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Well i think another line crossed now.Where are times where games are was maked for gamers,mods by modders who do that cause they had free time and some vision and just want to show look how good is etc.I think world of games comes to dark and grim era.
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First post - Make no mistake this is a declaration of war against Nexus and free modding in general for lots of titles beyond just Skyrim. This is the alamo or rorkes drift of modding as we know it right now.


If this isnt stopped now then Nexus will either be made an offer it cant refuse or hit with legals so that workshop has the monopoly - which is obviously what is coming with Fallout 4.


over 70,000 on the petition already and like cyrus said probably double or triple that not organised but ready to fight. thumbnail maths say dont buy FO 4 $50 x 200,000 = thats $10mill right there that Bethesda just flushed down the toilet.


Same again say abstaining from steam sale? ouchies.


and dont believe people are actually buying into the paid mods as 'it seems' already. Valvethesda have thought this through enough to throw some funnybux at it to make it look that way. Same thing happened before with other valve-economy stuff.


This move is corporate externalization, it's all about profit and not about the modders at all. There wont be any modding as we know it left in the future if we let this slide.

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In response to post #24634739.

Arendella wrote:

They're obsessed with control. These were the guys that once championed the PC as the best place for gaming. Now theyre turning into complete Nazi's. Its really sad to be a PC gamer right now. They have fallen out of touch. Bethesda too.
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Let's try this again. If this is a double post, please forgive. It looks like the first post was eaten.


Well, I've had a night's sleep after spending hours here, Steam forums, and in a Steam protest group chat.

Typically when I get riled up at something on the internet, I burn for a while, then thought settles in and I decide maybe I overreacted in some way.


Let me check...

Nope, I still feel the same way.


This is just the beginning. An expiriment on an old and well established, well loved game title with a tight-knit community.


Introduce *change*, throw a few sacrificial lambs to the wolves (approached modders under NDA. Sorry guys, you were used like tools then thrown away), weather the storm of the internet backlash.


The next step is some form of capitulation by Valvthesda. Something they've already planned. And make no mistake, this has been in the planning for months. Modders under NDA a month ago, talks between Valve and Bethesda, lawyers, accounting, programming, etc. This is not something that developed overnight.


Anyway, capitulation... Valvthesda throwing a bone to the wolves and hoping that they've both picked one users will accept cause it's 'better' (just look at people saying %25 is better than nothing, despite how insulting that actually is), and beaten users into submission by the sheer volume of outrage (noise) previously generated.


Now that everyone's settled into a model that the short attention spans of the masses will accept. Bethesda drops the next big game at E3 (or wherever) where all mods will be paid... to support modders!!!!! And anyone creating content that's not both on steam and behind a paywall will get a cease-and-desist order.


Now, expand this to other moddable games in the future. Valve sells this idea and whatever model they've settled on to publishers. Welcome to the world of paying for patches created by users, not in-house developers.


Some will resist, some will say no, but some will see the dollar signs. And the people who know nothing of forums or other sites will buy into it. Valve and the Bethesdas will maintain hands off, and we loose.


Yes, modders should have the opportunity to be rewarded for their hard work. But this is blurring the line between a modder creating something out of love (for the game, for creation itself, etc) and third-world sweat shop DLC and patch development.

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In response to post #24634654.

drizzt1666 wrote:

If you put a restriction on newly registered users, what will happen is that the modding community on the nexus will stop growing alltogether, because gamers that are new to modding will think they have no other choice but to keep using the Steam workshop's shitty subscription system, what with the nexus apparently being some stand-offish elitist group. What would you have them do? Write a certain amount of forum entries? How are they supposed to do that if they don't have access to the content that is being discussed?
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In response to post #24595984. #24596844 is also a reply to the same post.

RussellCrowe4021 wrote:
GuerillaTech wrote: https://www.change.org/p/valve-remove-the-paid-content-of-the-steam-workshop
here's one that's dying for your signature.

On a side note, that guy/gal who made Immersive Air, or HD Air... should upload that onto the steam workshop as a paid mod. Nothing lightens the mood like a little satire now and then? ;)

Signed the petition too, this needs to be stoped in the tracks.
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In response to post #24628009. #24628194, #24630189, #24630334, #24631754 are all replies on the same post.

Jinxxed0 wrote:
79dsninja wrote: Agreed.. I dont want the nexus to turn into a "mod demo" place that redirects everything to a pay walled dlc on the workshop..
badiyee85 wrote: I second this. No FREEMIUM mods please.
Milleuros wrote: Agree.

But it poses a problem.
Admit there is no more SkyUI on Nexus. How many mods require SkyUI to work?
WightMage wrote: What if someone just makes a replacement for Sky UI?

It's not like we don't have dozens of mods that already do the same thing. We really need to get over the mentality of any modder being irreplaceable, because frankly, no one is.

They built their mods using the same tools that are available to everyone who owns Skyrim.

No mods require SkyUI. Some mods require MCM, a component of SkyUI. So an alternative to MCM is what's needed.
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