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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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Some people here say that they don't trust modders that they'll support their paid content.

As a modder I can say that I try to back any of my mods. The problem is in lack of constant inspiration. And if I recieve the money, just a symbolic sum, then this is a great inspiration.

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Steam is now introducing early access mods! You can now support the modding community (with valve and developer taking only 75% of profits) before mods are officially released! You, yes you, can now partake in supporting developers in there buggy, over priced, glitchy mods that, odds are, won't ever release a finished product leaving the community with another sense of false hope! Valve, once a promising company, wants your monayyy!!! (Please take note that side effects of supporting early access content is subject, but not limited too: disappointment, regret, depression, loss of money, diarrhea, addiction to drugs, sudden utter hate for humanity, new outlook on life, spiking usage of pirate bay, clearer skin, migraines, cancer, loss of ambition, erectile dysfunction, loss of hair, shaving of beard, success in job, abdominal discomfort, less chafing, girlfriend, finding something productive, heart disease, thoughts of suicide and violent crime.) Valve, because you hate EA more.


On a serious note though. I have never created a mod in my life, nor have I ever had the ambition too. I do though, amongst the majority of people on the site, enjoy delving into other peoples creativity. With that being said, I will submit my concerns along with other users to this site.


I can't believe you're seeking justification for not only your greedy behavior, but that of valve and bethesda. Do I believe modders should be rewarded for there hard work and time spent developing mods we all use and enjoy? Absolutely. Do I believe it should be submitted with a forced pay wall? No. As you stated in your previous post, donations should of been implemented into the nexus long before this hit the fan, along with an easier way for creators to display there need and/or wants for donations. Not only this, but when a creator is seeing less revenue, (25% as you've stated) than that of the distributor, valve, (35%, unless you are wanting to support the nexus which will see 5% from valves cut) is also what is contributing to the cluster of hate we are seeing. Bethesda shouldn't be seeking 40% of the cut to begin with either. Yes they released the glitchy, buggy, ultimately boring without mods games. But they already received payment from it being purchased along side the dlc packs that some mods require. Such large cuts also cause unnecessary inflation. If bethesda was truly wanting to split it should been 70% cut goes to the modder and 20% to bethesda and 10% to the nexus on a donation basis. The community is pissed because we're tired of being nickle and dimmed to death. Just look at what has become of The Sims by EA, or any micro transaction game, which this is just a sugar coated version of. That is what the future will be held at, and what people don't want. If you don't think donation is a good source of revenue, tell that too twitch streamers who make a living offer nothing but free advertisement for the games they are playing and entertainment (If you don't believe they are free advertisement you're an idiot. When PewDiePie played skate 3 there was such a demand they began reprinting it!).


To my understanding, the nexus was a place to freely distribute your creation amongst your peers and seek criticism from users for self improvement. Look at the steams greenlight, early access games, and indie developed games. It's cancerous. Either the reviews are poorly illustrated to the problems, just a raged rant, or satirical and not meant as a serious review. It will generate a gap between creator and user which is exactly what the community doesn't want. This is why the nexus was so idolized to it's community and why steam is receiving a whip lash from it. This would be like linux deciding it was going to begin monetizing and separate it's community of people who simply just want to create, improve, and innovate. And if you don't think Linux creators have done this you should look into it more. Especially read into Eric S. Raymond's contributions to open source programming. He's a F**KING genius.


I couldn't believe it till I saw it. Two company's I once cherished now have been corrupted by greed and I know people suffer from the same heart ache as I. I hope you do realize valve is going to drown you out and ultimately eliminate you from the equation with the addition of new games with "modders support". It should be more than obvious. It was a nice gesture of them taking 5% of there revenue out, but it was to grind out the content creators from this site to there's. Loss of revenue in the short term = gain of revenue in the long run. Simple business strategy. I don't wish the death of nexus, steam, or modders. I just wish this was pronounced to the community to seek other available options that would of been widely accepted. But after recent releases of games, and shenanigans such as this, there is no more hope in the gaming industry for ethical companies.


I'm done with my drunken rant. I loved this site during the time I played skyrim and will probably still continue to use it. I just hope players and distributors can meet at an ends. But I highly doubt it.

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In response to post #24645834. #24650339 is also a reply to the same post.

xBlitzerx wrote:
Eolhin wrote: Um, why can't you use the existing version of SkyUI which is still free, and has worked fine for quite a while? I agree, it is essential, but it isn't like they are pulling what you already have out of your hands.

@Eolhin, I think he used SkyUI as an example how a priced mod could ruin a whole experience in the future. Everyone would have to pay to get a bug fixed. I'm not saying it'll happen, but imagine if you have pay for "Unofficial Patches" or a mod that makes the UI playable for PC in Fallout. This is the first step. If they can sell it now, most mods in the future will probably have a price tag for the new ES 6 just to fix the inherently buggy Bethesda games. I am probably going to skip it or find another alternative game.
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While I don't agree with Dark0ne accepting the money Valve offered and I most certainly don't support the fact that paid mods are now a thing, I can't help but feel people should calm down a bit.


Yelling and accusing will get us nowhere. If we really want this system gone the modding community needs to be united; not divided and bickering amongst ourselves. The Nexus remains one of the loudest voices supporting the modding community, and right now it's too busy with an internal inquisition to do anything about the changes Valve is making.


As for Dark0ne accepting Valve's money... Well I don't like it, but I've silently stuck through a lot of the s#*!-storms Nexus has gone through ever since I first started playing Oblivion. In the past things have always worked out in one way or another, and I'm hopeful that this time won't be any different.

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The best thing one could possibly do to ensure an independent modding community, is to donate 1cent on the mods you like. Idc about who is to blame for this development, but it's at us to stop it. Not Bethesda, not Valve.Us.

I see that now and I feel ashamed, that I never paid attention to the matter of donation


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Dark0ne after reading your full post and post's by other mod author's that i have immense respect for i'm convinced about this site in the next few days i'll be a paid premium member...and nuff said ;-)
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In response to post #24645514. #24646009 is also a reply to the same post.

Slincoginte wrote:
Dark0ne wrote:
Also could you be a bit clearer on what the nexus is expected to do as an authorized provider of workshop?

Absolutely nothing. We have zero obligations to Valve/Bethesda other than not sharing revenue details.

So by sharing the details you forfeited the rights to those 5%? Your lawyer is sure if there's no possible repercussions they may inflict on you or the site?
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RAAA! s#*!-hot post, D0! I shadowed the Chesko conversation chain on Reddit, and I very specifically stalked your responses to everyone (including the nutter), in an attempt to vet your stance on things. Everything you've said, I'm with. We fundamentally disagree on one point only, and in that only because I think I'm looking at things from a different scale.


In a show of solidarity, I back you completely on the policy of zero-hate, and animosity-free dialog. I humbly submit that we keep the global discussion to the ISSUE, not the PEOPLE, whether they choose to play the pay2mod game or not. Name-calling is for children.


Analyzing the actual fallout is much more fun than crazy-eyed supposition anyways. :)


I still think it sucks that Chesko got burned by this. The amount of BS that dude ate over trying out turning a profit is ridiculous and saddening. A lot of people tried to claim that he was a shitty modder or similar nonsense. Like you say about SkyUI, I don't think I could ever play Skyrim without Frostfall, since I've played the game with it. The diminished-state of that experience would be...I lack words.


Enough rambling from me for now. Thanks again for your willingness to come up during this crisis and keep everything running. Any anxiety I had about becoming a supporter(throw money at a website? Just to not see ads?!) is long dead, and I have no doubt I'll be coming to Premium sooner rather than later.

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In response to post #24646984. #24647104, #24647439, #24647524, #24647569, #24647954, #24648029, #24648264, #24648309, #24648414, #24648504, #24648519, #24648809, #24649619, #24650179, #24650239, #24650354, #24651229 are all replies on the same post.

Psijonica wrote:
SchwererGustav wrote: This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

You will see ;)
bigdeano89 wrote: Way to sound like an entitled 12 year old man. Dark0ne has been honest from the start. Good luck trying to find another site btw, all the others are either gone or ALSO took the service provider option. That includes AFKmods etc.

Dark0ne is not the only site to do that, so stop making them out to be the bad guys. Nexus has been around for years giving mod authors FREE space for mods big and small.
Dark0ne wrote:
As you paint yourself as the saviour of the free modding community

This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

Why would I delete it? It's a perfect example of the people who don't actually read what I write and, in the process, make themselves look stupid.
SchwererGustav wrote: Because 2 of my comments got delleted befor...

The 1st was a bit aggressive the 2nd not at all.

rotwhip wrote: ooooh someone is angry.
Psijonica wrote: I read what you wrote and I can only giggle that you have lowered yourself to calling me "stupid" LoL

You can fool all the kids here but anyone with real business and life experience sees right through you.

If I am stupid because I don't take your words at face value then so be it... I am a stupid person who drives a Super Snake and I am laughing at how stupid you may think I am.

Basically you are still supporting Pay-for-Mods just that you are calling it by a different name. Many modders like Emma (I guess you think she is stup[id too now eh? Remember her, yoiur old friend who helped you with your uploaded system all thiose years ago?) also believe that this is wrong in every aspect... but I guess we are just stupid.

I can't really tell youwhat I think of you because hey, I'm in an unfair possition where you are able to swing insults but I can't.

Congratulations! *Applause*
benissugger wrote: he said you "make yourself[es] look stupid", not "you are stupid".
JoeyLock wrote: So basically Psijonica, you're saying "Stop asking me for money! Dark0ne just pay the $500,000 to run this community per year and deal with it!" yes? Think about that statement, Endorsements, Permissions and Donations are the very things that keep this community and these mods afloat, if you want 100% free mods, make them all yourself and pay for the site to upload them on.
twhelan wrote: We must excuse those who cannot understand the context of a single sentence.
WightMage wrote: What does Emma, creator of Vilja, have anything to do with this?
Dark0ne wrote: You started with, in response to my article:

As you paint yourself as the saviour of the free modding community

I've already written:

If people are heralding me, specifically, as their champion in the fight against paid modding then they've done that of their own accord, and I certainly haven't agreed to be that champion....Does this sound like a champion of modding being free everywhere? No, it does not. Do not use me as the poster-child for that campaign as I never said I was.

So you either didn't read it, or you read it, and then decided to say I was painting myself as the "saviour of the free modding community" when I've specifically said I neither am or want to have that title. So yes, you look stupid. Even more so, now.
HadToRegister wrote:

Am I going to close all my account? No, not yet. But as soon as there is an alternative choice you can bet I will choose it.

I'm sure that threatening to close your FREE Nexus account that you pay NOTHING for, has most of the people at The Nexus quaking in their boots.
seversky wrote: Psijonica, you are an incredibly spoiled little child. Go away please. Don't come back.
phantompally76 wrote: I don't think Psijonica "looks stupid" at all, Dark0ne.

Quite the opposite, actually.

And I also think that YOU are coming out of this looking dishonest, petty, unapologetic, and at the risk of upsetting you (which is not my intention), just a little sociopathic.

You can't shrug or laugh this off. This is a MUCH bigger deal than you're trying to make it out to be, and just because you refuse to admit there is a problem with your lack of disclosure and transparancy....that doesn't make the problem go away.

And like it or not, a LOT of people have a problem with this.
Reaper0021 wrote: There is no "Bigger Deal". All of it was blatantly obvious, in the open and known by those of us that bothered to read it. These attacks are starting to get pretty damn pathetic. There was/is no conspiracy nor big deals made that have betrayed anyone.
TKHBMVP wrote: From my community experiences in the early 90ies until now on several forums and when usnet newsgroups support forums started remembering from the past, nothing has changed so far with the participants and their communication habbits ;-) It is still the same.
But when I read across all of this thread I'm happy that a lot of people making up their mind on this topic and thinking about the different point of views of the involved people.
Finally this proved that Nexus has a great audience and value modders and members sharing a most valuable content.
joeriz9 wrote: Keep it up kiddo, Good way to get yourself banned by not reading anything that has actually been said.

YaY! You called me stupid twice! HAHAHA ;D The fact that you keep commenting says more than you know. it says that you feel you need to bully me in order to distract people from the real issue whisch is that you are in one hand holding up a protest sign while with the other taking payments from the people you are saying you are protesting against.

I have to laugh at you.But I guess I'm just stupid or maybe that the throngs of people who once used to get mods for free are now much smarter than me now that they will be paying for them eh?

*SIGH* Look at his last words, "That is what I will fight. That is what I will champion against." and tell me that he is not proclaiming himself as the white knight LoL

and to those of you who say he is not making money, please who are you fooling... he is raking it in and he is only here instead of on vacation trying to protect his money. Edited by Psijonica
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