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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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You still should have been upfront in your "money money money edition" announcement that you were receiving a cut. Yes, I get that mod authors have to choose to include you, but the fact that they CAN -- and I'm sure some have -- should have been brought up HERE, in your official announcement, from the beginning. Not buried in a reddit thread.


At least you did follow up with this announcement, but it still smacks of excuses and damage control.

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Thanks for the information, Dark0ne.


I agree that Nexus (and also Blender Foundation) have done and are doing a lot for the modding community and that you deserve getting part of Valve's revenues in all this new business. It is just fair :)

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I think you should have said as soon as it was practical that you had got into bed with valve and bethesda.


The simple fact is that if this isnt stopped now, the cost of pc gaming (and if they can figure it out the cost of console gaming) is going to skyrocket to 5 to 10 times the cost at least due to paid mods. It will for sure kill free modding which will become the ugly sister, a bottom tier of modding. They will make sure of it by not handing over the tools to free modders in future games. Their vision is that every game will end up being like mechwarrior online or star trek online where alot of people have invested hundreds, thousands into it. The truth is there will be an exodus away from gaming as sensible folk say enough is enough.


The line has already been drawn and if it isnt stopped now by using the collective power of the gaming community and consumer power to hit them right in the quarterly accounts then we've already lost.


'Waiit and see' just gives them time to expand their stranglehold. Sadly I think by claiming neutrality you will simply be steamrolled over.

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In response to post #24643129. #24643224 is also a reply to the same post.

Rusey wrote:
Amelli wrote: +1 agree

And for the record, I'm not even against paid modding and I don't care that you get a cut. I'm premium, I obviously appreciate this site. I'm upset about the lack of transparency from the start.
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In response to post #24641674. #24642234 is also a reply to the same post.

jbvertexx wrote:
gastovski wrote: Everything you said is completely unnecessary. This thing shouldn't even exist at the first place.

A truer statement as your second to last sentence could not be written, and with the hope of myself and most within this community they will condemn themselves to banishment eventually, if not already.
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I don't exactly know how to respond. I'm definitely not a modder by any stretch of that word. I'm indifferent about people making money off of mods (or UGC (I find "UGC" as odd, to be frank)), though I'm not happy with pay walls of this nature. In other words, I prefer donations over required cost. Even though I've never donated myself. I may, and more than likely, will in the future.


Now, with that out of the way. I can't be against your choice in any means. I'm only worried that Valve might try something to undermine or pull the rug from under you. I doubt they will, and technically they can't. But, it's still something I'm worried about, regardless.

In the end of it, I'm content and fine with your choice, even if others might not. Especially when you said this. "As far as I'm concerned, that money is a gracious donation from those mod authors who pick us when they add their mods to Steam Workshop". As, from the looks of things, this is the truth. Though, I do find it weird it's from Valve's share of the deal.


So far, the only thing I dislike is the response the mod authors are getting. Like, seriously? People target things they think it's the things that's "wronging" them, when it's just the puppets (No offense to the modders). While, I'd say it's not smart to target the puppeteers. Targeting Valve can get you into trouble. And targeting Bethesda might drop their trust with their community. If anything, I'd pick my words carefully, and be patient. Even if it doesn't seem like I am.

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Thank you for this Dark0ne...the clarification was much needed.

People need to leave the mods authors alone and vent their frustrations at Valve in a constructive way...flying off the handle and acting like a spoiled child will get a person no where.

The two biggest issues that I have with this whole thing remain unchanged...the potential for Copyright claims/DMCA claims, which will happen. Mods that are free have been forgiven...mods that you charge for and make money off off will not be...and the fact that Mods Authors get such a piss poor cut. Seriously? 25 percent?

Sure I have other misgivings, but those are falling into the 'let's wait and see what happens' category before I give them voice.

Personally, I have never used the Steam Workshop for mods, and now I never will. I will, however, start donating to Mod Authors here on a more regular basis.

The best way to get a big company like Valve to listen is to, as they say, hit them where it hurts. Use your wallet. Show the support to the Mod Authors here...endorse, donate, leave comments that encourage them.

Tiny ripples will eventually make big waves.

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I've deliberately stayed quiet through this whole thing, just watching history unfold. After reading this, I wanted to come out of lurk mode to say that I've found you to be extremely classy through all of the twists and turns thus far. It does suck that you had to drop a holiday 4 months in planning. As a fellow entrepreneur, I also get that you recognize that as part of the labor of love that is a business you've built for roughly half your life.


This situation where people are skewing your views strongly reminds me of a case study of internet celebrity I saw on Youtube:

titled "This is Phil Fish." If you haven't seen it already, I suspect you'll get a lot out of it.


You didn't ask for or want this spotlight suddenly thrown on you, and yet as the owner of one of--if not THE--primary pillar of the Skyrim modding community, here you are. You are certainly handling it far better than most I see dealing with public fires like this. Good luck to you.


Try to rest your eyes sometimes. :)

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