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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24656984.

nekollx wrote:

Well I don't know you tell me since I've been defending Dark0ne all night long. You bothered to read? I'm not attacking Dark0ne I think modder's should get paid if they wish. I'm against Valve having their hands in it...especially at 75% cut.
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I only worry that by accepting money from Valve modders will think: "hey they are making money off of these mods either way. Why post these files where i will not get paid?" Thus, driving modders to the workshop and completely off of the nexus.


I am not worried about the devs and publishers. Its the modders themselves who will choose to get paid or not.

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In response to post #24655159. #24656634, #24656799, #24657054 are all replies on the same post.

nekollx wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: Seriously, what have you got against Gopher? He is one of the most honest people on Youtube imo, and always comes across as genuine. So what if he supports modding? In some aspects so do I, just not in the way its been implemented here. Gopher makes a living off of youtube and patreon is there as an optional donation page. He has never been shady regarding these facts.

Bear in mind also that, not only does Gopher have quite a few mods that I personally think are required for immersion reasons, he also has stated that he will NOT make any of them paid for. Does that sound like someone making money off of shady deals?
Reaper0021 wrote: Gopher is above reproach in any wrong doing of any kind. I use his mods as well (Predatorvision, Immersive Hud, etc.) and wouldn't and couldn't play without them. Your caution about "Gopher being a prime second example"....yeah I can say you don't know what your talking about at all when it comes to Gopher. Gopher is quite possibly one of the best YouTuber's right now AND his Skyrim Mod sanctuary is responsible for helping hundreds of mods become VERY popular.
phantompally76 wrote: NO mod author is above reproach. Not a single one.

I like Gopher. But I also have enough common sense to know that Gopher supports paid mods because like most of the other popular mod authors out there, he feels entitled to be compensated for his hobby, and that because he's a popular mod author, he stands to gain a lot of money. That's his prerogative, and I can't tell him he shouldn't feel that way.

However, it's also my prerogative to feel the way I do. And I can only reiterate what I've been saying for the past month.

I will NEVER pay for a player mod. And I will NEVER support a mod author who asks or expects me to.

Not even Gopher.

In this situation he is above reproach as he has done nothing wrong. What did we get sick of attacking Dark0ne all night and now it's time to go to another who has done nothing wrong? Give it a rest. Gopher has gone on record: His mods will be free. Edited by Reaper0021
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In response to post #24656984.




nekollx wrote:

Well I don't know you tell me since I've been defending Dark0ne all night long. You bothered to read? I'm not attacking Dark0ne I think modder's should get paid if they wish. I'm against Valve having their hands in it...especially at 75% cut.


keep in mind i'm not targeting specifically you, Gopher being beyond reproach is pretty much a standard in the community (just look at the reactions each time i've brought it up) but he's a valid talking point, and since he and Dark0ne sync up in a lot of places i'm honestly confused


"How can High Lord Gopher be beyond reprach but Dark0ne is a dirty sellout?"


My brain just has a logic fault error and crashes

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Thanks, Dark0ne, for the fully documented and well-reasoned post. I gave up on reading comments, so much absolute fail! I especially love the folks who talk about greed and selfishness. Who is more greedy and selfish, the person who wants you to pay a couple bucks for something he or she has poured thousands of hours and real money into, or the people who demand that the result of that process absolutely MUST be provided to them for free? I submit the latter category is the more greedy and selfish.
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In response to post #24657179.

nekollx wrote:

Because...well.....Gopher is a very very well known YouTuber/celebrity and isn't in charge of a major website with over 8 million subscribers while Dark0ne is and can be seen as the evil 'corporate' guy maybe? I don't know.
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In response to post #24657179. #24657319 is also a reply to the same post.

nekollx wrote:
Reaper0021 wrote: Because...well.....Gopher is a very very well known YouTuber/celebrity and isn't in charge of a major website with over 8 million subscribers while Dark0ne is and can be seen as the evil 'corporate' guy maybe? I don't know.

Exactly. Gopher makes a living creating content. I'm completely fine with that and am a happy consumer of his product. So why are modders, who also create content, somehow evil demons for trying to do the same? The mind boggles.
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I dont mean to derail at all and I am fairly late to the whole modding skyrim game comparitively here but on the issue of 'having no issue with paid mods on Steam'... I have a technical question...


Now when I was learning to mod Skyrim by first discovering the Nexus and watching youtube videos etc ooh... about a year ago... everywhere said (paraphrasing) 'whatever you do ffs dont use steam workshop' because you cant mod skyrim properly on steam and you have to use a mod manager (Boss, NMM or MO, load order, compatibility issues etc...)


isn't one of the technical elephants in the room here that paid mods on steam is effectively selling all those customers down the river because steam workshop simply does not have the tecnical functionality to mod skyrim effectively and after the poor suckers have paid (alot of dollar) they will still need NMM or MO (and BOSS etc) anyway?

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Simply monetizing mods alone will kill modding. The moment that money gets prioritized, everyone becomes a competitor of eachother for the almighty shekels. This whole system needs to go into the trashbin. Donations are great, I donate to modders on here.
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In response to post #24657179. #24657319 is also a reply to the same post.




nekollx wrote:
Reaper0021 wrote: Because...well.....Gopher is a very very well known YouTuber/celebrity and isn't in charge of a major website with over 8 million subscribers while Dark0ne is and can be seen as the evil 'corporate' guy maybe? I don't know.

Exactly. Gopher makes a living creating content. I'm completely fine with that and am a happy consumer of his product. So why are modders, who also create content, somehow evil demons for trying to do the same? The mind boggles.


like i said logic fault error, that sederves to be discussed, one of these things are not like the others

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