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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24642989. #24643104, #24644544, #24644724 are all replies on the same post.

Boerner wrote:
Amelli wrote: +1 agree
benissugger wrote: I agree to a certain degree. but he takes the 5% from valves cut if i read correctly and kind of gives it back to the nexus community in the way of accepting less ads. it's not like he's taking 5% of the modders 25%.
SchwererGustav wrote: I guess the 5% was just to get Nexus involved and to send the Lawyers later...
we will see how this goes...

This is what I believe will happen.
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In response to post #24644499.

xaosbob wrote:

"Remember that, although Valve's pay strategy is patently unfair, it is the mod author's choice to have their work in the curated Workshop in the first place"

Just re-quoting this, as everyone seems to be forgetting that bit... We all choose to pay or not pay for something. People are acting like spoiled brats here, or thinking they are some champions of freedom by declaring nothing have a price tag attached to it...

This will play out one way or another, we just need to be mindful of all sides of the issue before spouting that one of the sides is XYZ. Just my few cents.
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In response to post #24643354. #24643854, #24643949, #24644484 are all replies on the same post.

joz23 wrote:
Qrygg wrote: First of all, no one is forcing you to buy mods, they are a 100% optional part of PC gaming.

Second of all, Nexus is not "in bed" with Valve and Bethesda. Nexus happens to be the largest or one of the largest mod repositories for TESV: Skyrim, and it would be foolish to not have relations with Bethesda, who created the game, and Valve, who distribute the game. If Bethesda got pissed at Nexus, they could issue a Cease and Desist letter for using trademarked/copyrighted material. They support the modding community because, frankly, it means better reviews and more playing of their games on the PC platform; and they don't have to pay a dime of it.

If anything I choose to view the cut from Valve as a thumb-in-cheek move: "Valve is allowing modders to charge money for their mods? Well let's take a piece of the pie, no need for Valve to grow rich off modders hard work!"
PharCry wrote: Qrygg is right, no one is forcing you to download and install content that is not included with the game itself.

But the cut Valve is asking, is a bit absurd... 75% for something they never even touched as far as the game goes? That seems a bit shady IMO...
sh0d4n wrote:
First of all, no one is forcing you to buy mods, they are a 100% optional part of PC gaming.

100% optional FREE part of PC gaming.. Until yesterday.

Second of all, Nexus is not "in bed" with Valve and Bethesda. Nexus happens to be the largest or one of the largest mod repositories for TESV: Skyrim, and it would be foolish to not have relations with Bethesda, who created the game, and Valve, who distribute the game. If Bethesda got pissed at Nexus, they could issue a Cease and Desist letter for using trademarked/copyrighted material. They support the modding community because, frankly, it means better reviews and more playing of their games on the PC platform; and they don't have to pay a dime of it.

So its better to sponge as the community slowly dies?

We are talking a slow death here. May as well take what I can as the ship goes down?

I honestly dont know what to believe. All I know for sure is that this is not good for the modding freedom we have all come love. I dont understand why so many are blind to where it is clearly going to end up. Its like they resigned themselve to the fact that its going to happen no matter what, so the'll just position themselves to benefit from it while they can.

People really are selfish. They are only thinking about the now, not the future generations of modders.

The truth in this is painful to read. Look what Apple did to Linux. Fight the good fight people!
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Sign a petition dont sign a petition....dosent matter. only one sure way for this not to happen..........DONT BUY THEIR GAMES.........DONT BUY THEIR MODS.........simple isnt it? I for one will not play another Bethesda game or DL another mod from any nexus site or workshop. Follow my lead or be just another sheep in the pen.
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Thanks for clarifying the splits- it's been very muddled and 4x% Beth, 30% Steam, 25% modder is as far as one has com to being solid.


I didn't like how part of that started to seem to edge pretty well to buy more mods on steam so the Nexus can get 5% and the modders can get 25%. Seems like it should have been more quickly followed by the superior alternative. I understand feeling that modding should have free access but shouldn't go without compensation. I think a donate button up above the title/description isn't outrageous.


This doesn't necessarily mean that I'll donate. Doesn't mean I'll subscribe. Yeah, I might be and probably am in that sect that will always follow free modding wherever the site. But that doesn't mean it should be hard to use either. Whether people like it or not, the future of free modding will probably depend on people paying for the servers. Every year more and more free access servers go down and more restrictions are emplaced.

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In response to post #24644499. #24644919 is also a reply to the same post.

xaosbob wrote:
PharCry wrote: "Remember that, although Valve's pay strategy is patently unfair, it is the mod author's choice to have their work in the curated Workshop in the first place"

Just re-quoting this, as everyone seems to be forgetting that bit... We all choose to pay or not pay for something. People are acting like spoiled brats here, or thinking they are some champions of freedom by declaring nothing have a price tag attached to it...

This will play out one way or another, we just need to be mindful of all sides of the issue before spouting that one of the sides is XYZ. Just my few cents.

Still missing the point. It has nothing to do with there being a choice. But the fact people are taking part in it, which is supporting it.
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In response to post #24642989. #24643104, #24644544, #24644724, #24644809 are all replies on the same post.

Boerner wrote:
Amelli wrote: +1 agree
benissugger wrote: I agree to a certain degree. but he takes the 5% from valves cut if i read correctly and kind of gives it back to the nexus community in the way of accepting less ads. it's not like he's taking 5% of the modders 25%.
SchwererGustav wrote: I guess the 5% was just to get Nexus involved and to send the Lawyers later...
we will see how this goes...
Vidicus wrote: This is what I believe will happen.

Um. Not really I don't agree. He isn't taking the modders money and profiting really. Think about it, the Nexus is listed as a service provider people can select when they upload a Paid Mod, he isn't straight-up TAKING modders money, he is instead allowing mod authors to donate and share their stream of revenue with the site. He isn't taking money from the modders, he gets part of Beths/Valves cut from the mods income should they choose to select the Nexus as a service provider.

He would surely have to be crazy to turn down free money that would otherwise be going to Bethesda or Steam, right? I am outraged by the entire Paid Mod fiasco and I think it's wrong, but what Dark0ne is doing isn't wrong in my eyes, he's just providing a way for those who choose to make their mods Paid to give back to the Nexus by taking 1-5% (based on the amount of providers the modder chooses, up to five can be chosen) of the money the companies would earn.

I think he is justified entirely as being a listed Service Provider, because that's what he does, for free.
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In response to post #24639104. #24641969 is also a reply to the same post.

riverreveal wrote:
gastovski wrote: This is what i'm trying to say. He said all these stuff like early access, silly preorders, microtransactions yet he stands neutral on this one. He must fight against it altogether.

This is exactly right. I respect everything you've ever done, Dark0ne. I've been here for a LOOONNGGG time. Some of my most cherished memories of childhood have been finding great mods for Morrowind/Oblivion and using them to expand my game time by thousands of hours. And to be honest, I'm pretty okay with the idea that Bethesda can take a small cut of any mod I download - they have fostered the modding community since the beginning, but I don't agree that Valve should necessarily get a cut of it. Valve is trying to "fix" a system that was never broken. Back in the days of modding Oblivion and Morrowind, I can't think of a single author (that I downloaded from, anyway) that would have said he modded because of the potential for financial gain. I know I've never modded for financial gain. It destroys the spirit of modding.

And yet, here we are. Dark0ne mentions how the slippery slope from DLC, Season Passes, microtransactions, etc. all started with a simple single gesture in one game and got blown into the proportions it is today. But yet doesn't realize that it is EXACTLY what will happen once paid modding becomes a thing. I don't need to have a degree in Economics to realize that all a company has to do is look at the history of these other systems and BAM! Why would they ever support free modding again? To continue supporting a community they've helped developed for 20+ years? When money's on the table, you really expect a company to do the altruistic thing? It would be different if it were Todd Howard himself who made that decision. But its much more complex than that and in the end, rarely does altruism breed in a corporate environment.

Just my two cents. I've probably exaggerated on the statement from Dark0ne but I feel like I need to get this point across to people that are watching an oncoming tsunami approach and feel that they have the power, resources, and volition to do anything about it when its at their doorstep. Now is the time to fight for this. Not later. NOW.

EDIT: I guess what bugs me more than anything is that people have principles. Companies don't. Principles make something honorable. I have principles: like that I would never ever request nor accept money for doing something as a hobby. Then its not a hobby (to me) anymore. But a company...why would a corporation care about the feelings of a community? Its sole purpose is to make money for someone(s). It doesn't feel things...community's do. People do. I do. Edited by drmmrdude22
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