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In response to post #24595984. #24596844, #24635709 are all replies on the same post.

RussellCrowe4021 wrote:
GuerillaTech wrote: https://www.change.org/p/valve-remove-the-paid-content-of-the-steam-workshop
here's one that's dying for your signature.

On a side note, that guy/gal who made Immersive Air, or HD Air... should upload that onto the steam workshop as a paid mod. Nothing lightens the mood like a little satire now and then? ;)
SchwererGustav wrote: Signed the petition too, this needs to be stoped in the tracks.

Glad to see so many signing the petition now all we need is to plaster that link all over the place :) and just maybe we should all upload fake content to steam to sabotage their devious cash grab :P
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In response to post #24628009. #24628194, #24630189, #24630334, #24631754, #24636064 are all replies on the same post.

Jinxxed0 wrote:
79dsninja wrote: Agreed.. I dont want the nexus to turn into a "mod demo" place that redirects everything to a pay walled dlc on the workshop..
badiyee85 wrote: I second this. No FREEMIUM mods please.
Milleuros wrote: Agree.

But it poses a problem.
Admit there is no more SkyUI on Nexus. How many mods require SkyUI to work?
WightMage wrote: What if someone just makes a replacement for Sky UI?

It's not like we don't have dozens of mods that already do the same thing. We really need to get over the mentality of any modder being irreplaceable, because frankly, no one is.

They built their mods using the same tools that are available to everyone who owns Skyrim.
digitaltrucker wrote: No mods require SkyUI. Some mods require MCM, a component of SkyUI. So an alternative to MCM is what's needed.

In game pop-ups with "buy the full version" ads when you install a free mod...

They did it !


(More to come soon)
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Yup, I don't really like paid mods at all, I would rather see a system where you can opt to donate, though the fact that you can set it so there's a minimum and maximum you can pay for the mod is better than nothing. The problem I really have with this is that neither Valve or Bethesda are taking responsibility that mods don't get stolen and uploaded even though they both take stolen money at that point as well as the pirate author. If they want to take a cut from the pie, they need to work for it by keeping stolen mods out of the workshop, or you get like what youtube has where people just claim other peoples video and take the money untill everything has been resolved.
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In response to post #24630679. #24630994, #24631019, #24633789, #24634364 are all replies on the same post.

TohouAsura wrote:
Impulseman45 wrote: Sims 3, yeah, i remember how that all fell apart. just one big screw after another and every time they updated the game all the custom content was totally broken and to be remade. Very bad choices there. I gave my copies to my brother kids, now they wont even play them.
Asyrin wrote: Meh, many of us support modders having the option to be paid for their work.
TohouAsura wrote: There's donations for that.

Money should not be a requirement to get access to user-made content.

This is not a job or a profession, it's a passion-driven hobby. Monetizing it destroys the very thing it's built upon -- love for the game and community.
El`derina wrote: its the modders choice, not yours nor mine. So while I agree this is stupid, there really isn't much of a stance we even can take.

personally I think this is corporate greed at its worse. I hope valve drowns for this... Bethesda, well... I need them around a bit longer for some more awesome games.

It was a choice beforehand aswell, a modder could easily demand compensation for using his mod. Now it is actively enforced by a third party too.

I don't think that when you make something for the general public it's up to you to decide the price, even if you assume it's worth by yourself, considering it's not actually 100% your work, and it's not licensed material.

So honestly, I think it should be free, mostly because there is no reason it shouldn't be, other than personal want for profit. Modding is not a profession, it's a hobby, it does not require a budget nor much manpower, it's also not professional work and nothing is guaranteed to work right as there is no actual QA or organizational infrastructure, it's a hobbyist pastime and monetizing it will actually make proper modding support impossible.

You can't complain on a mod not working too much when it's free, but when you pay for it and it makes problems, you can damn well demand a refund and better long-time support.

This is a self-binding contract that I doubt many modders can dedicate themselves to, if at all.

It's also not legally binding on the workshop either, if 24hours pass and you didn't ask a refund (which is very much likely because there's no guarantee you'll encounter a game breaking issue in the first day), you are very well f*cked as the modder is not entitled to fix anything.

This is a bad move for everyone involved.
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I just want to say a big thank you to Dark0ne and the Nexus for all they do, for keeping mods free and for keeping everyone informed. I think the thing that separates the Nexus from steam is the community here and how open and respectful everyone is toward each other. I hope that never changes because it's something that other sites just don't have and us gamers are lucky to be able to be a part of a site like this.
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I think the competition will be good for modders in the long run. There's actually pressure now for the Nexus to get these donation updates out there before they start hemorrhaging talent. That's awesome.


Hopefully we'll see the Nexus and Valve going back and forth trying to sweeten the pot over the years to come. Despite all of the controversy, I'm glad that the idea that a modder's time is valuable has finally been brought into the public eye.

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In response to post #24635044. #24636004 is also a reply to the same post.

Reaper0021 wrote:
ChocoBinga wrote: Interesting, thanks for sharing that.

That clarifies the situation a lot - also who are the bad guys.
This reduces the value of a collaborative, one of a kind effort, presented on the nexus since the Morrovind days, to a few dollars, euros or whatever.
I love you guys for standing up for the community.
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In response to post #24636769.

Obscerno wrote:

In game pop-up in "free" mods for the paying version, paying cheat mods, lawsuits coming soon for copyright issues, talented modders getting insulted, mods getting hidden by their creators, shitstorm all over...

I dont know what you consider as long run, but the short term consequences are very clear.
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If a mod author wants to be paid for his work on his mod, okay fine.

But I have to question your Logic if you even are thinking about going through with Steam paid Mods. No you won’t get rich, but have you even done the math for this? Let’s take Wet and Cold by isoku which sales for 4.99 USD by default for example here. 25% go to the mod author while 75% goes to Steam, Beth and god knows who. 4.99*.25= 1.25 (rounded), 4.99*.75= 3.74 (rounded).

I have heard chat about that you only get money after 100 USD, and some other things that after 100 USD there are fees of some sort. But that’s here say and i don't what true or not but no matter. To get at least 100.80 USD you need about 84 people to buy that mod at 4.99 USD, and that is the Mod author pay cut. While the other 75% of this would be a grant total of 314.16, and then divided up by Beth, Steam and whoever else.

Even if 314.16 USD is divided equally, Steam and Beth are still making more than the mod author. And that's IF there are 84 people willing to buy it for 4.99 USD.

(I'm not a math wiz so if you see something wrong with my math, please correct me.)

This is chump change, and Beth/Steam is making a cash cow out of you. Plus god knows what else they put in this payment policy, that atm I don’t know about. This is a very bad idea and a few people have learned this the very hard way.


I also have a problem with some people say they left modding and now with a new passion to mod once more due to Paid Mods. That is VERY concerning. Due to the fact that Money brought you back to modding. That is very worrying as money doesn’t always make everything better… Don’t get me wrong, money can help but it can very well make things WORSE.


Mod stealing. Fake mods. Mods that have other people contain, and are put up for sell without asking that person. Oh No. This is already hell on the internet this will happen on Paid Mods. People will lose money, we will lose mods because of the fear to have them stolen and make money off of them; we already have. We already know what happen with Chesko. And there will be a massive boom of bloated fake mods if you will on Steam workshop if paid mods become a thing. That’s going to be a nightmare to walk though.


Mods are great in all, but most players have LARGE MOD LIST! I included. And mods do and will break games, conflict with other mods, and do all sorts of crazy stuff. Buying a mod can easily ruin anyone’s day, as if it doesn’t show what it broke till late game and you’re unable to get a refund because it past 24 hr. It’s even worse for a new comer to the modding seen. May the gods have mercy on that Mod author should that ever happen; and it will. And this is why I won’t buy mods. Mods are very unstable and can break the game, the game could break the mod, even conflict with other mods and even cause huge problems if you don’t have the mods it needs or it wasn’t install it in the right order! A lot of things could go wrong with mods… Even worse if money is involved.


Here is some friendly advice from a common person of the world. Use common sense, Read the FINE PRINT and for good sakes do your math!


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