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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24562194. #24562354, #24562709, #24563084, #24563309, #24563459, #24563644, #24563674, #24563819, #24563864, #24563879, #24564044 are all replies on the same post.

trainwiz wrote:
Dark0ne wrote: Like.
NoDebate wrote: Thank you trainwiz. You my n'wah.
raupao wrote: You give me hope.
enrikiller wrote: But goy, don't you know there's mad shekels to be made?
yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote: As will mine.
EWM333 wrote: Much appreciated
peppefarina wrote: THANKS trainwiz... sadly i think there surely will be some good/big modders that won't be as enlightened as you are... and they will be lured in this marketing campain that's taking place "on the other side" pretty fast pretty badly...
Bellasimo wrote: good boy :) Thanks
forellenfischer wrote: awesome!
lordburnch wrote: Never thought I would see the day were Dark0ne agreed with Trainwiz. Good sport Trainwiz.

Have a Kudos point from me, Trainwiz. You've made some awesome stuff, and I'm glad it is staying free.
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I think the main problem is that valve is not prepared for this. They cant even manage to keep their greenlight, early access and store clean.


How can they think the will manage to curate thousands of mods for hundreds of games.


And if a company or a creator files a copyright claim who will handle that? Valve? The uploader? Bethesda?


There will be a lot of fights, because of copied mods, copied assets, etc.

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In response to post #24564064. #24564289 is also a reply to the same post.

savagesouls wrote:
Faralai wrote: It will hurt it badly, greedy modders will stop posting here and might just stick to steam where they can make money.

I feel sick, knowing that since this is actually happening much sooner than I thought it would, what follows next will be worse... as Sandhorse said.

and reiterating what I mentioned in Dark0ne's previous post, "You'll be hard pressed to find a good mod for free", it's only a matter of time before more people get enticed by the lure of money. Edited by Aedred
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Effectively, this threatens the way modding has functioned on the Steam Workshop so far.


Offering this option for modders to charge for their content I feel is definitely a slippery slope and if the entire Steam Workshop begins to follow this business model it could completely destroy the Workshop as an open modding platform, community content is essentially an extension of the game itself and this is crossing a line towards becoming similar to the way AAA developers charge microtransactions for smaller DLC packages. Modding has always offered an alternative to this model and it would be quite tragic to see modding become like this if this trend spreads.


I do not believe there is anything wrong with allowing users to donate to mod creators when they have enjoyed the content, but the content should still allow the user to play the mod for free.

Edited by XGRazor
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In response to post #24562744. #24562994, #24563154, #24563214, #24563259, #24563324, #24563384, #24563414, #24563474, #24564299 are all replies on the same post.

galger2013 wrote:
aceventura45 wrote: You haven't seen the recent posts made on the Wet and Cold mod here, at nexus. Everyone is ripping on isoku. There are a lot of people calling him/her nasty things. I'm sorry, internet assholes are everywhere, nexus is sadly no exception.
FiendishGhoul wrote: Uh, no, I'll stand up for the Nexus' users here (or maybe the moderators, not sure), because there's a big difference between saying that you've uninstalled or unendorsed or whatever, versus some of the really extremely virulent language I was reading over on Steam.
TenderHooligan wrote: @aceventura

Yeah. I get people being mad, but I saw those comments on W&C and felt disgusted. If those are the sort of entitled and immature people most mod authors have to deal with all the time, then I can understand why they'd want some $ for it.

@FiendishGhoul...I've seen some of the virulent language here on Nexus as well. Certainly not as bad as on Steam, but it's there. Expect to see a lot of ban reports coming in today.
Lordkabal26 wrote: I'm not gonna rip on him but I don't agree with his decision to lock it behind a paywall. He's not gonna have as many people accessing it if he released it for free here as well. And with less people using it there will be more bugs going undetected.

I for one won't be buying his mods, or ANY mods on the workshop if there isn't a corresponding release here on the Nexus as I don't use workshop mods, I download from here in most cases as I make use of the Nexus categories in Mod Organizer to keep my mods organized
NoDebate wrote: Folks are pissed. The ability to spew what you like is very easy on the internet. That said, the execution may be off base but, the message is clear.
SvarogNL wrote: Well.. Wet and Cold uses SKSE assets en have no persmission to be Sold.

It's a major flaw in the system.
About68cows wrote: Yeah the people who use the workshop clearly don't want to actually do something about it.
Darkieus wrote: The only thing I did on the W&C is say I'm unendorsing and uninstalling. I don't support their behavior, especially when they have tidbits of other people's work inside their own.
bootrocket wrote: @ Darkieus: And your point is EXACTLY the legal "fly in the ointment." This is going to be interesting. Beth will argue that they do not have to pay for the other tidbits because they weren't copyrighted and they were offered in the public domain. Might get messy. I hope Dark0ne has a copyright or two in place.

Wait until you see the comments from actual users (customers), who bought the mod and something didn't work...

But what is the worst here is paid mods based on other people's work. Like animations requiring FNIS or SKSE. This is an extremely bad precedent, because in the future either:

- people will release only paid for frameworks
- people will profit from someone else's free frameworks

Both things will have capacity to end modding community as we know it.
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I'm all for donating to mod creators especially mods that i adore and enjoy thoroughly, however the way valves is doing things where you have to pay to play the content I no longer feel like I'm donating to a content creator I appreciate, but rather purchasing a micro transaction.
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i think there are 3 possible outcomes....

1. it really takes off and many people with switch and we will see many new games with paid mods (help us god this wont happen)

2. it will have mediocre success and the community will be split...

3. it will be a huge failure and those who chose to put their mods on the workshop will have an asterisk next to their name till we forget

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