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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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I've been on this site for quite a while but never participated much in the community.


Still, as soon as I stumbled on what had happened on Steam, I came here immediately to check on the status of things, and I have to say that your post is tremendously reassuring in all ways.


I'm glad to know that the Nexus will continue to be free, and I'm grateful to the authors who will continue to post here. But those who want to make money from their work are totally entitled to it, and I wish them well also.


Kudos on the sane, rational post and thanks for all your hard work on this site over the years.

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In response to post #24655159.

nekollx wrote:

Seriously, what have you got against Gopher? He is one of the most honest people on Youtube imo, and always comes across as genuine. So what if he supports modding? In some aspects so do I, just not in the way its been implemented here. Gopher makes a living off of youtube and patreon is there as an optional donation page. He has never been shady regarding these facts.

Bear in mind also that, not only does Gopher have quite a few mods that I personally think are required for immersion reasons, he also has stated that he will NOT make any of them paid for. Does that sound like someone making money off of shady deals?
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I am not one to post usually but felt that I should, so I would like to say I agree and I can completely understand.

I know my post, agreement and understanding does not mean much in the grand scheme of the world but I feel that this needs to be said.

I hope that the people who are having the knee jerk reactions and the absurd extreme and disgusting response to all this will just calm down, take a deep breath and stop for just a few minutes to take in the consequence of their actions.

Once the dust settles things will not look as "clear and just" as when people where only being reactionary and no doubt there will be a lot of people that have been hurt by words and actions people have taken and there will be things that can not be taken back.

I will not deny that I did have a few knee jerk moments, however I did not post any of those thoughts because I knew it was wrong, unfair and an opinion that was biased and clouded without any truth or fact that it was pure and simple, a knee jerk reaction.

I wish that the people who were sending threats and hate would not do so but somehow I doubt that will ever stop being a thing people do on the internet.

I doubt anyone can truly say how this mob mentalilty that some people have taken on will effect things now or in the future.

I hope the modders who have been pounced on these mobs can understand that not everyone feels this way and I hope they do not lose their passion or drive to create new and wonderful things, but I can certainly understand if they feel that this has been too much and will be leaving or taking a break.

I am sure I could say more but its late and I might end up repeating myself.

I just hope that people can calm down and stop before more damage is done I do not wish to lose the modders who have given so much of their time to create these wonderful mods for us to experience.

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I don't like the idea of charging for mods. Taking something that has always been free and about an open, sharing community and charging for it feels wrong to me.


That said, I think a 25% share is fair for those that decide to sell their mods. At 25% they are getting a much larger share of the money their mod makes than even the developers that made the game got. If you considered the modders selling their mods to be developers (which I imagine is what most of us dream of doing for a living) they're getting paid a much larger share of the profit than the average dev. Of course the mods won't make anywhere near what the actual game made, but in a percentage comparison to what devs make it seems pretty fair. Maybe I'm missing something here, but 25% sounds good to me.

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In response to post #24655159. #24656634 is also a reply to the same post.

nekollx wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: Seriously, what have you got against Gopher? He is one of the most honest people on Youtube imo, and always comes across as genuine. So what if he supports modding? In some aspects so do I, just not in the way its been implemented here. Gopher makes a living off of youtube and patreon is there as an optional donation page. He has never been shady regarding these facts.

Bear in mind also that, not only does Gopher have quite a few mods that I personally think are required for immersion reasons, he also has stated that he will NOT make any of them paid for. Does that sound like someone making money off of shady deals?

Gopher is above reproach in any wrong doing of any kind. I use his mods as well (Predatorvision, Immersive Hud, etc.) and wouldn't and couldn't play without them. Your caution about "Gopher being a prime second example"....yeah I can say you don't know what your talking about at all when it comes to Gopher. Gopher is quite possibly one of the best YouTuber's right now AND his Skyrim Mod sanctuary is responsible for helping hundreds of mods become VERY popular. Edited by Reaper0021
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In response to post #24646984. #24647104, #24647439, #24647524, #24647569, #24647954, #24648029, #24648264, #24648309, #24648414, #24648504, #24648519, #24648809, #24649619, #24650179, #24650239, #24650354, #24651039, #24651229, #24651294, #24651314, #24651324, #24651364, #24651429, #24651469, #24651679, #24651784, #24651844, #24651864, #24651949, #24652074, #24652084, #24652114, #24652274, #24652374, #24652484, #24652614, #24652634, #24652709, #24652984, #24652989, #24653374, #24654079, #24654169, #24654569, #24654739, #24654814, #24654864, #24654924, #24654954, #24655019, #24655324, #24655564, #24655599, #24655739, #24656204 are all replies on the same post.

Psijonica wrote:
SchwererGustav wrote: This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

You will see ;)
bigdeano89 wrote: Way to sound like an entitled 12 year old man. Dark0ne has been honest from the start. Good luck trying to find another site btw, all the others are either gone or ALSO took the service provider option. That includes AFKmods etc.

Dark0ne is not the only site to do that, so stop making them out to be the bad guys. Nexus has been around for years giving mod authors FREE space for mods big and small.
Dark0ne wrote:
As you paint yourself as the saviour of the free modding community

This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

Why would I delete it? It's a perfect example of the people who don't actually read what I write and, in the process, make themselves look stupid.
SchwererGustav wrote: Because 2 of my comments got delleted befor...

The 1st was a bit aggressive the 2nd not at all.

rotwhip wrote: ooooh someone is angry.
Psijonica wrote: I read what you wrote and I can only giggle that you have lowered yourself to calling me "stupid" LoL

You can fool all the kids here but anyone with real business and life experience sees right through you.

If I am stupid because I don't take your words at face value then so be it... I am a stupid person who drives a Super Snake and I am laughing at how stupid you may think I am.

Basically you are still supporting Pay-for-Mods just that you are calling it by a different name. Many modders like Emma (I guess you think she is stup[id too now eh? Remember her, yoiur old friend who helped you with your uploaded system all thiose years ago?) also believe that this is wrong in every aspect... but I guess we are just stupid.

I can't really tell youwhat I think of you because hey, I'm in an unfair possition where you are able to swing insults but I can't.

Congratulations! *Applause*
benissugger wrote: he said you "make yourself[es] look stupid", not "you are stupid".
JoeyLock wrote: So basically Psijonica, you're saying "Stop asking me for money! Dark0ne just pay the $500,000 to run this community per year and deal with it!" yes? Think about that statement, Endorsements, Permissions and Donations are the very things that keep this community and these mods afloat, if you want 100% free mods, make them all yourself and pay for the site to upload them on.
twhelan wrote: We must excuse those who cannot understand the context of a single sentence.
WightMage wrote: What does Emma, creator of Vilja, have anything to do with this?
Dark0ne wrote: You started with, in response to my article:

As you paint yourself as the saviour of the free modding community

I've already written:

If people are heralding me, specifically, as their champion in the fight against paid modding then they've done that of their own accord, and I certainly haven't agreed to be that champion....Does this sound like a champion of modding being free everywhere? No, it does not. Do not use me as the poster-child for that campaign as I never said I was.

So you either didn't read it, or you read it, and then decided to say I was painting myself as the "saviour of the free modding community" when I've specifically said I neither am or want to have that title. So yes, you look stupid. Even more so, now.
HadToRegister wrote:

Am I going to close all my account? No, not yet. But as soon as there is an alternative choice you can bet I will choose it.

I'm sure that threatening to close your FREE Nexus account that you pay NOTHING for, has most of the people at The Nexus quaking in their boots.
seversky wrote: Psijonica, you are an incredibly spoiled little child. Go away please. Don't come back.
phantompally76 wrote: I don't think Psijonica "looks stupid" at all, Dark0ne.

Quite the opposite, actually.

And I also think that YOU are coming out of this looking dishonest, petty, unapologetic, and at the risk of upsetting you (which is not my intention), just a little sociopathic.

You can't shrug or laugh this off. This is a MUCH bigger deal than you're trying to make it out to be, and just because you refuse to admit there is a problem with your lack of disclosure and transparancy....that doesn't make the problem go away.

And like it or not, a LOT of people have a problem with this.
Reaper0021 wrote: There is no "Bigger Deal". All of it was blatantly obvious, in the open and known by those of us that bothered to read it. These attacks are starting to get pretty damn pathetic. There was/is no conspiracy nor big deals made that have betrayed anyone.
TKHBMVP wrote: From my community experiences in the early 90ies until now on several forums and when usnet newsgroups support forums started remembering from the past, nothing has changed so far with the participants and their communication habbits ;-) It is still the same.
But when I read across all of this thread I'm happy that a lot of people making up their mind on this topic and thinking about the different point of views of the involved people.
Finally this proved that Nexus has a great audience and value modders and members sharing a most valuable content.
Psijonica wrote: YaY! You called me stupid twice! HAHAHA ;D The fact that you keep commenting says more than you know. it says that you feel you need to bully me in order to distract people from the real issue whisch is that you are in one hand holding up a protest sign while with the other taking payments from the people you are saying you are protesting against.

I have to laugh at you.But I guess I'm just stupid or maybe that the throngs of people who once used to get mods for free are now much smarter than me now that they will be paying for them eh?

*SIGH* Look at his last words, "That is what I will fight. That is what I will champion against." and tell me that he is not proclaiming himself as the white knight LoL

and to those of you who say he is not making money, please who are you fooling... he is raking it in and he is only here instead of on vacation trying to protect his money.
joeriz9 wrote: Keep it up kiddo, Good way to get yourself banned by not reading anything that has actually been said.
Reaper0021 wrote: Why are you even posting Psijonica? I mean what's the point you're trying to make beyond just annoying the staff? He was transparent about this whole thing to begin with. There is no hidden agenda. It was publicly posted and I read it before it was brought up by a member who found it the same way I did: Just looked and it was there. It wasn't 'hidden' and wasn't an attempt to be deceptive.
locomotive1236 wrote: "YaY! You called me stupid twice! HAHAHA The fact that you keep commenting says more than you know. it says that you feel you need to bully me in order to distract people from the real issue whisch is that you are in one hand holding up a protest sign while with the other taking payments from the people you are saying you are protesting against.

I have to laugh at you.But I guess I'm just stupid or maybe that the throngs of people who once used to get mods for free are now much smarter than me now that they will be paying for them eh?"

If you consider that bullying, I'm not sure what world you live in. As I understand it from his posts, he's staying neutral at the moment because he understands both sides. I also do not see any point of arguing with someone who is incapable of see things from only one perspective and have such a fragile self-esteem.
MCato wrote: "As you paint yourself as the saviour of the free modding community you are not fooling me"
Please show me any of your mods, even the smallest. Then I'll take your words seriously
HadToRegister wrote:
YaY! You called me stupid twice!

Actually, no he didn't, what you HAVE done though, is shown that twice now, you lack any reading comprehension skills whatsoever, which also explains why you have the whole Valve/Nexus thing so wrong.

Because you read and then interpret everything the way you WANT it to be, rather than the way it actually IS, facts be damned.
SchwererGustav wrote: It's a joke really , anybody with a brain can see were this is going and it is definitely not going to be good for modders who do it for the love of modding and not for the shekkels.

The corps and shareholders will love this news, alot of people (with alot of money) will make a quick buck and leave the modding community in the dirt.

But who are we to judge we don't have a shitload of servers that the community payd for...

Reaper0021 wrote: Had is right. Your a stone-headed kid that's got a conspiracy theory to play with and I'll be damned if your immature ass isn't going to play with it. You just refuse to read and comprehend what's written or you see ulterior motives abounding in everything people say and do.
sunshinenbrick wrote: I hope I don't regret bringing this point up. We are entitled to opinions are we not? And we are allowed to doubt what people say at face value, are we not? That is part of a community and it does not help to throw insults at one another, even if it's understandable as we all have a lot of passion about modding.
gingersnapples wrote: you sir are a clever troll, or wear lead-lined hats on a daily basis. can't decide which.

oh well. time ever flows onward, and this, too, shall pass.
ZeroKing wrote: Yeah! Community effort, guys! We get stuff for free, we'll give no support for the effort here, and we demand retribution for what the site owner believes in because he has to pay for the servers..... oh wait.

I forgot about the $500,000 annual server cost that most of us contribute next to nothing for. Yeah, reality sucks, eh?
Reaper0021 wrote: Yes your opinions are indeed welcome. This person isn't stating an "Opinion" this person has taken facts, mixed them up into his/her own little theory, and is attacking Dark0ne. Best if you don't get involved in it as you too seem to not know whats going on either. ****I'm giving you Kudos Zero cause I haven't seen you in so long.
Psijonica wrote: No reaper he has not been honest at all. When explain your self and leave out certain elements then that is being dishonest.

Let's face it, the reason he is saying is is neutral is because he is afraid to actually state his position. Wishy washy... and because I have an opposite opinion of how he has handled this now everybody trolls me. LoL Like I care. I own my house (paid for) and have a wife who loves me and 3 children that I feed and clothe and I am here with my eldest fighting for what I believe is right.

I believer he has lied, I believe he is not being honest and I don't trust his so called good intentions.

I can not believe for the life of me what is happening and you know what, if this goes through then this whole generation deserves SOPA and all the other corporations to come in take over the internet.

Of course I say that with tongue in cheek but I have been fighting the machine my whole life and I am getting tired... this really makes me not want to care any more and just let the children work it out themselves.

Pay-for-mods is the absolute worst thing that can happen and it is pretty much a done deal.

If Dark0ne want to be the Champion then let him refund all the money he gets from valve directly to the moddders. Lets see if he does that eh?
ZeroKing wrote: PhD in biomedical engineering, have a wife and 6 children. Disabled from the waist down, and still work across 17 countries annually.

Doesn't pay Robin's server bills with my personal morals and my credentials, does it?
Reaper0021 wrote: "Pay for mods" is a bad idea. I'm 44, own 4 houses (live in one rent the others 3 small houses to help my disability) and have 1 child...no wife. And? The make-up of my family or my residence doesn't validate my words any more than it does yours. He isn't betraying us. It was always there to see...I know I read it. I'm sorry this has all happened to turn this community on it's damned head. I've seen you posting in forums before and you are one smart guy. You really are. I've enjoyed your input in the past and it's hard for me to see you being this willfully stubborn.
sunshinenbrick wrote: Ha, thank you... I think :/ I have never considered myself a troll (only learnt what it was a couple of year ago...) being a bit of old fashioned.

I just think it can be unwise to just use the arguement that "it's just the way it is". But I also think there can be constructive ways to talk about this. As in trying to organise a way of reducing this "slippery slope" that has been mentioned a number of times. And I wanted to suggest that getting hissy with each other is not going to help... perhaps that what was predicted to happen??
benjaminpen wrote: Are you drunk? No, seriously... Are you? You seem a little incoherent to me.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I see no conflict between the following two statements:
"I WILL NOT fight someone's right to charge for mods on ANOTHER site. It is NOT okay to charge for mods on THIS site."
"I WILL fight anyone who says I don't have the right to NOT CHARGE for mods on MY site."

And no, I don't think that mod authors being able to donate some of the money being made to the Nexus is a conflict either.

edit: He didn't get the money from the modders' cut, he got it from Valve's cut.
Reaper0021 wrote: Your right Sunshine maybe that's what I needed to calm down was an impartial 3rd to say something. Yeah I'm going to let this rest for now. Try again tomorrow I think. Peace to you all and Kudos to Sunshinenbrick.
HadToRegister wrote:


I own my house (paid for) and have a wife who loves me and 3 children that I feed and clothe and I am here with my eldest fighting for what I believe is right.

Yet here you are, complaining about seeing advertisements on your FREE account.
If you actually HAD all of that stuff, and were mature, you wouldn't need to list ANY of that, as it has NOTHING to do with your conspiracy theory.

If Dark0ne want to be the Champion then let him refund all the money he gets from valve directly to the moddders. Lets see if he does that eh?

Hey, let's see you contribute to the $500,000 annual upkeep for the nexus THAT YOU USE FOR FREE.
You're using a website for FREE and demanding that someone else PAY for something that has already been explained, that all of us adults were able to comprehend quite clearly on our first read-through of Robin's article.
At this point, I can only chalk up your incomprehension of Robin's explanation as, you're either Drunk, or you're now too emotionally invested in this to save face and back out out gracefully by apologizing.

At this point, you're in a hole so deep, and refuse to see it, that if someone threw you a ladder, you'd start digging with it.
sunshinenbrick wrote: Thanks :D Yeah I really hope that dialogues between parties can be kept open so that they can mutually benefit each other. I know that sounds a bit soppy but I suppose (more movie taglines coming up) we do need to have some hope here... not easy I know but its that or dispair!
Psijonica wrote: Well reaper for one I'm female but in the world we live in everything is fairly androgynous eh?

i am not being stubborn, I am standing up for what I believe in. There is a difference. Dark0ne benefits from Pay-for-Mods. Either way it doesn't hurt him. Right now we are downloading every mod we can because I know that all the mods for Oblivion will soon be pay- for -mod, all the Morrowind mods will be Pay-for-mod...

THIS USED TO BE FREE AND FUN!!!! It will never be fun again, it will just become an expense. Now all these modders are going to cry about SOPA??? hahahaha You deserve SOPA now!

monkeyweather wrote: Thanks for keeping this whole thing civil to the best of your abilities, and for keeping everyone in the loop as much as you can.
SchwererGustav wrote: well i helped people to get their modded skyrim to run for 2 month in the forum after that i thought i payed back what i downloaded here.

and this is the only website i had my addblocker off, too(you know how every other site makes money).

I'm not rich and Psijonica isn't eather i guess so we take that little fun we have left in our lives,
freedom, creativity and helping other people thats what i thought was this side about, but now they sell out and take that last piece of choice that makes us burst out in anger.. can't you people understand this?

This deal will mark the beginning of the end off modding, the last bastion of freedom that was left...
Pestilenz wrote: Yeah the community paid for the servers, by either choosing to get premium either because they had money to spare, wanted to help or wanted the extra features or by "gob beware" using the site and downloading mods, I feel so abused shame one you Dark0ne.
sunshinenbrick wrote: I totally understand what you mean by paying for things through other means than money (creativity, support, non-financial contribution) however I do hope that sometimes it is best to take down things you don't agree with from within. This is to say that although I cannot speak for the site owner nor do I know, or ever talked to him, but he has stated his position and we should try give him some benefit of the doubt because there are things that can be safeguarded against.

Suppose time will tell but it is somewhat comforting to know that the players at hand here do see the value of the community here. Admittedly it might be money orientated, however we can have the chance to show them there is more to modding than that. Then maybe they will see that suffocating all aspects of the free community will stifle creativity. I hope. And we can start by using donation systems. But that's money I hear you say??? Yes but it is important HOW you give money and WHO you give it to.
HadToRegister wrote:
Well reaper for one I'm female but in the world we live in everything is fairly androgynous eh?

I'm glad that you and your wife, and two kids, and your paid for house are happy.

Dark0ne benefits from Pay-for-Mods

HE ONLY BENEFITS.......ONLY, if someone CHECKS THE BOX that says "Send 5% of the earning for this mod to the Nexus", there are also checkboxes to send 5% to the makers of NifSKope and Blender as well.
Why aren't you complaining about those two things possibly getting 5% whenever someone checks the box for them to receive 5% of the income?

If a modder DOESN'T check that box for The NEXUS, or NifSkope etc then the Nexus and NifSkope etc get NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NOTHING, is sent to the Nexus, NOTHING....

The Nexus isn't getting a cut of any mods being sold on SteamWorks UNLESS THE MOD AUTHOR CHECKS THE BOX to let the Nexus have 5% of the sales as a "Thank You"

THIS USED TO BE FREE AND FUN!!!! It will never be fun again, it will just become an expense.

It's still "Free and Fun" (especially for YOU Ms. "Free Nexus Account" ), however, you're directing your anger at the wrong person
Tanniss wrote: actually he is getting money from the community unless he is independantly wealthy or paying his creditors with air he gets his money from ad's that we help support by not having ad block on and by the memberships that people pay for as well as donations from the community
Tanniss wrote: which can and will be used later on down the road to take away any credibility on darkones part if he decides to stop fence sitting and pick the side of being afraid free modding is going to disappear by saying hey why you bitching now when you had no problem taking donations from our (valves ) cut instead of the modders giving a cut to nexus for this site being such a great place to find tools and free mods

I am surprised that no one sees this because its buying him even if he or us dont think so because at the end of the day if you take money from those who are trying to take and run a monopoly no matter the small % given you are still silently supporting the endeavor they are trying to force down everyone elses throat

and mind you im not being a troll nor am i stupid and if some feel the need to toss insults towards me so be it bottom line is when you take money for something that you think is more than likely going to be inherently wrong that makes your arguments a little less weighty
Psijonica wrote: HadToRegister

Yes my wife and I are very happy. It is well known that I am a lesbian. I have never hid from that here or anywhere. Do you have something against the gay and lesbian community?

You keep on trying to goat me with your pathetic attempts in arguing with me but I have been ignoring you. You are a troll and your continued attempts into drawing me into a flame war will fail.

You failed :)
Reaper0021 wrote: See you made a good point and did it in such a way that doesn't speak of "Conspiracy Theories" running rampant. No your not stupid at all and you do make good points. The 'other' person on this thread is on an obvious witch hunt. Big difference. I shouldn't have to point that out to you.
Psijonica wrote: Thanks monkeyweather, it has not been easy to keep things civil especially when the owner of the site comes and trolls my post effectively giving permission for everybody else to do the same. Shame on him for that.

I read all his posts and his reddits and although he tries to pretend to pin Gabe down on the DRM issue he himself doesn't even make public his own position on Pay-for-Mods.

This is why I don't trust him. I deal with politicians for a living, I am well tuned to the BS station.
Reaper0021 wrote: NOBODY cares you are a Lesbian with a chip on her shoulder. Nobody cares about your sexual orientation. Period. None of us. Nobody has said anything except, after you felt the need to back-up your arguments with telling us how you own a home and your kids are responsible and your married and whatnot, all anybody has said was "Good for you and hope your happy. And my religious beliefs fly contrary to your chosen lifestyle...but do you hear me saying anything? No. Good. Nobody is going to be baited into a "Gay and Lesbian" tirade debate with you so you have yet even MORE to gripe about along with what you're already doing.
phantompally76 wrote: you're, not your.
Reaper0021 wrote: you're, not your.

It's late and i don't care. The point is made but ty anyway.
Kusumura wrote:
I don't think Psijonica "looks stupid" at all, Dark0ne.

Quite the opposite, actually.

And I also think that YOU are coming out of this looking dishonest, petty, unapologetic, and at the risk of upsetting you (which is not my intention), just a little sociopathic.

You can't shrug or laugh this off. This is a MUCH bigger deal than you're trying to make it out to be, and just because you refuse to admit there is a problem with your lack of disclosure and transparancy....that doesn't make the problem go away.

And like it or not, a LOT of people have a problem with this.
- From phantompally76

Oh, God. Please, let's not have this become #skyrimgate2015...

EDIT: Fixed up the quote.
HadToRegister wrote:

Yes my wife and I are very happy. It is well known that I am a lesbian. I have never hid from that here or anywhere. Do you have something against the gay and lesbian community?

No problem at all, I have gay and lesbian friends, and, as I said in my post.
[i'm glad that you and your wife, and two kids, and your paid for house are happy.]

Now, you've definitely got some MAJOR reading comprehension problems if you are somehow getting that I have a problem with the LGBT community with my comment.

At this point, I'll just chalk it up to you either have some type of reading comprehension problem, or are just belligerent and looking to fight about EVERYTHING.

Anyway, I'm completely fed up with you, because you aren't even participating in the discussion anymore, and instead are acting like a belligerent party-goer who has had a few too many drinks, and wants to try and turn EVERYTHING into a fight

Rullnick wrote: Your mistake is thinking that he can only be on ONE side of the issue, Either he's FOR paid mods or He's AGAINST them. When in reality he's neither, he's neutral because the paid mods aren't the deciding thing here.

He said he isn't a champion white-knight for free mods, and he said he isn't a money-hungry demon from hell. He just wants mods to be free and open when the mod creators want them to be. Why are you so goddamn narrow-sighted? If you read the post you would see you're exactly the kind of people he is talking about.

By the way, people disagreeing with you isn't "trolling". It's just you being unable to take f*#@ing criticism.
Reaper0021 wrote: I agree the whole "Lesbian" thing is this.....person just trying to bait us into a fight and make it look as if we have issues with her ilk. Don't be fooled into any type of debate. I'm going to go play some Attila at any rate online, so peace to you all. I'm done with this nightmare of a woman and her continued inability to basically 'comprehend' that which has been made clear time and time again.
RaskorGaming wrote: "Endorsements given: 279"

Oh, really?

Everyone has an opinion, here's mine. I agree with you about half way. The mod users, get the fair deal. We get free mods. We have a place to get them, a place to install them. A place to discuss it. I take issue on behalf of the authors. Nexus is a business. Nexus is owned by a person. Said person makes a nice bloated salary. Such is business. As a consumer I'm getting the best deal period. Free mods. We come here to get mods. We view adds. We pay for premium accounts so it doesn't take 30 years to download a mod. No big deal. These mod authors make mods. Robin makes a tidy profit because we come to get them. Mod authors are given nothing. Robin pays for xyz. Cool. Robin makes a bloated profit from the investment. Mod authors get nothing. We don't come to view the adds. Or add to his cooperate portfolio. We come for mods. He gets paid because of it. Mod authors get nothing. Blah blah blah he pays xyz. Cool. Is it suddenly non profit? I had no issue knowing all this before valve decided to sell mods off the backs of their authors. I take issue now because it's hypocritical for him to say anything considering we come here for free mods WHILE MOD AUTHORS GET NOTHING. Then raise the banner of MODZFREEFROEVARRRR etc. If I were you I'd have kept my mouth shut on my opinion. It's hypocritical. You profit off the mod authors just like valve is trying to. So I agree with Psijonica to a degree. Yeah, you made a good business decision making a website and shored up a tidy residual sum for yourself. Problem I have is you wave a flag as if you're non profit. Mod authors are getting shafted. Period. I wish I could afford to donate to every mod I use, sadly I can't. Still From now on, when I have an extra dollar on my meager salary I'm buying a good author a coffee. Sorry authors I should have decided to donate sooner.
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1) This is probably something you should have said before you said anything else: "I get money from the Valve-Bethesda scheme". It's called full disclosure in medicine and science, which is what I do. Even now we don't have full disclosure because we still don't have clarity of the revenue split. This is important to me as a payer, I want to know who is getting my money and how much.


2) It follows from this that we can all see why a donate system (which seems relatively trivial to implement) has not been pursued on the Nexus or Steam. They want to keep the cut going to the creator of the content low, and they want to sew up everyone behind legal "firewalls" so that once you opt in you are in a no-compete environment and the oligopoly continues.


3) What we need at this stage of the game is good, ethical leadership that will allow grateful players to easily push money to creators of otherwise free content, with a minimal slice going to middlemen. I envision something like a Steam wallet, where you can donate as little as one cent to any or all of the mods that you use on a schedule or whenever the whim hits you.


4) Once you enter into a business partnership with Valve and Bethesda, it is no longer modding, you are now a contractor making DLC, and probably getting paid less than an actual employee would be getting paid. Under the current paradigm, Valve and Bethesda could walk away with 399 dollars for essentially nothing, and the worker gets nothing at all. Think on that for a minute. That's what you signed the Nexus up to.


Wow. Where is the common sense? Where is the decency? Bethesda is already dead to me, Valve is teetering on the edge until I hear from GabeN. I now have to throw the Nexus into that category?

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In response to post #24655159. #24656634 is also a reply to the same post.




nekollx wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: Seriously, what have you got against Gopher? He is one of the most honest people on Youtube imo, and always comes across as genuine. So what if he supports modding? In some aspects so do I, just not in the way its been implemented here. Gopher makes a living off of youtube and patreon is there as an optional donation page. He has never been shady regarding these facts.


Bear in mind also that, not only does Gopher have quite a few mods that I personally think are required for immersion reasons, he also has stated that he will NOT make any of them paid for. Does that sound like someone making money off of shady deals?

Gopher is above reproach in any wrong doing of any kind. I use his mods as well (Predatorvision, Immersive Hud, etc.) and wouldn't and couldn't play without them. Your caution about "Gopher being a prime second example"....yeah I can say you don't know what your talking about at all when it comes to Gopher. Gopher is quite possibly one of the best YouTuber's right now AND his Skyrim Mod sanctuary is responsible for helping hundreds of mods become VERY popular.


and again he has gone ON RECORD saying he has no problem with a Valve set paid mod system, just the implementation of it, which is EXACTLY what Dark0ne has also stated, he has no issue with paid mods on Steam but the implementation needs some work. BOTH survive off the donations of their fans, Gopher via Patreon, Dark0ne via adds and premium membership.


Yet Gopher is beyond reproach and Dark0ne is dragged through the mud?


Why is that

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In response to post #24655159. #24656634, #24656799, #24657139 are all replies on the same post.

nekollx wrote:
bigdeano89 wrote: Seriously, what have you got against Gopher? He is one of the most honest people on Youtube imo, and always comes across as genuine. So what if he supports modding? In some aspects so do I, just not in the way its been implemented here. Gopher makes a living off of youtube and patreon is there as an optional donation page. He has never been shady regarding these facts.

Bear in mind also that, not only does Gopher have quite a few mods that I personally think are required for immersion reasons, he also has stated that he will NOT make any of them paid for. Does that sound like someone making money off of shady deals?
Reaper0021 wrote: Gopher is above reproach in any wrong doing of any kind. I use his mods as well (Predatorvision, Immersive Hud, etc.) and wouldn't and couldn't play without them. Your caution about "Gopher being a prime second example"....yeah I can say you don't know what your talking about at all when it comes to Gopher. Gopher is quite possibly one of the best YouTuber's right now AND his Skyrim Mod sanctuary is responsible for helping hundreds of mods become VERY popular.
Reaper0021 wrote: In this situation he is above reproach as he has done nothing wrong. What did we get sick of attacking Dark0ne all night and now it's time to go to another who has done nothing wrong? Give it a rest. Gopher has gone on record: His mods will be free.

NO mod author is above reproach. Not a single one.

I will NEVER pay for a player mod. And I will NEVER support a mod author who asks or expects me to.

Edited by phantompally76
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