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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24671629.

Riprock wrote:

Could I just postulate that "free modding" does not necessarily have to be about money, and I think that is the wider issue here. It is the freedom to be able to tinker with your games without being caught in the trap of "you need this mod to do this and this mod to do that" and in the process being directed to payment channels. The ultimate end of to this will be the end of the freedom to mod... without paying for things (tools, resources etc...)

This will affect mod makers as well as nothing will make them exempt from having to fork out for any mod that isn't their own.
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I know when this first happened a lot of modders came forward and stated that their mods would remain free etc..


I am wondering at this point after days of listening to all of this ranting and such, how many still feel the same? after all the very ideal that somehow any of you who are complaining against paying for mods are somehow entitled to people who make said "Mods" should just magically not have any sort of life or income.. they should just slave away for your amusement, Are you even hearing yourselves??


Isn't it like a slap in the face to them? Your Peers? and that is a question ~


Some may think oh go shut up it is not like you have ever contributed, and in a sense you would be right, I have not physically contributed to modding, But I gave birth to a modder.. lol


I remember watching my son 16 at the time maybe even a little younger.. slaving away long hours trying to make every single mesh of the vanilla clothing of Oblivion fit with the HGEC body.. which later became a part of a project known as EVE.


He took over my computer >_< and this did not last for hours.. this lasted for MONTHS! He did not do this for the love of money etc.. he did it because he just loved that game that much, but I would never ever say after watching all the work he put into that and several other mods he never released..


"Oh you don't deserve recognition or even a little spending money if that is what you wish, because I know how hard he poured his heart into that, And what he did does not even touch some of todays Mods! I can't even imagine the work some of these people have put into their mods. But I do know their hearts.. because I have seen it before..


I know many of you have strong beliefs and Ideals and very valid points even.. but some of what your saying in the heat of the moment and in anger, are tearing apart the very people who were good enough to bring to you the mods you love.. This site, the Administration of this site.. The modders.. the people.. are not your targets, it is the Gaming industry ( Steam, Bethesda..) is where you should be directing your anger.


Anyways I felt I needed to get that off my chest.. cus I really do feel bad for the modding community right now, You are judging them, ridiculing them, harrassing them, and I honestly do not even think you know what you do.. Your just too pissed off.. and really need to go calm down before you continue to attack at your PEERS.


I for one will be supporting all my favorite mods, I want to give them a reason to stay here as apposed to going to steam and taking such a horrific 25 percent cut for work they deserve a 100 percent from.

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I think one of the questions the skyrim modding community need to come up with a collective answer on is this:


Does the community want to make the cost of 'enjoying a well modded skyrim' go from free to approximately 10+ times the cost of the game and DLC at full retail price?


It seems the average 'well modded skyrim' runs around 100-150 mods according to what you read here and elsewhere and I would imagine to settle upon those mods you probably have to add in another 50+ that you tried and you didnt like or you couldnt make compatible with other mods.


Now at just $1 per mod for say 150 + the 50 you let go that's $200 right there plus the cost of the game and the dlc itself.


Is this the legacy we want to pass onto our kids?


Because for sure this is what valve and bethesda are salivating over right now. This is what they want, for every game, forever.

Edited by joz23
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which goes back to my coment on the nature of donation vs paywall.


Especially since a lot of the top mods only hav a few people behind them, so insteado paying 200 for in some form like Skyui (14), Frostfall (20), and Wet and Cold (15), camping (10), fishing (17) you donate 5-10 to a author who makes fortfall, camping, and fishing


*Numbers were pulled out of my ass for examples, don't read to hard into the presented numbers

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Before i start to write, let's take a look to meaning of "modding"


1. an act or instance of modifying something, especially a vehicle or mechanical part.

2. the act of rewriting programming code in a video game in order to change the appearance or performance of the software.

3. the act of modifying computer hardware, especially the physical appearance of the case.


Think like this; you bought a car, "modified" it with some parts. Some people who have same car saw this and said "If i bring required parts (in game modding, you don't need extra things to use mods most of times), can you do this to my car?" Do you have to do this modification for free? Most of us don't do this for free, right?


Computer modding (maybe?) is not same as the above example, but too close to it. While modding, people spend their precious time to mode the game. IMO, they have right to demand money directly as long as they inform the game company (because of copy right and any other limitations).


Valve and Bethesda did this, but (as much as i can understand what i have read) they don't let you to publish your ideas without giving your product to their free to use.In addition, they don't let you to take most of the money, (as far as i read from this message) they will take %25 of the income. Before you give your mod to them, your ideas are yours, the money (if donated) is your completely. After you give your mod to them, they have right to use however they want, you will get just 1/4 of the amount. Ok, a little is better than nothing, but giving your ideas to their free to use is not good.


Let's return to our car; you modify it with your own produced parts and car company saw it. (As far as i know) they don't have any right to take your self-produced parts from you and use them their free will. The Steam workshop change is like this; They invite you to their company, let you to produce your modification and just give you 1/4 of total money you should deserve.


In addition to this, they have a right to tell "Ok, you have done well, you can leave from here now, we don't need you anymore." Why? Because they have production rights of the part you have produced in their place. You gain some money in the beginning, that's good, but after some time later, when they develop a better one who will buy your product?


Oh, and one more thing; you are doing it well but there will be complains about your product and you need to reply them as soon as possible if you want to continue to sell your product. If we think this for game modding, there can be little problems about small moddings (some small texture changes, some small scripting...). Do you think you can deal with lots of complains when you make a big mod? Think about this...


I wrote long, sorry about it. Just one thing; before you do something which is belong to you, think twice or thrice. Maybe after you give it, it can't be yours anymore.


Thank you everybody, keep going Dark0ne! You are the champion what i think, too!


(Sorry about my English, it's not my native one. Thank you.)

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In response to post #24645764. #24646449, #24646594, #24646624, #24647849, #24648674, #24649499 are all replies on the same post.

volfin wrote:
Azradun wrote: Before, no one had the motivation to scam people, now they will have one.
PharCry wrote: If no one wants to pay for the mod, they don't have to. What are you even talking about Azradun? And the 24 hour policy is there as well. I swear I'm done after this post unless I open my browser again...
sunshinenbrick wrote: Let us also not forget Skyrim was a bugged out mess of a game when it was released. Continuous digs for payment in order to have a finished game will be next.
rotwhip wrote: thats a pretty ignorant thing to say...

think about it, if it were a scam, nobody would buy it, so the "author" wouldn't even get any money....

even the first person who buys the crap mod will see that it is a crap mod, and return it, posting a comment saying that it is a scam mod, and nobody else will get it........

that's the whole point of the return feature.
Azradun wrote: I actually bought a mod today (Firelink Implements) and refunded it. You can check it in its comments if you don't believe me.

Cash doesn't go to you, but to your SteaM Vallet. And it takes some days to do so. I'm still waiting.

Also the mod was very small so I was able to test and debug all in about 15 minutes. I don't see it happening with large quest mods so much (for obvious reasons).

Also I'm a paying customer for a product now (especially since my cash is locked down at the moment). I think I *can* offer some criticism :P
locomotive1236 wrote: @rotwhip, Do you really think the 24-hour return policy is reasonable? Do you really think someone with a full time job and a family can test a mod like falskaar in 24 hours? Keep in mind also that people that don't care for their reputations, i.e. mod thieves, can still make ton of money by selling an incomplete work. You will probably not notice something wrong until way down the road when it corrupts your save games. Ever heard of save bloating that occurs only after a while for certain mods? I need not mention those that had this problems but were eventually fixed. More importantly you do realize that the mod authors on steam can delete comments right? They can easily delete all the negative feedbacks and you wouldn't even realize it was broken until you had it.

And I'm not even gonna mention the compatibility nightmare if you have more than 50 mods installed.

They actively delete comments and discussions for the paid mods. The guy from Fishing Animations even deleted my comment about using FNIS' content... which was polite and factual, but got deleted because the developer didn't like it.

And they even actively hide rating if it's one star!
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In response to post #24670454. #24670809 is also a reply to the same post.

hafizlordfeast wrote:
Riprock wrote: To early to abandon ship. Damage parties report only damage from elements that were popular but unstable internally.

Do not buy their next games, if they make DRM based modding tools. That is, what WE can do.

Remember, there is NO way in hell, they are able to make a bug low product, what does not ctd in 10 minutes tops, without the help of the modders of the unofficial patches.

And remember the corupted save games after 20 hours? How will THEY ever fix that. They are far too sloppy, to have a chance to fix it.

If they have no free modding, this games are no different from any abbandoned early access s#*&#33;.

DO NOT BUY THEM, in this case. And for gods sake, stop buying games on steam, until this is sorted out. I've gone offline, deleted my wishlist, reset the store configuration, and removed my workshop subscription. It's up to ourselves, to do something. Do not wait on any "reactions" from other side. They will only spout bullshit bingo statements.

Start acting yourself! Don't wait. Money,and NOT buying anything until now is the only VALID statement in their eyes, they will accept.

Only the loss of money, that is. Edited by mkess
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Before i start to write, let's take a look to meaning of "modding"


1. an act or instance of modifying something, especially a vehicle or mechanical part.

2. the act of rewriting programming code in a video game in order to change the appearance or performance of the software.

3. the act of modifying computer hardware, especially the physical appearance of the case.


Think like this; you bought a car, "modified" it with some parts. Some people who have same car saw this and said "If i bring required parts (in game modding, you don't need extra things to use mods most of times), can you do this to my car?" Do you have to do this modification for free? Most of us don't do this for free, right?


Computer modding (maybe?) is not same as the above example, but too close to it. While modding, people spend their precious time to mode the game. IMO, they have right to demand money directly as long as they inform the game company (because of copy right and any other limitations).


Valve and Bethesda did this, but (as much as i can understand what i have read) they don't let you to publish your ideas without giving your product to their free to use.In addition, they don't let you to take most of the money, (as far as i read from this message) they will take %25 of the income. Before you give your mod to them, your ideas are yours, the money (if donated) is your completely. After you give your mod to them, they have right to use however they want, you will get just 1/4 of the amount. Ok, a little is better than nothing, but giving your ideas to their free to use is not good.


Let's return to our car; you modify it with your own produced parts and car company saw it. (As far as i know) they don't have any right to take your self-produced parts from you and use them their free will. The Steam workshop change is like this; They invite you to their company, let you to produce your modification and just give you 1/4 of total money you should deserve.


In addition to this, they have a right to tell "Ok, you have done well, you can leave from here now, we don't need you anymore." Why? Because they have production rights of the part you have produced in their place. You gain some money in the beginning, that's good, but after some time later, when they develop a better one who will buy your product?


Oh, and one more thing; you are doing it well but there will be complains about your product and you need to reply them as soon as possible if you want to continue to sell your product. If we think this for game modding, there can be little problems about small moddings (some small texture changes, some small scripting...). Do you think you can deal with lots of complains when you make a big mod? Think about this...


I wrote long, sorry about it. Just one thing; before you do something which is belong to you, think twice or thrice. Maybe after you give it, it can't be yours anymore.


Thank you everybody, keep going Dark0ne! You are the champion what i think, too!


(Sorry about my English, it's not my native one. Thank you.)

you seem a bit misinformed.


When a Mod author puts up a mod on the workshop (ie "Paywalling it") they can set their own price, but there is a minimum that is not zero.

Mods on the Workshop see revenue split.

25% to the mod author

75% To Valve/Bethsoft (exact split is unknown)

of that 25% Valve wont make any pay outs until the threshhold is a minimum of $400

Of that $400 its steam Wallet money meaning the Mod authors dont actually get money to live on they get Credit to get more games on Steam

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