Greedy modders are inevitably going to remove their mods from the Nexus in favor of the Steam Workshop. So much for Mod Organizer.

I expect this ends with the Nexus getting DMCA'd and taken down.



I doubt that. No, either the modding community will rally around and decisively exile modders who put their content on Steam Workshops; or, eventually this site will just dry up.


Bethesda is betting on the latter. DRM for future games is a potential consequence, but that remains to be seen. As of now, Skyrim Nexus is not going anywhere. The question is, are we strong enough to support the people who mod and are those modders strong enough to resist the pull?

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