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Quick updates to the site, money money money edition


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In response to post #24595984. #24596844, #24635709, #24636139 are all replies on the same post.

RussellCrowe4021 wrote:
GuerillaTech wrote: https://www.change.org/p/valve-remove-the-paid-content-of-the-steam-workshop
here's one that's dying for your signature.

On a side note, that guy/gal who made Immersive Air, or HD Air... should upload that onto the steam workshop as a paid mod. Nothing lightens the mood like a little satire now and then? ;)
SchwererGustav wrote: Signed the petition too, this needs to be stoped in the tracks.
ShaThraX wrote: Glad to see so many signing the petition now all we need is to plaster that link all over the place :) and just maybe we should all upload fake content to steam to sabotage their devious cash grab :P

I signed as well. Donations are well and good, this is just going to do more damage. To easy to steal ideas, mods, and resources and post here. Way to many Mods, Resources and other modding sites to monitor them all.
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Just some quick thought : how far can paid modding go ?


First, consider that Steam owns all rights for the games you purchase.


Currently we have modders who stop support/updates for the free version of the mod and will only continue with the non-free version.

Indeed, many people will prefer having a few less features but for free. That's when the modder will say : "heck, all this work I made back then, I want to be rewarded for it". Then he deletes his free files on websites such as the Nexus. At this point, all mods that needed the first one as a pre-requisite will collapse and the mod will not be available anymore for free.


But it can go on. Many people have downloaded the mod back then and still play it. Or they can upload it to shady websites for others to enjoy it.

Using a paying software without having purchased it can be considered illegal. Therefore the modder can contact Valve to ask for a ban on people using it.

Since Valve has all rights on your Steam account and Steam-based software, it can either release an update that will break the game compatibility with previous version of the mod, or directly detect if you have this mod installed and straightforwardly ban you. Valve would have the right to do so. And since you cannot play Skyrim without running Steam, there is little you could do.


Of course I'm being paranoid.

But then again, people who imagined massive DLCs, DRM or even paid mods were paranoid back then.

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Pretty much all the mods I have for Skyrim make the game actually playable. I could not handle vanilla Skyrim. So no, I won't pay for mods which should have been part of the game in the first place.


Actual content additions are one thing. But improvements to the game that should be there by default are not what I should have to pay for. Same goes for single weapons/items for anything more than $0.10 each.


Secondly, Fallout 4 is going to suck because they will omit stuff on purpose to make even more money through DLC/mods.


This industry is %#@!ed

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In response to post #24638434.

xBlitzerx wrote:

The company itself Bethesda is laziness, leaves all the work in the hands of Modders. Makes a completely buggy game and very few launches correction patches, hoping the modder community solve everything.
Now it will be humiliated with The Witcher 3 launch. The Witcher 3 do not need thousands of mod. Edited by FillipeMattos
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In response to post #24636769. #24637174 is also a reply to the same post.

Obscerno wrote:
popopipo wrote: In game pop-up in "free" mods for the paying version, paying cheat mods, lawsuits coming soon for copyright issues, talented modders getting insulted, mods getting hidden by their creators, shitstorm all over...

I dont know what you consider as long run, but the short term consequences are very clear.

I was mainly focusing on how the long term effects of competition between these companies themselves should be good for modders.

Yes, things are unbalanced right now, but I think they'll smooth out eventually over time as the bugs are ironed out. Things like ethical codes haven't really been established yet seeing as how recent the changes are.

We're already seeing progress on that front, however: The Nexus is giving modders an easy way to give or deny permission to other modders who would like to use their work commercially, which is a good first step.

Hopefully some sort of code of conduct is reached in the coming months amongst the community themselves.
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In response to post #24637214.

lioncoke wrote:

I also forgot to state that should the Mod break or no longer work you have to ask the Mod Author to fix it, or if they can. If they can you have to wait and see if the Mod author will fix it, if they can't well your outta luck then...
What would happen if the mod author should up and abandon the mod at one point and the Mod breaks? I know that would lead to a sh*t storm (forgive my language) but I don't truthfully know.

End of long rant. :P Edited by lioncoke
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In response to post #24633209. #24633374, #24633709, #24633739, #24633824, #24635204, #24636244 are all replies on the same post.

MajorKuchiki wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: .......why? SKYUI works fine and is still free; I dont see the problem?

Edit: i have to state that, yes i know 5.0 is going to steam, but he has assured us that MCM will not change, so you do not need to update.
MajorKuchiki wrote: sky UI version 5 update is going to be paid only on steamworkshop
Witto wrote: And you believe them that MCM will stay free? I don't. If you can stick few bucks on it, there's gonna be a price tag in few days.
popopipo wrote: And then the sky UI team will threaten them with lawyers...
(If the skyUI team doesn't, one day or another it will arrive with money involved...)
unique1 wrote: Just can't wait to see all the "buy the full version now" popups!

Therandomizer85 wrote: All because the modder in question is a pussy, right?

No they won't, because they don't own the rights to their work either. All rights to mods are owned by Bethesda from the moment you agree to the EULA on creation kit.

So if someone wanted to make an alternative, SkyUI's team is SOL.
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My take on it is simple: Keep the mods 100% free but always display the donation option.


I think the Nexus policy is spot on, mod authors shouldn't suggest or beg for endorsements, votes or donations. Mods should be free which will promote modding in itself and free exchange between authors.


On the other hand, I disagree with the Nexus policy of "opening donations". This will put a stigma on any author that decides to activate donations. Because it's not activated on every mod, users can easily shun the mods that activate the option and this will eventually lead to animosity between people that accept donations and people that think it's unacceptable. You're opening a can of worms going that way...


I believe it would be much better to simply display the donation option on each and every mod and make it an integral part of the Nexus. A "Pay what you want, it's 100% free" policy would go a long way in smoothing things out between those that think paying for mods is acceptable and those that think mods should be free.


By letting users completely free to give money and removing the choice from the author to receive that money, you put in place a system where the user doesn't "pay" but freely donate and the mod author doesn't "ask" but simply receive the generosity.


By making it an integral part of the Nexus, you'd get a much better reaction from both sides. You appeal to generosity while keeping modding free. That's something most people can get behind, the only people that would offend are those that believe they should be paid for their work, but then again the Nexus has never been a good fit for them anyway since mods are free here.


But for this to work, you really need to make it an integral part of the Nexus. You need to show people it's not an afterthought, that your stance is "Pay what you want, it's 100% free". Otherwise you're creating yourself the rift between your users.


Anyway, that's just my take on it. I hope you reconsider the way you're planning to do this because the modding scene has changed whether you want it or not. Money finally showed up and you now need to decide what you're gonna do about it. Your choices are simple: let things as they are and probably get left behind, adapt but stick to your principles, go money all the way. I cast my vote on the second option: adapt but stick to your principles. Anyone else?



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In response to post #24633209. #24633374, #24633709, #24633739, #24633824, #24635204, #24636244, #24638839 are all replies on the same post.

MajorKuchiki wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: .......why? SKYUI works fine and is still free; I dont see the problem?

Edit: i have to state that, yes i know 5.0 is going to steam, but he has assured us that MCM will not change, so you do not need to update.
MajorKuchiki wrote: sky UI version 5 update is going to be paid only on steamworkshop
Witto wrote: And you believe them that MCM will stay free? I don't. If you can stick few bucks on it, there's gonna be a price tag in few days.
popopipo wrote: And then the sky UI team will threaten them with lawyers...
(If the skyUI team doesn't, one day or another it will arrive with money involved...)
unique1 wrote: Just can't wait to see all the "buy the full version now" popups!

Therandomizer85 wrote: All because the modder in question is a pussy, right?
WightMage wrote: No they won't, because they don't own the rights to their work either. All rights to mods are owned by Bethesda from the moment you agree to the EULA on creation kit.

So if someone wanted to make an alternative, SkyUI's team is SOL.

I know, Bethesda could actually make the UI work for PC! Oh wait...

Let's hope someone makes another UI fix. Sorry guys, not paying for a UI mod that should be vanilla.
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