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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727429, #24727669 are all replies on the same post.

ramccoid wrote:
locomotive1236 wrote: __". I've never, ever seen a mod with a endorsement ratio of around 50% to unique downloads, not even the most endorsed mod ever, has no were near that proud ratio. " --Does that surprise you that people are unanimous in their decisions against paid modding?
__"then there's all the hundreds of comments, all in a few of days. I and others have spent 1000s of hours making quality mods to share, for what you are griping about, for free but it appears you would only make a big effort to support a mod which was thrown together to make your selfish point apparent. "

While I agree with your sentiments, please keep in mind that most are opposing the way valve/Bethesda handle things and their share in your work. They are, in their own ways, trying to fight against the capitalistic nature of big corporations. Not to mention, the community in many ways help the mod authors too. I know a lot of people who have spent hundreds of hours testing the game for the modders. They post bugs and suggest fixes to improve the mods. Do those efforts not worth anything in your eyes? Should they get a share of your profit too? I'm not acting entitled, but the free Beta testing and quality controls contribute to the mod's success, no?

As I have stated in many other posts, I do not blame this case on any particular person or website, but the poor designs of the concept.

__"A good community stands up and unites and fights together for the values it holds dear but all I have seen is you all fighting for your own self interests and it sickens me to see the community I love being broken apart by selfishness. "
Careful about what you say because are not modders being, as you stated, "selfish" as well for selling something that was once free? You deserve all the praise for your hardwork (via the donation system if users really appreciated it), but the current pay to play is illogical. I was under the impression that this values that we all hold dear was the free modding community for the past decades or so? Or am I delusional?
ramccoid wrote: The point being is I and others are doing this for free, that's why we are here and not at Steam but what you in your protest forget is we are who you are fighting for, the creators of your free mods.

We are human and have feelings too.
locomotive1236 wrote: I never lost that goal and I detest those that viciously attack the authors with hate and death threats. However, do you want the system that valve implemented to stay? Do you want them to obtain 75% of your cut for sitting on their hands the whole time? Do you forsee more people will download your mods and try them out if they have to pay? Perhaps it is better to get a few dollars out of your work than none, but is that the spirit of modding that you pursue? Did you initially mod to earn a few dollars or to improve the community? If you are the former, then you are also a businessman and also have your own selfish desires, no? Again, I'm not trying to insult you or anyone who believe they deserve their work to be paid, I'm just asking was that why you started modding or has money changed everything?
phantompally76 wrote: I'm not fighting for you, or any other mod author. I'm not fighting for mod users, either. And I'm certainly not fighting for any website admins or corporate CEOs.

I'm fighting for common sense and decency. THAT is what is at stake, here.

And no matter what side of the battle you're on, if you lose sight of that (or never had sight of it in the first place), then you've already lost.
ramccoid wrote: Do I need to repeat myself. I and others ARE DOING THIS FOR FREE and always will. We do not have a interest in making money from you that is why we are here on the Nexus, not Steam. We do and have been doing this for our community.
locomotive1236 wrote: As I said before, I am thankful for yours and others contributions to the community. Don't take my posts as an attack on you or your peers, I am only trying to see the situation from another point of view. Call it justification if you will. Some people believe in the end justify the means and they will go to extreme lengths to achieve that goal. They are also emotional since they felt betrayed by certain people (doesn't even matter if that's true or not). The mob is always fickle and easy to upset. We've seen this in history before and it will happen again. It doesn't make it right, but it may be necessary to stem the encroachment of capitalism to mods, however hopeless that is.
ramccoid wrote: Which I understand, so why didn't you use this enthusiasm before all this happened to show you appreciation to mod authors?
Because now it just looks like a betrayal to us who just wanted and still do, to mod to give enjoyment to you.
phantompally76 wrote: Get off your sanctimonious high horse, white knight....

Until now, you've made mods because you WANTED to make mods. Not because you expected to be paid to make them.

If players saying "I really like this mod, you've done a good job, here's an endorsement, thank you for your efforts" isn't enough for you........then sir, you need to stop making mods right now.

locomotive1236 wrote: I have never disrespected someone's work because I know the time and effort it may have taken. I did not mod Skyrim, but have done so for some games in the past. I know modding is never as easy as it seems from the outside.

To answer your question though. It's because I simply did not think there was a problem in the previous system. Like I said, I have sacrificed a lot of my time for other games to create stuff and share with other people. I came to expect nothing in return, besides some gratitude and praise now and then. I offered them freely since that was what I thought was the right thing to do. I did not think about how many others have no shared my sentiments

You hit the point ramccoid I guess. There are a lot of half knowledge people about the business background discussing here. Most people which decided to publish their work on Steam and even on the paid mod section have read the rules well to publish mods which contains others legwork to benefit from the distribution of the money everybody earns there. And how to do right.

Everybody should calm down, read everything carefully, and concentrate on what it is worth.
Edited by TKHBMVP
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In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727429, #24727529 are all replies on the same post.

ramccoid wrote:
locomotive1236 wrote: __". I've never, ever seen a mod with a endorsement ratio of around 50% to unique downloads, not even the most endorsed mod ever, has no were near that proud ratio. " --Does that surprise you that people are unanimous in their decisions against paid modding?
__"then there's all the hundreds of comments, all in a few of days. I and others have spent 1000s of hours making quality mods to share, for what you are griping about, for free but it appears you would only make a big effort to support a mod which was thrown together to make your selfish point apparent. "

While I agree with your sentiments, please keep in mind that most are opposing the way valve/Bethesda handle things and their share in your work. They are, in their own ways, trying to fight against the capitalistic nature of big corporations. Not to mention, the community in many ways help the mod authors too. I know a lot of people who have spent hundreds of hours testing the game for the modders. They post bugs and suggest fixes to improve the mods. Do those efforts not worth anything in your eyes? Should they get a share of your profit too? I'm not acting entitled, but the free Beta testing and quality controls contribute to the mod's success, no?

As I have stated in many other posts, I do not blame this case on any particular person or website, but the poor designs of the concept.

__"A good community stands up and unites and fights together for the values it holds dear but all I have seen is you all fighting for your own self interests and it sickens me to see the community I love being broken apart by selfishness. "
Careful about what you say because are not modders being, as you stated, "selfish" as well for selling something that was once free? You deserve all the praise for your hardwork (via the donation system if users really appreciated it), but the current pay to play is illogical. I was under the impression that this values that we all hold dear was the free modding community for the past decades or so? Or am I delusional?
ramccoid wrote: The point being is I and others are doing this for free, that's why we are here and not at Steam but what you in your protest forget is we are who you are fighting for, the creators of your free mods.

We are human and have feelings too.
locomotive1236 wrote: I never lost that goal and I detest those that viciously attack the authors with hate and death threats. However, do you want the system that valve implemented to stay? Do you want them to obtain 75% of your cut for sitting on their hands the whole time? Do you forsee more people will download your mods and try them out if they have to pay? Perhaps it is better to get a few dollars out of your work than none, but is that the spirit of modding that you pursue? Did you initially mod to earn a few dollars or to improve the community? If you are the former, then you are also a businessman and also have your own selfish desires, no? Again, I'm not trying to insult you or anyone who believe they deserve their work to be paid, I'm just asking was that why you started modding or has money changed everything?
phantompally76 wrote: I'm not fighting for you, or any other mod author. I'm not fighting for mod users, either. And I'm certainly not fighting for any website admins or corporate CEOs.

I'm fighting for common sense and decency. THAT is what is at stake, here.

And no matter what side of the battle you're on, if you lose sight of that (or never had sight of it in the first place), then you've already lost.
ramccoid wrote: Do I need to repeat myself. I and others ARE DOING THIS FOR FREE and always will. We do not have a interest in making money from you that is why we are here on the Nexus, not Steam. We do and have been doing this for our community.
locomotive1236 wrote: As I said before, I am thankful for yours and others contributions to the community. Don't take my posts as an attack on you or your peers, I am only trying to see the situation from another point of view. Call it justification if you will. Some people believe in the end justify the means and they will go to extreme lengths to achieve that goal. They are also emotional since they felt betrayed by certain people (doesn't even matter if that's true or not). The mob is always fickle and easy to upset. We've seen this in history before and it will happen again. It doesn't make it right, but it may be necessary to stem the encroachment of capitalism to mods, however hopeless that is.
ramccoid wrote: Which I understand, so why didn't you use this enthusiasm before all this happened to show you appreciation to mod authors?
Because now it just looks like a betrayal to us who just wanted and still do, to mod to give enjoyment to you.
phantompally76 wrote: Get off your sanctimonious high horse, white knight....

Until now, you've made mods because you WANTED to make mods. Not because you expected to be paid to make them.

If players saying "I really like this mod, you've done a good job, here's an endorsement, thank you for your efforts" isn't enough for you........then sir, you need to stop making mods right now.

TKHBMVP wrote: You hit the point ramccoid I guess. There are a lot of half knowledge people about the business background discussing here. Most people which decided to publish their work on Steam and even on the paid mod section have read the rules well to publish mods which contains others legwork to benefit from the distribution of the money everybody earns there. And how to do right.

Everybody should calm down, read everything carefully, and concentrate on what it is worth.

@ramcoid I have never disrespected someone's work because I know the time and effort it may have taken. I did not mod Skyrim, but have done so for some games in the past. I know modding is never as easy as it seems from the outside.

To answer your question though. It's because I simply did not think there was a problem in the previous system. Like I said, I have sacrificed a lot of my time for other games to create stuff and share with other people. I came to expect nothing in return, besides some gratitude and praise now and then. I offered them freely since that was what I thought was the right thing to do. I did not think about how many others have no shared my sentiments

@TKHBMVP I'm not sure if I actually understood what you are trying to say. Edited by locomotive1236
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In response to post #24714364. #24727134 is also a reply to the same post.

Lateraliss wrote:
locomotive1236 wrote: It's only the beginning. It has not been a week yet and they already received a tremendous amount of sales from <20 mods. Imagine if all those other mods from the waiting list get added in. It doesn't matter how much you protest or tell other people not to buy, there's always some one who's rich enough to pay for all the mods. That's how we have the early access system firmly in placed. THat's also how we have the day one DLC in many popular games. If they make money from rich people, why would they stop?

How many of those purchases were made to CREATE the impression you've come away with? It's like the boys at the Junior High Dance; nobody is gonna get on that dance floor unless The girls themselves get things going.

But in this scenario, if a guy decides to not dance with the girl after the first dance...He's gotta go home.
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In response to post #24718104. #24726519 is also a reply to the same post.

Kepesk wrote:
locomotive1236 wrote: Unfortunately, many people, hundreds of them in fact, have bought and subscribed to most of the mods in the paid section. If steam analyze this and see that much profit in only a couple of days, I highly doubt they will remove the system. I'm not even sure why people are buying some of the items on there, like the re-skin warhammer or the dawnguard sword. Does it even add that much game play value compared to the mods available on Nexus?

Take an example from a social eco-sim game and transfer that to real world steam sales:

In World of Warcraft, you can buy a glass of Ice Cold Milk for 50 silver from an NPC right next to the Auction House, and put it on auction for 5 gold.
I guarantee that sooner or later, someone will buy it. For no reason. Just because it can be bought and nobody else is offering that on the Auction House.

Now if an artificial demand is created (like the winter holidays), suddenly there are hundreds of people buying your Ice Cold Milk. Because they are too dumb or lazy to buy the (nearly) free one themselves.

So the question is not, will the paid mods sell? They will sell, and all of it is raw profit for Valve and Bethesda.
The question is rather, why are real modders participating in this although they know that it is a rip-off and that it destroys the foundation of the modding scene?

Bad enough already that there are tons of low-quality mods finding their buyers. As long as there are bored and uninspired users with a wallet and internet access, all this will keep making money. Edited by ScrollTron1c
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In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727429, #24727529, #24727669 are all replies on the same post.

ramccoid wrote:
locomotive1236 wrote: __". I've never, ever seen a mod with a endorsement ratio of around 50% to unique downloads, not even the most endorsed mod ever, has no were near that proud ratio. " --Does that surprise you that people are unanimous in their decisions against paid modding?
__"then there's all the hundreds of comments, all in a few of days. I and others have spent 1000s of hours making quality mods to share, for what you are griping about, for free but it appears you would only make a big effort to support a mod which was thrown together to make your selfish point apparent. "

While I agree with your sentiments, please keep in mind that most are opposing the way valve/Bethesda handle things and their share in your work. They are, in their own ways, trying to fight against the capitalistic nature of big corporations. Not to mention, the community in many ways help the mod authors too. I know a lot of people who have spent hundreds of hours testing the game for the modders. They post bugs and suggest fixes to improve the mods. Do those efforts not worth anything in your eyes? Should they get a share of your profit too? I'm not acting entitled, but the free Beta testing and quality controls contribute to the mod's success, no?

As I have stated in many other posts, I do not blame this case on any particular person or website, but the poor designs of the concept.

__"A good community stands up and unites and fights together for the values it holds dear but all I have seen is you all fighting for your own self interests and it sickens me to see the community I love being broken apart by selfishness. "
Careful about what you say because are not modders being, as you stated, "selfish" as well for selling something that was once free? You deserve all the praise for your hardwork (via the donation system if users really appreciated it), but the current pay to play is illogical. I was under the impression that this values that we all hold dear was the free modding community for the past decades or so? Or am I delusional?
ramccoid wrote: The point being is I and others are doing this for free, that's why we are here and not at Steam but what you in your protest forget is we are who you are fighting for, the creators of your free mods.

We are human and have feelings too.
locomotive1236 wrote: I never lost that goal and I detest those that viciously attack the authors with hate and death threats. However, do you want the system that valve implemented to stay? Do you want them to obtain 75% of your cut for sitting on their hands the whole time? Do you forsee more people will download your mods and try them out if they have to pay? Perhaps it is better to get a few dollars out of your work than none, but is that the spirit of modding that you pursue? Did you initially mod to earn a few dollars or to improve the community? If you are the former, then you are also a businessman and also have your own selfish desires, no? Again, I'm not trying to insult you or anyone who believe they deserve their work to be paid, I'm just asking was that why you started modding or has money changed everything?
phantompally76 wrote: I'm not fighting for you, or any other mod author. I'm not fighting for mod users, either. And I'm certainly not fighting for any website admins or corporate CEOs.

I'm fighting for common sense and decency. THAT is what is at stake, here.

And no matter what side of the battle you're on, if you lose sight of that (or never had sight of it in the first place), then you've already lost.
ramccoid wrote: Do I need to repeat myself. I and others ARE DOING THIS FOR FREE and always will. We do not have a interest in making money from you that is why we are here on the Nexus, not Steam. We do and have been doing this for our community.
locomotive1236 wrote: As I said before, I am thankful for yours and others contributions to the community. Don't take my posts as an attack on you or your peers, I am only trying to see the situation from another point of view. Call it justification if you will. Some people believe in the end justify the means and they will go to extreme lengths to achieve that goal. They are also emotional since they felt betrayed by certain people (doesn't even matter if that's true or not). The mob is always fickle and easy to upset. We've seen this in history before and it will happen again. It doesn't make it right, but it may be necessary to stem the encroachment of capitalism to mods, however hopeless that is.
ramccoid wrote: Which I understand, so why didn't you use this enthusiasm before all this happened to show you appreciation to mod authors?
Because now it just looks like a betrayal to us who just wanted and still do, to mod to give enjoyment to you.
phantompally76 wrote: Get off your sanctimonious high horse, white knight....

Until now, you've made mods because you WANTED to make mods. Not because you expected to be paid to make them.

If players saying "I really like this mod, you've done a good job, here's an endorsement, thank you for your efforts" isn't enough for you........then sir, you need to stop making mods right now.

TKHBMVP wrote: You hit the point ramccoid I guess. There are a lot of half knowledge people about the business background discussing here. Most people which decided to publish their work on Steam and even on the paid mod section have read the rules well to publish mods which contains others legwork to benefit from the distribution of the money everybody earns there. And how to do right.

Everybody should calm down, read everything carefully, and concentrate on what it is worth.
locomotive1236 wrote: @ramcoid I have never disrespected someone's work because I know the time and effort it may have taken. I did not mod Skyrim, but have done so for some games in the past. I know modding is never as easy as it seems from the outside.

To answer your question though. It's because I simply did not think there was a problem in the previous system. Like I said, I have sacrificed a lot of my time for other games to create stuff and share with other people. I came to expect nothing in return, besides some gratitude and praise now and then. I offered them freely since that was what I thought was the right thing to do. I did not think about how many others have no shared my sentiments

@TKHBMVP I'm not sure if I actually understood what you are trying to say.


Fair enough then, another mod author gone because of your arrogant, self centred views. When we're all gone, what free mods are you protesting for?
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In response to post #24724844. #24725529, #24725744, #24726139, #24726244, #24726564, #24726974, #24727109, #24727429, #24727529, #24727669, #24727799 are all replies on the same post.

ramccoid wrote:
locomotive1236 wrote: __". I've never, ever seen a mod with a endorsement ratio of around 50% to unique downloads, not even the most endorsed mod ever, has no were near that proud ratio. " --Does that surprise you that people are unanimous in their decisions against paid modding?
__"then there's all the hundreds of comments, all in a few of days. I and others have spent 1000s of hours making quality mods to share, for what you are griping about, for free but it appears you would only make a big effort to support a mod which was thrown together to make your selfish point apparent. "

While I agree with your sentiments, please keep in mind that most are opposing the way valve/Bethesda handle things and their share in your work. They are, in their own ways, trying to fight against the capitalistic nature of big corporations. Not to mention, the community in many ways help the mod authors too. I know a lot of people who have spent hundreds of hours testing the game for the modders. They post bugs and suggest fixes to improve the mods. Do those efforts not worth anything in your eyes? Should they get a share of your profit too? I'm not acting entitled, but the free Beta testing and quality controls contribute to the mod's success, no?

As I have stated in many other posts, I do not blame this case on any particular person or website, but the poor designs of the concept.

__"A good community stands up and unites and fights together for the values it holds dear but all I have seen is you all fighting for your own self interests and it sickens me to see the community I love being broken apart by selfishness. "
Careful about what you say because are not modders being, as you stated, "selfish" as well for selling something that was once free? You deserve all the praise for your hardwork (via the donation system if users really appreciated it), but the current pay to play is illogical. I was under the impression that this values that we all hold dear was the free modding community for the past decades or so? Or am I delusional?
ramccoid wrote: The point being is I and others are doing this for free, that's why we are here and not at Steam but what you in your protest forget is we are who you are fighting for, the creators of your free mods.

We are human and have feelings too.
locomotive1236 wrote: I never lost that goal and I detest those that viciously attack the authors with hate and death threats. However, do you want the system that valve implemented to stay? Do you want them to obtain 75% of your cut for sitting on their hands the whole time? Do you forsee more people will download your mods and try them out if they have to pay? Perhaps it is better to get a few dollars out of your work than none, but is that the spirit of modding that you pursue? Did you initially mod to earn a few dollars or to improve the community? If you are the former, then you are also a businessman and also have your own selfish desires, no? Again, I'm not trying to insult you or anyone who believe they deserve their work to be paid, I'm just asking was that why you started modding or has money changed everything?
phantompally76 wrote: I'm not fighting for you, or any other mod author. I'm not fighting for mod users, either. And I'm certainly not fighting for any website admins or corporate CEOs.

I'm fighting for common sense and decency. THAT is what is at stake, here.

And no matter what side of the battle you're on, if you lose sight of that (or never had sight of it in the first place), then you've already lost.
ramccoid wrote: Do I need to repeat myself. I and others ARE DOING THIS FOR FREE and always will. We do not have a interest in making money from you that is why we are here on the Nexus, not Steam. We do and have been doing this for our community.
locomotive1236 wrote: As I said before, I am thankful for yours and others contributions to the community. Don't take my posts as an attack on you or your peers, I am only trying to see the situation from another point of view. Call it justification if you will. Some people believe in the end justify the means and they will go to extreme lengths to achieve that goal. They are also emotional since they felt betrayed by certain people (doesn't even matter if that's true or not). The mob is always fickle and easy to upset. We've seen this in history before and it will happen again. It doesn't make it right, but it may be necessary to stem the encroachment of capitalism to mods, however hopeless that is.
ramccoid wrote: Which I understand, so why didn't you use this enthusiasm before all this happened to show you appreciation to mod authors?
Because now it just looks like a betrayal to us who just wanted and still do, to mod to give enjoyment to you.
phantompally76 wrote: disregard. I was responding to another 2 mile-long thread.

TKHBMVP wrote: You hit the point ramccoid I guess. There are a lot of half knowledge people about the business background discussing here. Most people which decided to publish their work on Steam and even on the paid mod section have read the rules well to publish mods which contains others legwork to benefit from the distribution of the money everybody earns there. And how to do right.

Everybody should calm down, read everything carefully, and concentrate on what it is worth.
locomotive1236 wrote: @ramcoid I have never disrespected someone's work because I know the time and effort it may have taken. I did not mod Skyrim, but have done so for some games in the past. I know modding is never as easy as it seems from the outside.

To answer your question though. It's because I simply did not think there was a problem in the previous system. Like I said, I have sacrificed a lot of my time for other games to create stuff and share with other people. I came to expect nothing in return, besides some gratitude and praise now and then. I offered them freely since that was what I thought was the right thing to do. I did not think about how many others have no shared my sentiments

@TKHBMVP I'm not sure if I actually understood what you are trying to say.
ramccoid wrote: @phantompally76

Fair enough then, another mod author gone because of your arrogant, self centred views. When we're all gone, what free mods are you protesting for?

Look again, white knight.

Still, you're acting like no one has ever appreciated your work in the past. Or do you consider donations the only form of tangible appreciation?

Regardless, you're not on any moral high ground just because you're a mod author. Mod users are equally important to this community, and without them, you wouldn't have anyone to scold for not appreciating you enough.......

And you know what? If every single mod in the world magically disappeared tonight, I'd still manage to survive. You know why? Because Skyrim plays just fine without a single mod. That's something people tend to forget. Skyrim won game of the year on three different platforms without any mods.

Mods are optional. They aren't required. And they certainly don't warrant obligatory payment. I'm glad they exist, for certain. But I'm not willing to compromise my beliefs and ideals to keep them in existence.
Edited by phantompally76
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well. it was clear a while ago it would come down to this. the next TES will only allow paid modding in a even bigger attent to bring user made mods to console players and milk em even more than currently. same for pc sadly.


the above is set in stone and will happen. no way to stop it anymore.


the reason it will happen and will continue to get worse is one thing that plagues all modern games these days and what makes more and more developers produce pieces of s#*&#33; and charge even more for em :




yes i said it. thats it. stupid people who will buy and pay everything just because its there. people like these have destroyed enough games and lead to worse and worse money grabbing by just beeing too STUPID to see what they are doing because they are blindsided by the fact that they think certain game companys make no mistakes and thier games are the holy grail. bethesda was one of em. and now they have learnd that they can grab even more money from thier games because of thier huge fanboy base.


its the same blizzard does with wow afaik. the sole reason that game still lives is its fanboys who think its still the best mmo while its best days are long gone.


RIP TES 6 modding. only for big wallet people from now on. youll see it guys. you can say and argue and shitstorm the net all day long. it wont do anything : the stupid people are just TOO MANY. thier sheer numbers will make it work no matter how bad or greedy it will become.


for tes 5 modders still have the power to change things. but this here is just a real big test too see the amount of money they can milk from fanboys with TES 6 modding down the line. you can bet on this. i for sure will. its a test and nothing more. if the test succeds and it will then TES 6 modding will be paid only and cannot be accessed at all without paying for it excepte pirate versions maybe.



Edited by Nerevar X
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In response to post #24727139. #24727234, #24727389 are all replies on the same post.

Harbringe wrote:
phantompally76 wrote: What we need is a working video link.
locomotive1236 wrote: Your video is not showing for me. However, I have seen that video. While I agree with most of the stuff he said, I highly frowned on the comment about "what have you done for the community?" Unless I misread his statement, but that seem to target those who has not released any mods for the community. It's a little insulting to many users who help contribute ideas, identify bugs, and beta testing mods over the years. Some authors owe their fans a lot for their current success.

You probably loose all that money if it's refunded, Steam get to keep the steam money though.


Exactly my thoughts. Very disappointed by Gopher, who always had my respect and from whom i learned the vast majority of what know about Skyrim and Fallout modding.

First off this is an insult to the army of contributors who also spent thousands of hours giving suggestions, feedback, testing and all that. Their work is just more or less evenly distributed among all the mods, with a tendency to spend more time with interesting mods that have more bugs than others.
Without all them, none of the mods would be famous not to mention the level of quality and development progress.

He also doesn't touch the major questions at all, for example how these mods came into existence - by sharing ideas and cooperating FOR FREE. Just for the sake of modding.

Also all the legal problems, how a private person is supposed to patrol the workshop 24/7 to ensure that nobody uses content stolen from him.

At least he mentions that the execution is (quote) "piss-poor", because Steam is notorious for their non-existent enforcements about complaints.
Recently i heard that for example the CBBE mod (one of the all-time most popular Nexus mods) has been re-uploaded by an unauthorized user on the workshop some time ago. The Steam support didn't even answer the complaint. Edited by ScrollTron1c
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I think we can all say with truly open hearts we really do appreciate and love what all the modders have done for skyrim. Modded skyrim is such a beautiful and many varied thing it is one of the most amazing, community driven, free from inteference and wondrous achievements in pc gaming ever.


With recent events it may also be the last time something like this 'just happens' and grows from groundroots gaming and community.


Please try and detach the upset and sadness and outcry over this from the fact that modders and mods are held very close to everyones heart whether or not they can afford to pay for it or how they feel about that.


Divide and Conquer is being used in this rather underhanded change of the playing field. Let's all try not to fall for that old one.

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