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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24643354.

joz23 wrote:

First of all, no one is forcing you to buy mods, they are a 100% optional part of PC gaming.

Second of all, Nexus is not "in bed" with Valve and Bethesda. Nexus happens to be the largest or one of the largest mod repositories for TESV: Skyrim, and it would be foolish to not have relations with Bethesda, who created the game, and Valve, who distribute the game. If Bethesda got pissed at Nexus, they could issue a Cease and Desist letter for using trademarked/copyrighted material. They support the modding community because, frankly, it means better reviews and more playing of their games on the PC platform; and they don't have to pay a dime of it.

If anything I choose to view the cut from Valve as a thumb-in-cheek move: "Valve is allowing modders to charge money for their mods? Well let's take a piece of the pie, no need for Valve to grow rich off modders hard work!"
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Go check the tubes for TotalBiscuits discussion on this issue (Valve announces paid modding for Skyrim), particularly 16:35-18:20. Yes, Valve could generate a large amount of money out of what they are charging to modders (75% percent, wtf Valve). Yes, we might have to pay for some items out of the Steam Workshop. But TB makes an exceptionally good point in that snip above: why are people complaining about paying for the WORK of someone else? If someone is willing to put hours, months or YEARS (does anyone recall <b>A Quest for Heaven</b> for Fallout 3) into a mod that has fantastic quality and expands the experience of a game and, as a lot of people have mentioned, "...this mod is like a full DLC release," why should they not be paid IF THEY WANT TO APPROACH THAT SORT OF SYSTEM? Artists, in music, film, animation and other industries work via Patreon or some other system, why should modding not end up adopting a similar following? This doesn't mean that all modders will or have to make money from their projects. But they are NOT obligated in ANY way to provide their content for free. If they do, good on them and be thankful for their contribution to XYZ game.


Get rid of your old ideas about having everything for free. People have made (roughly) similar arguments about music, movies, etc. all for the sake of having them for free (through many different outlets). Because they can't afford X dollars or whatever currency to pay for it. So if you can't afford something, that has ZERO IMPACT ON YOUR ABILITY TO LIVE, you deserve to just have it for free? Think about it... These guys deserve a due for what they've made. Let's face it, a pat on the back and a few, "that a boy," comments don't pay the rent, or anything. It's a rough area to navigate, as TB's video mentioned. But this needs some serious thought and consideration from all, mod makes and users alike. Discuss the change, don't stick to old-fashioned ideas just because it's convenient for you, open your minds and let's all help to shape this change to benefit everyone involved.

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The only way to fight this is to not partake in it on any level. Sadly the Nexus has decided to be associated with Valve. Even to be profiting at a small level means you approve of their actions and support them. I appreciate all that the Nexus has done. I am shocked that they have allied with Valve, but that is their decision.


This all reminds me of corruption... pay off all resistance or tempt them with offers and remove obstacles. In this case Valve involve Nexus and make them allies with small profits. In the end they will swallow you, they have the resources and legal expertise. Sometimes just letting someone get a small hold or their foot in the door is enough to make your house fall. I hope this is not the case, but I think that is going to be the end result.


I hope the Nexus survives this and continues to be a supporter of the open modding community.

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In response to post #24643354. #24643854 is also a reply to the same post.

joz23 wrote:
Qrygg wrote: First of all, no one is forcing you to buy mods, they are a 100% optional part of PC gaming.

Second of all, Nexus is not "in bed" with Valve and Bethesda. Nexus happens to be the largest or one of the largest mod repositories for TESV: Skyrim, and it would be foolish to not have relations with Bethesda, who created the game, and Valve, who distribute the game. If Bethesda got pissed at Nexus, they could issue a Cease and Desist letter for using trademarked/copyrighted material. They support the modding community because, frankly, it means better reviews and more playing of their games on the PC platform; and they don't have to pay a dime of it.

If anything I choose to view the cut from Valve as a thumb-in-cheek move: "Valve is allowing modders to charge money for their mods? Well let's take a piece of the pie, no need for Valve to grow rich off modders hard work!"

Qrygg is right, no one is forcing you to download and install content that is not included with the game itself.

But the cut Valve is asking, is a bit absurd... 75% for something they never even touched as far as the game goes? That seems a bit shady IMO...
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I find this entire debacle, unseemly and distressing. One of the most disturbing elements is the level of vitriol directed in all directions. I have argued and will continue to argue that, the currently offered model is appalling, exploitative and potentially open to legal challenge. I cannot and will not condone threats against ANYONE.

Mod authors should have the right to monetize their work, should they so choose. That is a core principle for me. No one should expect the kind of work offered in mods like Falskaar, Skywind, Helgen Reborne, etc, to be free. That the mod authors choose to, do this for no direct monetary return is their choice and privilege, I for one commend them for that. However I neither expect nor demand that they continue to do so.


I have enjoyed the works of many mod authors both here on the Nexus and on other sites including ones that might get me in trouble with the mods here on the Nexus. (I have observed an amazing level of animosity, betwixt the Nexus and *****'* ***. Even though both communities do share some laudable aspects.) So I am not surprised by the greater communities response to the Steam Workshop changes, disappointed yes, but not surprised.


We need to decide something. Are we capable of offering a passionate yet reasonable response to this issue, or are we just going to fling excrement at each other? I have seen some exceedingly well put together arguments on all sides of this debate (yes there are more than 2 sides to this debate) and some utter dross (well quite allot of utter dross, tbh).


Change is always difficult and challenging, but there is one honest truth everything changes or it stagnates and dies. No matter how hard you try to prevent it. How it changes is the question and how it changes us, is our responsibility.

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I've been using this site since Oblivion was relatively new, and I've never had a reason to post anything other than to ask a quick question about a mod. Good to hear your stance on this Dark0ne, and I appreciate your honesty. I've read through your other posts, and you were right; I had missed the donation button as well. I would gladly donate to some of the mods I use.


What gets me in all of this is the system itself. They've created a truly flawed system and need to rethink it from the beginning. If you hate the system then all you have to do is NOT USE IT. That is all, just don't use it. They don't need to make forum posts or send threatening e-mails. Just abandon the system and Valve/Beth will be forced to rethink what they've done. If they make NO money from the system, it will die. If they fix it and it's suddenly a 'good' system, then more power to them. I hope they do fix it though, since Valve are notorious for not fixing what's broken...


In the mean time, I will go and support my favorite mod authors through the Nexus donation system. I suggest that everyone who loves a mod by a certain author do the same, because that's the best way to show your support to them.

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Glad to have someone intelligent running this place, it wouldn't have ever come so far without reason.


Regardless of the issues that people have had with the nexus, the fact that Robin takes the time to write these posts is heartening.


For my part, tempered as it may be; I think a prominent donation button, complete with developer/valve cuts, more in the realm of 40/30/30 modder/dev/steam would have built far more faith in a the company line of "giving back to modders" than this thinly veiled money grab.


I have read, multiple times about valve only paying out in steam wallet funds, and only if you make over $200 in a month out of your 25%, but I have yet to find any of this info listed officially.


If anyone has a proper cite for this from valve it would go a long way in proving said money grab, from what I have seen it may well all be hearsay (although I havent looked all that hard)


Either way, I think if donations were prominent, and easy, here on the nexus or on the workshop, people would be more likely to donate. If someone could donate a $1 or $5 or a $0.25 with the click of a button, that would go a long way to getting the more honorable to support modders.


Valve and Bethesda had the perfect opportunity to remain well liked in PC gaming and continue to appear as a reasonable champion for modders. After all, outside of returns, valve does make it very easy to give away your money.


Honestly, I think its more likely that Bethesda was a driving force rather than steam, but thats just a gut feeling, might be some old naive hope left in me. Just feels that way with how bethesda's content has been going, rushed. unfinished. oft overpriced. Plus valve already makes a shitton of money, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.


Keep in mind as well, Valve is not publicly traded (last I knew) which almost automatically makes it less evil than Bethesda (less likely to exploit to please unknown shareholders) albeit very slightly


In reality they're probably both secretly based in active volcanoes.

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