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Fallout Modders Free Logo Request


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So I saw a link Elinora posted on facebook about a skyrim thing called Forever Free in regards to mods and the message behind their statement hit a cord for me. I thought that perhaps this image would ring true for at least some of us. Now I can make buildings, crappy vendors, even armor but what I can't do is alter images.. My thinking is a Desert Ranger would look mighty fine. So if anyone feels the same or could rig up some pictures and put them up as a modder source I would be internally grateful.


here's a link to what I'm referring to.



and another


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Tis a valid point. I should also bring up the concept that Brigand231 just shared which in short our message should be more support the modders. While I still don't personally like the idea of selling mods if someone is able to do so without steeling/using other peoples work or ideas without permission than I suppose I should support or at least be neutral in their doing so. Perhaps I was a little to fast to reach for my guns but the last thing I want to do is tear apart this community.

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