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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24658179. #24658299, #24658339, #24658454, #24658509, #24658619, #24658724 are all replies on the same post.

nekollx wrote:
Reaper0021 wrote: You're fine she is pissed at me, Dark0ne, HadToRegister, Life, etc. Ignore her. She has been at it all night with people. Many people.
sunshinenbrick wrote: I agree... I haven't commented much on these general forums before but have been called a troll just for trying to contribute to the debate, something I really care about. This makes me feel frustrated as I paid for a membership in the real belief that it meant I had at least a fair share of the voice of the community.
WightMage wrote: You certainly do! But you have to remember, some people don't care about anyone else's voice but their own... :/
Reaper0021 wrote: You do have a voice. An equal voice and no mistake about it. Just right now with all the "Conspiracy Theories" running rampant about Robin (Dark0ne) it's hard to make a rational argument when most of the people you're trying to talk to are self-entitled kids.
bigdeano89 wrote: This is true. The sane among us seem to be getting drowned out unfortunately. TBH I say we leave this post to fester; if there is no one to argue with the angry kids will get bored attacking "the man" and go bother someone else. This whole thing is only because Chesko and Isoku are no longer about to take the brunt, they need somewhere to vent.
opsguy27 wrote: Bunker down. This will all blow over in a few days after everyone has had their say. Life will go on, the world will keep spinning, and mods will keep coming.

Anyone want to grab a metaphorical pint? I feel like y'all can use one, myself included.
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In response to post #24658179. #24658299, #24658339, #24658454, #24658509, #24658619, #24658724, #24658879, #24659064 are all replies on the same post.

nekollx wrote:
Reaper0021 wrote: You're fine she is pissed at me, Dark0ne, HadToRegister, Life, etc. Ignore her. She has been at it all night with people. Many people.
sunshinenbrick wrote: I agree... I haven't commented much on these general forums before but have been called a troll just for trying to contribute to the debate, something I really care about. This makes me feel frustrated as I paid for a membership in the real belief that it meant I had at least a fair share of the voice of the community.
WightMage wrote: You certainly do! But you have to remember, some people don't care about anyone else's voice but their own... :/
Reaper0021 wrote: You do have a voice. An equal voice and no mistake about it. Just right now with all the "Conspiracy Theories" running rampant about Robin (Dark0ne) it's hard to make a rational argument when most of the people you're trying to talk to are self-entitled kids.
bigdeano89 wrote: This is true. The sane among us seem to be getting drowned out unfortunately. TBH I say we leave this post to fester; if there is no one to argue with the angry kids will get bored attacking "the man" and go bother someone else. This whole thing is only because Chesko and Isoku are no longer about to take the brunt, they need somewhere to vent.
opsguy27 wrote: Bunker down. This will all blow over in a few days after everyone has had their say. Life will go on, the world will keep spinning, and mods will keep coming.
WightMage wrote: Anyone want to grab a metaphorical pint? I feel like y'all can use one, myself included.
sunshinenbrick wrote: I hear you on that one WightMage :)

Thanks, although I do like to entertain the occasional conspiracy theory *joke*. On a serious note though I am genuinely worried about the potential seriousness this could bring in the future, when the new games come out.

I don't spend a lot of time making mods although I have flittered around the edges making customisations. But I have spent a good deal of time working through a lot of problems in built into the game (as I'm sure we all have) and working with mod compatibility. I therefore feel I have a vested intrest (non financial) in trying to help find a way to not let any larger entity steamroll its way into something as complex and personal as modding. Especially as the (supposedly) symbytotic relationship that has grown from the relationship modders have with developers has been mostly beneficial to both so far. It is perhaps the reason why people get hot headed about it (not the only reason I admit).

My point is we need to be really careful we find solidarity on this issue or (and I don't want to speak for others) its hypothetical, but people might just get fed up, think f this, and we'll see the whole thing go down the Minecraft <-> Microsoft route. I really hope that never happens as being able to mod is probably one of the few reasons I am still so passionate about gaming. Edited by sunshinenbrick
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BTW Robin, whatever the hell you need to do to keep this site running and mods free 4 everyone, do it, I support you in spirit (sadly not in money, because im poor as... well you know) if money comes from ads, Valve,Bethesda, Satan our lord and master or anything else I dont care as long as I can keep enjoying these mods and this community.
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Once again big business screws things up , and people blindly argue about the petty crap. This all i saw coming the second we where forced to deal through steam. I pay big business too much already just to live and survive, my modding was a small escape from that. Ive had mods featured on Bethesdas Blog etc and i have been a contributor to modding here since the days of the old site.


But this is wrong modders in any way shape or form should not support paid mods , it will be the death of modding completly and many years of doing mods has shown me just how poor the current modding scene is. Negative insulting comments on your download pages, unhelpful and egotistical fellow modders, basically its just too much drama to release anything so i release very little.


Dark One you should really stay right out of this dont accept any percentage or any deal with steam.

Dont support this is any way shape or form.

You have been around the scene long enough to know the long term effect this will have.

both on the site and modding in general. This is one issue people can not sit on the fence about.

You are either pro big business destroying one more of our pleasures or against it.



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In response to post #24658179. #24658299, #24658339, #24658454, #24658509, #24658619, #24658724, #24658879, #24658919 are all replies on the same post.

nekollx wrote:
Reaper0021 wrote: You're fine she is pissed at me, Dark0ne, HadToRegister, Life, etc. Ignore her. She has been at it all night with people. Many people.
sunshinenbrick wrote: I agree... I haven't commented much on these general forums before but have been called a troll just for trying to contribute to the debate, something I really care about. This makes me feel frustrated as I paid for a membership in the real belief that it meant I had at least a fair share of the voice of the community.
WightMage wrote: You certainly do! But you have to remember, some people don't care about anyone else's voice but their own... :/
Reaper0021 wrote: You do have a voice. An equal voice and no mistake about it. Just right now with all the "Conspiracy Theories" running rampant about Robin (Dark0ne) it's hard to make a rational argument when most of the people you're trying to talk to are self-entitled kids.
bigdeano89 wrote: This is true. The sane among us seem to be getting drowned out unfortunately. TBH I say we leave this post to fester; if there is no one to argue with the angry kids will get bored attacking "the man" and go bother someone else. This whole thing is only because Chesko and Isoku are no longer about to take the brunt, they need somewhere to vent.
opsguy27 wrote: Bunker down. This will all blow over in a few days after everyone has had their say. Life will go on, the world will keep spinning, and mods will keep coming.
WightMage wrote: Anyone want to grab a metaphorical pint? I feel like y'all can use one, myself included.
sunshinenbrick wrote: Thanks, although I do like to entertain the occasional conspiracy theory *joke*. On a serious note though I am genuinely worried about the potential seriousness this could bring in the future, when the new games come out.

I don't spend a lot of time making mods although I have flittered around the edges making customisations. But I have spent a good deal of time working through a lot of problems in built into the game (as I'm sure we all have) and working with mod compatibility. I therefore feel I have a vested intrest (non financial) in trying to help find a way to not let any larger entity steamroll its way into something as complex as modding. Especially as the (supposedly) symbytotic relationship that has grown from the relationship modders have with developers. It is perhaps the reason why people get hot headed about it (not the only one I admit).

My point is we need to be really careful we find solidarity on this issue or (and I don't want to speak for others) its hypothetical, but people might just get fed, think f this, and we'll see the whole thing go down the Minecraft <-> Microsoft route. I really hope that never happens as being able to mod is probably one of the few reasons I am still so passionate about gaming.

I hear you on that one WightMage :)
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Are you really only 28? Seriously? Damn I feel old. Either that or my maths is way off.


Wish I could keep a clear head like that, Steam forums which are invariably a bear pit are currently a shark infested pool and any mod author that dares show their face there gets eaten alive, free mods or no free mods. Got to admit I lost it a bit in there.


As always, well played sir, well played.

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The point is that when the Nexus started talks with Valve it was tantamount to making a deal with the devil. You better make sure that you know how the new system will be implemented and what you're signing into.


Notice how when Gabe was asked if he was going to put his foot down when companies demanded that their next game's mods would be released only on Steam, he said he wasn't going to do so? And why would he? It's lucrative for them and they are a company first and foremost.


It saddens me only that when this is exploited (and let's face it, when there's money involved when did companies act in their customers best interest?) we shall see the demise of sites like the nexus.


It would have been better if these plans were made public before they were implemented. Once the devil gets a foothold... Just my humble opinion with respect to everyone here

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i think the idea of a price tag on mods is a little gross, not that im saying that modder should not be paid, they dam should, but not with a price tag that turns their mod in to a DLC and saddles the author with the responsibility of a software developer to keep the mod (regardless of size) updated and bug free, while dealing with compatibility issues and such, i think i would prefer an pop up ad on steam when i click a subscribe button, show me a ad, then go away, thus giving ad revenue to the mod i just installed to the modder with out all the stings and legal issues that will no doubt arise from this.


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I'm just worried. I don't want the Nexus to become smaller because modders start posting their mods on the workshop instead. Why wouldn't they? Everyone loves money. I don't want paid mods to become the norm, like DLC instead of completed games has. I'm worried that if monetization of mods takes off, it will grow into it's own industry, and we'll only be left with "Le sword reskin I did in 2 seconds to learn this tool" for free mods, while anything substantial is behind a $14.99 paywall.


I don't want any of that to happen...


And I think... taking that money from Valve... I think that's like giving your approval of what they're doing, no matter if you say otherwise.

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