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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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To me this all is not about modders being paid or not. I think a lot of modders deserve to be paid for the hard work they do. I am however of the opinion they should get a bigger cut.


For me it's more about the worries of future implications this will probably have on modding and PC gaming in general. Basically the very last quote in Dark0ne's post.


That said I don't think threats, flaming or some of the other crazy things people have been doing are going to solve anything, if anything it's only making this worse. All I can do I voice my opinion, politely and vote with my wallet.

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In response to post #24636819. #24637264, #24637439, #24637449, #24638189, #24638194, #24638204, #24638694, #24639029 are all replies on the same post.

Dark0ne wrote:
Noortje wrote: My fear is the same. Companies will all hop on the bandwagon and companies will no longer allow free mods for their games. Modding will be forced into illegality.
Chrono180 wrote: I would like to express my gratitue towards you, Dark0ne, for being able to be a calm and collected head when everything goes into chaos. Regardless of the pros and cons of the concept of paid for mods, it is good to know that you are able to keep yourself collected and help discuss things in a calm and rational matter.

I am sorry about your missing your trip, by the way.
gunslinger6792 wrote: Never doubted you or the nexus. Thanks for the info now please for the love of God get some sleep.
icecreamassassin wrote: I think that modding is such a vital aspect that for Bethesda/Valve to declare them universally pay only after they have deeply rooted themselves as such a community shared concept, would be PR suicide. They would see a wide spread fallout (no pun intended) against their company and the sales of their next product release would PLUMMET so badly. I'm certain that they must be aware of this and would never do something so bold

and good job quoting robin's entire main post lol ;)
jad31te wrote: " And frankly, I think you are insulting the mod authors who have decided to remain free by saying free modding is over. If you believe strongly in this, stick by them, show them your support, endorse their files if you like them, donate to them. That's what this community needs, not a swirling cesspit of vitriolic hatred. " end quote~

Exactly!! This is what I have actually been putting my efforts twords all night, and will continue to do so, without the mods.. skyrim would be frankly boring at this point. I have invested 707 hours into this game not counting the hours I poured into my PS3..

This whole ordeal the last few days has really had me rethinking somethings, It is so easy to get caught up in this whole thing and b&@*$.. but in reality before today I had never once even considered hitting that donation button. Not that I was objected to it, I just never really thought about it untill this happened.

And there are so many people who really deserve that support from us, I for one will not be Buying steam mods, but instead will be supporting those same people here as I can, where I know they will be getting every cent I give to them.

I want to thank you all so much for giving me so many hours of great gameplay and a great community.

TKHBMVP wrote: Thank you for this information Dark0ne, I much appreciate your open and clear statement and arguments.
I'm not a modder, even I'm running three sites with content from gaming experiences and my own translations I'ld like to share for free to the community.

For me you mentioned three major points to me:
1. Getting paid for a mod, people expecting support for the mod from the modder. I'm not sure if this will be clear to all modder using the paid version of publishing their work.
2. It should be fine if a modder select a service provider to benefit for the platform the modder already benefit in the past. And a platform which shares the revenues with the users to improve the platform is a good choice of donation in my point of view.
3. Finally it is up to the modder what will be used as a platform to distribute the work. At this point, I remember your point, to implement a feature to point out to people during the download process about the donation option. And saying this, I recognized a lot of modders which mods I'm using (currently 305 active mods for Skyrim) that they actively disabled this option on their mod page.... !

Hopefully everybody calm down and we can keep on enjoying all of the mostly great work which has been published here.

Just my 2 cents.

Nostalgiaheart wrote: A simple; I agree with you on the most part and I THANK YOU for letting us know how you feel about all of this.
From a 68yr old gamer that has seen most of it and I do understand, even if the bull heads don't.

Live Long and ENJOY :)
crisisninja wrote: Long live The Nexus!

I understand that some modders, especially ones who have invested a lot of time and commitment to their great mod may want compensation for their efforts. And many of them deserve it too, for enhancing the gaming experience for the countless many users of the game. What I really hate about this paid mod thing at the moment is that the modders get only 25% while Velve and Bethesda take the lion's share of 75%.
What this means is that if the modders feels they deserves to be paid...lets say $5 for their mod, then the actual price-tag has to be $20 for them to receive the $5. (As where on the other hand if the modder was getting a 50% cut, the price would be $10 and if they were getting 100% the price would be $5) So the higher the cut Velve and Bethesda take, the higher the price of the mod shall have to be, and the thought that this extra $15 that is paid for a $5 mod will go to Velve and Bethesda, who myself and most users are currently hating for this turnabout is hard to swallow.
Though many people may agree that the modders deserve respect and compensation for their mods, hardly anyone believes Velve and Bethesda deserve that extra cash, and do not want to give anything to those companies that seek to capitalize on the efforts of others. Paying for mods benefits the modders, but it benefits Velve and Bethesda even more. There is currently a great hate for the two companies for wanting to capitalize on what used to be a free communtity, and the idea of giving some of the modders their deserved pay is greatly outweighted by the idea of actually paying 75% to the ones we have come to loathe.
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Wait until Fallout 4 or ES 6 comes out and its workshop only and the VaC ban people people who download unworkshop mods from sites like this.


You can sit and analyze and say its too soon to come to conclusions, but in the same way you say you saw these days coming because of day one DLC, Early access, ect you must be able to see whats going to happen one day with the curated workshops and sites like Nexus? They wont co-habitate. Valve are quite happy giving Nexus and others money now because they wont have to worry about you in 5 years time because you wont be allowed to host mods of the biggest current games.


You say you will fight it, why arent you starting now?

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In response to post #24638139.

gastovski wrote:

In reality, though, a great many of those mods posted on Steam for a price are also posted on the Nexus, where they are free, and continue to be. My point being that purchasing one of these mods on Steam is basically the same as donating to the author, as you could just as easily download it from here.

Even if a certain mod that you want isn't free here, or anywhere else, it isn't that big of a deal, especially at this point in Skyrim's modding life where pretty much every new mod is a duplicate, revival, or expansion on a pre-existing mod.

I'm not personally a big fan of this move, and I don't have any intention of charging for any of my mods. At the same time, I can understand why an author would want to. A lot of mods require a great deal of time and effort, not to mention skill, and it makes perfect sense that the authors would want to be compensated for the donation of their free time so that you can play whatever it is that they are making. Anyone who charges for a mod that isn't worth the money probably isn't going to make much, if any, money.
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I have the same fear about free modding going bye-bye. That's what I worry this move will eventually mean, and that's just one reason I am against paid modding. If you look at the way they're doing it, they're not pushing hard (i.e. they allow mod authors to choose whether or not to charge for their mods), but that could easily change with TES VI or Fallout IV or any other future game. It seems like they're being very nice to the Nexus right now, which makes me doubly cautious. Corporations are NEVER spontaneously nice unless they want something from you (or get something out of it).


Businesses don't become successful by being nice and/or generous. Signing on to be a Service Provider might not have any instant ramifications for the Nexus, but it might come back to bite you in the future when you find out there's a legal loophole that Valve's lawyers wrote in and your lawyer missed. That's not a prediction (I hope), just a worry.

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In response to post #24638614. #24638964 is also a reply to the same post.

bben46 wrote:
gastovski wrote: I read the post and understood. In this situation it's black and white. Mods are becoming DLCs, this is the begining of downfall for PC gaming, MODS. After all Nexus is the second biggest modding site on internet after ModDB.

OMG the world is ending, monkies are growing wings and flying,... :O evolution isn't real!.... dude, please... calm your hyper-exaggeration, unless Beth bans modding in their future games little will change.

At the end of the day Steam WS has a major issue, it has no mod managers, Steam is not a place for serious modders and the mods need to be very clean else they cause issues, Nexus will always be the main Modding site for all these games. it's bigger better and there is an awesome community to help... Edited by Carnage2K4
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I honestly don't know what all the hub bub is about any ways. I have a perfectly good free community right here. I have donated to authors and supported the Nexus financially. I also don't see an inherent problem with paid for mods. Is not any one free to do whatever they wish with their property? Is it not wrong to tell others what or how when concerning their own property? I'm right there with you, Robin. I like free modding with the option to donate. I do have to say, the authors I have donated to made it quite clear they don't get donations very much. The button seems more of a decoration that you have to fill out forms to place on your page. But....it's a hobby. Steam and Bethesda have opened a new door for modders to walk through. I mean seriously, I would pay for a mod like Falskaar. DLC made by a fan that is actually really good and has a lot of content. Perhaps more authors will go big and produce some really impressive mods like that for money. When Bethesda stopped working on DLC for Skyrim, everyone complained that there wasn't enough content. I think if a couple epic DLC mods came out on Steam there would be a shift in opinion. If only unspoken through purchase of said epic mods. The only thing that is lame is the number of stupid mods that will have price tags on them. "Here's a sword for a dollar. Use console commands to get it." Little things that will never be used by another author in a mod bringing added content in the way that brings authors together and solidifies the bonds of cooperation and shared creation that is really what I think the community is all about.
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My respect just tripled for you Robin. What people started tossing around as accusations to this and that is very wrong and they should be ashamed. Its sad that the internet is always like this, people like to insult each other and make conspiracy theories about even the smallest of things.


With that said, i need to point that my biggest concern with all of this is the mod theft, that is a scary subject for any mod author, and while i haven't released many mods on the nexus or anywhere else (due to permissions) i can't but feel disturbed toward the fact that someone is using my mod's assets, models, scripts etc and upload them on the workshop and make money of them. I feel like this subject needs to be addressed and dealt with.


Yes in my opinion modding should remain free and i will continue to do free stuff, but that doesn't mean i am against my fellow mod authors who want to make money out of there mods, i don't endorse it but i am not against them, but mod theft...is something i am against.

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I appreciate your candor and honestly. However I disagree. There can be no wait and see, there can be no appeasement, there can be no peace, this is an attack, a hostile take over if you will of the modding community. They have and by that I mean the devs and publishers, always sought a way to bring in more money from DLC and get a handle on mods, some games don't release tools until they're DLC is all out, others ban tools altogether, this is the final answer, they have finally wised up, why compete with modders, when you can just buy them? By not only withholding the information about the paid modding initiative from the community that steam made you aware of before it was out, and nexus continuing to be a curator, you and all those who support it are in full guilt for this attack on the modding community. You are benefiting from it and the money, no matter how "noble" your intention of using said money to fund nexus, is filthy money, its dirty money, and its money that is not worth the black marks on you.


You are by taking this money, by curating the workshop, complicit in the attack and destruction of the modding community, you are complicit in the corporate take over of the free modding community.


Its obvious you don't see it that way, but I and many others do. I would also like to point out that historically our points stand. If you are involved, you're involved. No arguments, no objections, no desperate ramblings will clear you of it, you took the money and thus are complicit.

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