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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24689314.




nekollx wrote:

"Skyrim Mod Santuary and Totorials"

Well I honestly couldn't care less for that two ...





Pumping Iron

Predator Vision




(and thats only for Skyrim, you black list him you also have to say god buy to his fallout and new vegas mods)

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In response to post #24687319. #24687789, #24689849 are all replies on the same post.

harhar1011 wrote:
popcorn71 wrote: 119,756 signatures as of now.
I have it book marked and look in on it every now and then.

=== Edit ===
And here's a link to the petition in case anyone's been living under a rock and hasn't seen it.
Psijonica wrote: I would not start to think that this is a done deal. That petition is going to need MILLIONS of signatures to have any effect at all. When it gets to 250,000 then we are getting somewhere. That is a start. 100,000 signatures is really not going to stop a corporation.

Still it is a promising start. However look at the numbers; how many people have purchased mods of of Steam during that time? Not just for Skyrim... total sales for the last 3 days. Are sales increasing? We need to watch the numbers over a period of time. 48 hours is just not enough time to get a real good picture of where we stand.

It is a good start but from what I am feeling on these boards and elsewhere it seems the youger generation is ok with pay-for-mods and the older generation thinks it is a terrible idea. Where is the money? With the kids... I am not that hopeful but I really hope I am wrong.

It is the newest generation of modders/users that we need to appeal to. I will not use workshop, especially if one has to.

How do we appeal to young people? Well this literally is the million dollar question, but I think the answer to this will become apparent.

A good history lesson and the wisdom of the elders will help too. As is keeping up the dialogue with those at large.

If it ever becomes workshop only I hust dread to think what would happen to competition... uh oh right there will not be any!
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What happened to the option we used to have to buy a Premium membership for another member? That used to be an option, can't find it anymore.


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In response to post #24690144.

nekollx wrote:

Black listing is not the answer as it brings us down to Valvesda's level of brutality. How about polite refusal of service?

Pardon my condour but when all the new dollar hungry modders come crying saying "oh no my mod and Elder Scrolls VI is a pile of unfunctioning doo doo" then it will remain to be seen where the balances of power stand.

Beth may actually end regretting giving up the endless amounts of "free" customer support they receive from communitites like this. Edited by sunshinenbrick
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ESO failed so Bethesda needs to make up for it some other way, so why not a game that came out in 2011. Sounds like a legit idea!! Anyway i though EA was underhanded but damn this is up there with major stupidity.


I think the failure of ESO is definitely part of it and the failure of subscription based MMOs as well. They have seen the weird spike / blip that is skyrim modding and see a future where single player games will be subscription based. You will be paying your $15.99 a month just to play Fallout 4 or Elder Scrolls 6 with mods - on your own!


The DLC scam certainly increased revenue but not enough for them, microtransactions dont sit well or only entrap a small percentage of the rubes. Season Passes didnt quite work either. They cannot bear the idea of people playing old games with new content and not getting a cut of it. It is simply outrageous to them.


If they kill the modding community to make single player subscription a reality then they really dont give a damn about that at all. Two birds with one stone as far as they are concerned.

Edited by joz23
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