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Well, this topic seems pretty broad in scope, charity comes in many forms.


I personally do not believe in welfare. I work in fast food. Many of my co-workers don't want to work more than 30 hours a week, because that increases the rent they pay on their sliding scale housing. Likewise, my employer hires incompetent employees because of the tax benefits for hiring someone on welfare or unemployment. As Milton Friedman once said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I do however regularly donate money to Kiva, because the people that the money goes too are trying to make their own businesses, rather than simply accept a handout.

As far as this topic seems to be concerned, we are talking about charitable organizations, and their effectiveness. Keep in mind that in any modern society, money is needed to do any good. For example, let's say that you want to paint over graffiti. You can your skill and time as a painter, but who should pay for the paint, paintbrushes, ladders, etc? Likewise, if you spend time painting over graffiti for $5.00 an hour, when you can be making $10 an hour painting for rich people, would it be unethical to accept that small wage? As for Peta, Make-A-Wish foundation, and other large National Organizations, none of them will be perfect, regardless of their intentions. They will also have many expenses as well, such as administration and logistics.

Now, if you don;t mind me opening another can of worms, look at religion. The aim of any religion is to better society, and to teach people to care for one another. However, more atrocities have been committed in the name of religion than for personal greed. Peta is very much like the major religions, as they do exactly the opposite of what they set out to do( protect animals).


For this reason, any reputable charity would be a 501© organization. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/501%28c%29


A single person isn't going to profit off it, the entire corporation will. Corporations can be more corrupt then any government

I disagree, corporations are subject to keeping themselves profitable at all times. Governments on the other hand are always profitable, we pay taxes regardless of how well the government performs.

Corporations do ANYTHING to make money, that includes killing if legal. If the government uses money in a bad way to much we have economic issues...



I support helping people and giving people as many chances as they need, but a lot of charities make things worse.

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Komen G. for the 'wasting millions of donated money to destroy other 'non-profit' volunteer societies' cure!


I died inside when I first heard of this on the Colbert Report. I thought it couldn't be true. Why would a charity sue another charity for trademark violation for something as silly as 'Cupcakes for the cure', or 'Race of the cure'? Charitable organizations are supposed to work together to find a cure, and now the hundreds I donated to Komen are being used to file a lawsuit on another charitable organization?


I must know if any of you find this to be a travesty, because it has affected me to the core. I've lost respect for that charity in specific, and a little for all of them.

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Komen G. for the 'wasting millions of donated money to destroy other 'non-profit' volunteer societies' cure!


I died inside when I first heard of this on the Colbert Report. I thought it couldn't be true. Why would a charity sue another charity for trademark violation for something as silly as 'Cupcakes for the cure', or 'Race of the cure'? Charitable organizations are supposed to work together to find a cure, and now the hundreds I donated to Komen are being used to file a lawsuit on another charitable organization?


I must know if any of you find this to be a travesty, because it has affected me to the core. I've lost respect for that charity in specific, and a little for all of them.

This is the kind of thing I am talking about.


If you want to give money to someone you should give it straight to the source, so it won't go through a middle man that might end up using it for stupid stuff.

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Given the choice of wasting a large amount of money travelling abroad to give cash to some farmer in what could only be an ego boosting excersise for myself or volunteering in my local Oxfam Bookshop I choose to volunteer. I hope that a more significant amount of cash would go to relevant people through such an action than through the prior approach.


Just as I acknowledge that I get a significant amount of pleasure through interacting with my friends who volunteer as well as from some customers I suggest that those whos who want to put cash directly into the hands of the 'deserving' examine their motivations.


If you come to Aberystwyth come in on a Saturday afternoon and buy something or just chat, you'lll find that the we are both dedicated gamers and interseted in the Real World.

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Komen G. for the 'wasting millions of donated money to destroy other 'non-profit' volunteer societies' cure!


I died inside when I first heard of this on the Colbert Report. I thought it couldn't be true. Why would a charity sue another charity for trademark violation for something as silly as 'Cupcakes for the cure', or 'Race of the cure'? Charitable organizations are supposed to work together to find a cure, and now the hundreds I donated to Komen are being used to file a lawsuit on another charitable organization?


I must know if any of you find this to be a travesty, because it has affected me to the core. I've lost respect for that charity in specific, and a little for all of them.

This is why I never donated to any charity and never will.

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To separate the better charity organizations from the worse and outright frauds try this site. Of course it only covers those in the US and most are national not local. http://www.charitynavigator.org/


bben, Thank you for this. I have added it to my favorites. Also, I keep meaning to tell you that I absolutely love all of your signature lines. They are not only fun, but totally "spot on". Thanks for those as well!

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  • 5 months later...


well I do have one little inquiry. Why do governments of poor countries (India excluded, having becoming a world power. India is RICH.)

always steal money? what could they do with it? everyone hates them, nobody trades with these countries, what, do they buy the things they make?


Because really, they can't use the money. All they'll do is become another N.Korea. Asking Africans for food. Apalling really. (N.Korea asked Africa for food to feed eleven million. N.Korea's eleven-million-man-army.)

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