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In response to post #24625229. #24625289, #24625319, #24625374 are all replies on the same post.

jfisha wrote:
WightMage wrote: They intend to keep all of their works for free use, forever and ever, and don't really mind if people require their mods to use SKSE.
digitaltrucker wrote: The SKSE team has committed to the SKSE remaining free, but other than that they're not taking a stance.
jfisha wrote: That's reassuring. SKSE is a terrific resource.

So, they don't care if people charge for a mod that needs SKSE to run? Doesn't really matter to me, it's their product. Just wanting to know

Nevermind. The SKSE team has issued a statement on their official download page. Edited by jfisha
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In response to post #24624259. #24624584, #24624889, #24625014, #24625214, #24625334 are all replies on the same post.

ltp777 wrote:
cTuck88 wrote: "Without that incentive, future games may only support mods via Steam."

This is my biggest concern of this whole ordeal. What happens if the publishers and developers see this as a potential for extra cash flow and do start putting in DRM-like gates to force all mods through Steam? Free sites like the Nexus would be targeted by these companies and would have the legal hammer dropped down hard. Modding anarchists would find ways around said DRM-like ways, but that would push the modding scene underground and make us (in the corporate eye) no better than pirates.
digitaltrucker wrote: That future is likely to happen in any case. And if (when) it does, any unauthorized modder will be no different than someone who torrented the original game.
Foedawg wrote: The hell are you talking about?
digitaltrucker wrote: What am I talking about? It's entirely possible (perhaps inevitable?) that a Steam exclusive game will only be allowed to run mods that originate on Steam. If or when that happens, playing said game with a mod from somewhere other than Steam will be considered piracy because the player would have to have either a cracked game or cracked client to run it.

WightMage wrote: What if, much like a market for games with no DRM, there was now a demand for games that allowed you to use mods from any website?

This is what I fear.

My personal opinion, the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout will have this feature.
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In response to post #24624259. #24624584, #24624889, #24625014, #24625214, #24625334, #24625614 are all replies on the same post.

ltp777 wrote:
cTuck88 wrote: "Without that incentive, future games may only support mods via Steam."

This is my biggest concern of this whole ordeal. What happens if the publishers and developers see this as a potential for extra cash flow and do start putting in DRM-like gates to force all mods through Steam? Free sites like the Nexus would be targeted by these companies and would have the legal hammer dropped down hard. Modding anarchists would find ways around said DRM-like ways, but that would push the modding scene underground and make us (in the corporate eye) no better than pirates.
digitaltrucker wrote: That future is likely to happen in any case. And if (when) it does, any unauthorized modder will be no different than someone who torrented the original game.
Foedawg wrote: The hell are you talking about?
digitaltrucker wrote: What am I talking about? It's entirely possible (perhaps inevitable?) that a Steam exclusive game will only be allowed to run mods that originate on Steam. If or when that happens, playing said game with a mod from somewhere other than Steam will be considered piracy because the player would have to have either a cracked game or cracked client to run it.

WightMage wrote: What if, much like a market for games with no DRM, there was now a demand for games that allowed you to use mods from any website?

Jsmorris14 wrote: This is what I fear.

My personal opinion, the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout will have this feature.

I suddenly have a bad feeling about this special press conference Bethesda is throwing at the beginning of E3. As soon as I heard about it, I knew it was going to revolve around something REALLY significant. That's just too much money to spend to announce some games. Let's face it, FO:4 or TESVI don't need much hype.
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In response to post #24624259. #24624584, #24624889, #24625014, #24625214, #24625334, #24625614, #24625804 are all replies on the same post.

ltp777 wrote:
cTuck88 wrote: "Without that incentive, future games may only support mods via Steam."

This is my biggest concern of this whole ordeal. What happens if the publishers and developers see this as a potential for extra cash flow and do start putting in DRM-like gates to force all mods through Steam? Free sites like the Nexus would be targeted by these companies and would have the legal hammer dropped down hard. Modding anarchists would find ways around said DRM-like ways, but that would push the modding scene underground and make us (in the corporate eye) no better than pirates.
digitaltrucker wrote: That future is likely to happen in any case. And if (when) it does, any unauthorized modder will be no different than someone who torrented the original game.
Foedawg wrote: The hell are you talking about?
digitaltrucker wrote: What am I talking about? It's entirely possible (perhaps inevitable?) that a Steam exclusive game will only be allowed to run mods that originate on Steam. If or when that happens, playing said game with a mod from somewhere other than Steam will be considered piracy because the player would have to have either a cracked game or cracked client to run it.

WightMage wrote: What if, much like a market for games with no DRM, there was now a demand for games that allowed you to use mods from any website?

Jsmorris14 wrote: This is what I fear.

My personal opinion, the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout will have this feature.
digitaltrucker wrote: I suddenly have a bad feeling about this special press conference Bethesda is throwing at the beginning of E3. As soon as I heard about it, I knew it was going to revolve around something REALLY significant. That's just too much money to spend to announce some games. Let's face it, FO:4 or TESVI don't need much hype.

Funny my brother and I were talking about that earlier today. Beth touches the creation kit after years, this all happens yesterday with the paid workshop. I think they could be testing the waters to see how people would react to this before just dropping the bomb at E3.
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In response to post #24609684. #24612654 is also a reply to the same post.

z929669 wrote:
WightMage wrote: I'm glad to see that STEP is still around. :)

Thanks ... hopefully, the majority of mods will still be available from the Nexus. Otherwise, we'll need to rethink a few things. Time will tell if this pay-for implementation is as half baked as it appears to be.
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In response to post #24624549. #24625119, #24625144 are all replies on the same post.

DrImportantInformation wrote:
digitaltrucker wrote: That pop-up would violate Nexus TOS.
WightMage wrote: Maybe it's time for Bethesda to step aside, and to let a new company and new video game be our beacon.

It was more than likely Beth's parent company that moved on this not Beth.
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The Love of Money is the root of all evil, they say. I fear for the future of projects like Nexus and Elder Scrolls modding communities.


Thanks for the update. I only recently learned of this change with Steam. It's good to get a more in-depth review of it and the potential danger posed. I hope people will be able to resist that urge, because it only gives Steam incentive to try and monopolize all modding efforts.


If people want to make a profit off another's work, that's just despicable. More so when that original author made their work out of love for gaming. Hopefully there's a greater number of decent individuals than opportunistic ones.

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In response to post #24597829. #24598674, #24599279, #24599624, #24621674, #24622339, #24622439, #24623969 are all replies on the same post.

anarkywolf wrote:
Shadow_Dragyn wrote: They are not viable. The number of people who actually donate anything to any mod is literally several decimal places beneath a fraction of a percent. Some people are trying to put up crappy or stolen mods for a fee out of greed, but that isn't the norm.
The truly greedy ones are people who blindly oppose this, who've never in their life donated a single penny to actually support a modder, all because they want to continue getting stuff for free at the expense of someone else's time and energy.
People do not donate, and that's why something like this is necessary to help support modding and let it grow.
Finances have been the main thing keeping me from being able to mod as much as I would like, and I'm not the only person who has been facing that kind of issue.
How many times have you seen someone release a quality outfit that was not made of recycled parts? Hardly ever, because once someone has enough skill to actually do something like that, they'd be better off creating it for someone else's game, or even their own game, and getting paid for it.
Even Faalskar was created simply because the author was confident that he could land a job off of it. No one could justify devoting that kind of time and energy without getting anything back from it.
A "hobby" is not something everyone has the luxury of spending much time on, especially in cases like this when you already clearly have the hobby of playing video games and this would directly eat into that.
BattlemasterRiin wrote: @Shadow

No, the greedy ones are those that EXPECT compensation. I for one, will never, EVER buy a mod off Steam. I will however, donate to authors I feel deserve it. Do you think those that refuse to donate are going to instead BUY the mod? hah! If anything, it's only hurting the Modders, those would would normally donate now will not, if the Mod is up for sale on the Workshop.
Shadow_Dragyn wrote: I think you're missing the point. If no one buys a single mod, it's all the same regardless.
I would really like to know who, if anyone, you have ever actually donated to.
This isn't stopping anyone from donating, because they never donated in the first place. Modders are not the monsters here. It's the people who have never given anything back to the community demonizing the people who actually do.
If you truly have donated to anyone, then good on you. But the number of people who really have is astronomically small.
Particularly in contrast to the massive wave of people crying foul about this.
GanonDarkLord wrote: I actually just found out about the donations bit of the nexus today (never took the time to look at the creators profiles in detail) and donated to my top 4 favorites. As the month goes on I'll donate to the rest of creators of the mods I use.
qwert44643qaz wrote: I stand with shadow on this..now even the mod users who agree with modders who would like to make a buck are being attacked.
And you are right about the donations..i have over a 100 mods and have only donated $20 to 1 modder...i plan on donating a bit to my favorite mods next week on payday.
Ghatto wrote: "The truly greedy ones are people who blindly oppose this, who've never in their life donated a single penny to actually support a modder, all because they want to continue getting stuff for free at the expense of someone else's time and energy."

Hahaha. Nobody is being greedy or entitled man. Nobody had to donate because it was never a charity. Sure people could if they wanted to, and I'm fine with that. However nobody has been stealing or taking or screwing over anybody until now. Nobody forced these modders to make anything and nobody could. Nobody needed to make free mods and nobody deserved free mods but look at that... this site was full of them.

I did nothing but sit on my butt and free stuff appeared. No entitlement. No greed.
Joeblivion wrote: @ Shadow_Dragyn

I think the reason people are revolting against 'their' free content being taken away, is because the mod makers gave this free content up willingly to begin with.

They did it with the pretense and knowledge that MANY people will not donate. If the mod maker was really serious about getting donations, they would not go through a service that makes it optional.

I think (and hope) that most mod makers do it for some sense of personal satisfaction. I mean, if they didn't, then why would they do it?

I think that is why the community is all of a sudden confused and frustrated that what was once given up freely, paid for in admiration and respect, is now being paid for with dollar bills.

Your belief that we are all ungrateful, free loaders is pretty condescending. We love mods, we love the makers of the mods, only severe materialists would say that we can only show that appreciation by throwing paper at those mod makers.

Agreed, donations are not viable. I've actually never recieved a single donation, but I find it hilarious how people opposed to this are suddenly acting like donations will save this whole thing and make everything okay again when they've never donated in their lives.
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