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In response to post #24638949.

TheThirdRace wrote:

What if you're 14 and don't have an account for donated money to go into?

I don't know why anyone would shame an author simply for allowing donations. Even if someone did... why should anyone care?

I do agree the Nexus (and everyone else) should keep a level head, adapt, and keep moving forward though. :)
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I would like to request a flag on the page that shows "mod supporter" after donation. People like achievements. This could be seen as such. Honestly this could also be shown in a page for the end user as a list of all supported mods. I DO donate to mods. The hard part is I rarely remember which ones I have donated to. I have donated to mods more than once on purpose. I may have unintentionally when the money could have been distributed to another mod.


Thank you for reading this request in advance.

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In response to post #24638949. #24639859 is also a reply to the same post.

TheThirdRace wrote:
Obscerno wrote: What if you're 14 and don't have an account for donated money to go into?

I don't know why anyone would shame an author simply for allowing donations. Even if someone did... why should anyone care?

I do agree the Nexus (and everyone else) should keep a level head, adapt, and keep moving forward though. :)

basically, take the humble bundle approach, but with 'get this for free' being an option. And that seems reasonable.
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In response to post #24637214. #24638794 is also a reply to the same post.

lioncoke wrote:
lioncoke wrote: I also forgot to state that should the Mod break or no longer work you have to ask the Mod Author to fix it, or if they can. If they can you have to wait and see if the Mod author will fix it, if they can't well your outta luck then...
What would happen if the mod author should up and abandon the mod at one point and the Mod breaks? I know that would lead to a sh*t storm (forgive my language) but I don't truthfully know.

End of long rant. :P

you make a very valid point. people expect support for something they paid for. so you could find yourself trapped in support doom trying to make your mod work with everything else under the sun or risk rage attached to your name.
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In response to post #24638949. #24639859, #24640084 are all replies on the same post.

TheThirdRace wrote:
Obscerno wrote: What if you're 14 and don't have an account for donated money to go into?

I don't know why anyone would shame an author simply for allowing donations. Even if someone did... why should anyone care?

I do agree the Nexus (and everyone else) should keep a level head, adapt, and keep moving forward though. :)
DFX2K9 wrote: basically, take the humble bundle approach, but with 'get this for free' being an option. And that seems reasonable.

If I wanted a mod, do you actually think I would stop to consider not trying it out because the donation thingy came on the screen? Utterly pants-on-head silly just to suggest it.
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In response to post #24638949. #24639859, #24640084, #24640149 are all replies on the same post.

TheThirdRace wrote:
Obscerno wrote: What if you're 14 and don't have an account for donated money to go into?

I don't know why anyone would shame an author simply for allowing donations. Even if someone did... why should anyone care?

I do agree the Nexus (and everyone else) should keep a level head, adapt, and keep moving forward though. :)
DFX2K9 wrote: basically, take the humble bundle approach, but with 'get this for free' being an option. And that seems reasonable.
anonownsyou wrote: If I wanted a mod, do you actually think I would stop to consider not trying it out because the donation thingy came on the screen? Utterly pants-on-head silly just to suggest it.

Group mentality. 1 person alone can easily stay leveled headed, put 100 of them in a group and they become batshit crazy...

I'm just saying that giving mod authors the choice to display a donation button or popup put the spot on them, makes it their responsibility and this in turn will make them accountable in the eyes of the lynching mob, however small it may be.

Removing the choice from mod authors also removes their responsibility about it. They're basically untouchable. It doesn't take much for a mod author to just call it quit and bring all his mods down. All it takes is 1 rotten apple in the lot to just piss you off enough...

What I suggest is simply to smooth out the transition to a modding world with money involved. People will complain and try to pin that frustration on someone. The Nexus can't afford to turn away mod authors because they're the blood of its business. Without mod author, is there any community? Why put them in a spot that could potentially harm them?

As for a 14 years old teenagers that doesn't have an account for donated money, I say it's easy to solve. Either get your parents involved so you can get a hold on those donations, offer an option to give donations to the Nexus in support, offer an option to give donations to a charity chosen by the Nexus (which we know the Dark0ne is pretty transparent about his decisions so it shouldn't be a problem to chose one for him and present it pretty clear for everyone to see it's legit and clean). Edited by TheThirdRace
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Modders that share their work actually deserve a kind of reimbursement imo, hobby or not.

If that was compulsary I would wonder, how many mods that enchance and improve my game

could I actually afford? Apart from that I always would buy the cat in the bag referring to a refund deadline of only 24 hrs - except modders their work I already know.

On the other hand a purchase system would (as mentioned here earlier) bear the risk of and give the incentive for abuse to the detriment of the authentic modders.Their work and achievements

could and would be stolen and were stolen already.

That is the dilemma imo.


I think that the new system the Nexus team are working on is the approppriate way to solve that issue and I hope and wish that it will take the effect as intended.


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In response to post #24637214. #24638794, #24640134 are all replies on the same post.

lioncoke wrote:
lioncoke wrote: I also forgot to state that should the Mod break or no longer work you have to ask the Mod Author to fix it, or if they can. If they can you have to wait and see if the Mod author will fix it, if they can't well your outta luck then...
What would happen if the mod author should up and abandon the mod at one point and the Mod breaks? I know that would lead to a sh*t storm (forgive my language) but I don't truthfully know.

End of long rant. :P
DFX2K9 wrote: you make a very valid point. people expect support for something they paid for. so you could find yourself trapped in support doom trying to make your mod work with everything else under the sun or risk rage attached to your name.

Purity already have 765 current subscribers, midas magic have 418 and wet and cold have 461. So I guess they already got their money.
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