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Giving back to mod authors who won’t charge


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Good. Part of the process of showing that we actually believe that this way is better is to show that it works.



I've donated up to 50 dollars to individual mod authors when their mods showed the qualities of scope, quality, and support - and, most importantly, that they had actually enriched my experience with the game dramatically in a way that gave me many hours of fun.



One such mod is Sands of Time: Ultimate Deadly Encounters. The author has been working on it for a little over three years, the mod will affect nearly every area in the game due to the fact that it dynamically adds more, and larger, encounters to the game. Several times the author has taken great pains, and put in a lot of grueling hours, to overhaul the way the guts of the mod work to make it more compatible, and increase it's performance. If you post an issue with the mod in the mod's comment sections, the author will likely respond that day, and will patiently try to help you solve your issue - this often happens several times per day. His mod has given me hundreds of hours of fun that the vanilla game never could have, so I sent the message that his thousands of hours were appreciated by dropping a big fat wad of cash in his lap. Best part? He got the entire wad, instead of just 25% of it.



Another such mod is PerMa. T3nd0 has pretty much lost his sanity working on his perk overhaul, and to compensate him for his horribly broken mind I tossed him a fat wad of cash.




Now, I don't expect everyone to donate 50 bucks a pop. In fact I don't expect anyone to donate anything - this isn't about demanding that people donate, or guilting them into donating. I also know that we don't all have heaps of disposable income - I sure don't. However, I am urging you... the next time you're going to buy a six pack of beer, or head to burger king for a burger, or grab a bag of doritos at the store, or are going to the cinema to watch an hour and a half movie for eighteen dollars - consider that you do have some disposable income, and you could use it to show some of these authors that their work is not only appreciated, but that it has value to you.



Let's show all parties involved why our way is better.

Edited by FishBiter
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In spirit of this thread, I'd like to offer my time & skill as an amateur voice actor for legit modders who are sharing their free mods to the Nexus community. I'm not a professional VA by any means, but I have an alright reading voice, good quality mic & recording software.


I'd gladly function as an extra female voice (adult or kid) for an extra/backround role. I've a light, melodic & soft-spoken voice. I'm okay with accents, and can certainly adapt/learn more if needed.

I wouldn't charge for my time, but do ask for credit. I do not offer my assistance to people who intend to sell their mods, nor for any sexual/suggestive content.


If you agree with my terms, toss me a PM with your idea. I'd love to help this community & keep it sharing.

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Without touching on anything else about this situation as it's not the place, I absolutely don't like the 25/75 cut. It should go entirely to the mod author(s).


I'm also going to start donating, hopefully a little each month to a different mod author who has their mods on the Nexus for free, that I use and love. While Skyrim itself is a wonderful game, it's the mods that keep me coming back to play! It's not going to be a lot, but it's something to give back to the people who have made these last couple of years full of memorable Skyrim adventures.


By the way - PayPal will automatically convert my USD to whatever currency they need, right? I haven't used that old thing in about at least a year and only yesterday updated my email and number so I could do just this.


*retreats into obscurity*

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