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Now that paid mods are gone, it's time to count the casualties..


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Yes the new generation of NEW MODS, MODDERS deserve to be paid but this system wont work they need to come up with something better, how would you feel if someone bought you car and said "don't worry its on me!" then DECADE(s) later says "hey were the hell is my money you OWE me for that car!!!"

But that didn't happen. Nobody took away the old car or demanded payment for it, they just sent out fliers saying there was a new model available and this time you would have to pay instead of getting it free. (OK, so that one mod actually sent out hundreds of fliers, stuck them under the wipers every time you parked, etc.)

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Yes the new generation of NEW MODS, MODDERS deserve to be paid but this system wont work they need to come up with something better, how would you feel if someone bought you car and said "don't worry its on me!" then DECADE(s) later says "hey were the hell is my money you OWE me for that car!!!"

But that didn't happen. Nobody took away the old car or demanded payment for it, they just sent out fliers saying there was a new model available and this time you would have to pay instead of getting it free. (OK, so that one mod actually sent out hundreds of fliers, stuck them under the wipers every time you parked, etc.)



Isn't that business strategy the same thing that COD uses now? Update the game alittle then resell it? Sure they give it another name but basically its the same game lol

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I think there's a difference between Chesko and some of the others. He was caught up in all the stuff that went on under the NDA, and had the misfortune of both being a prominent modder and having to remove his mod over permission issues. You can't really fault his behaviour once it all kicked off (which was over a matter of a day) and I hope he returns to modding.


The good side of all this is that it's focussed on the lack of donations for modders, for those that want them. People are more likely to donate now, and the decision is left in the hands of the author to allow them, and the users to want to make them, which is how it should be.

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Oh come on guys, now is the time to forgive and forget, stop holding these grudges against certain people already!

We are basically hating on modders that have provided us with GREAT CONTENT FOR MANY YEARS now, show some appreciation and forgive them for their lapse in judgement.

The community stood together (mostly), lots of harsh words were thrown around, but in the end the paid mods disappeared (at least for now), so please shake hands with the people you disagreed with and bring them back into the community.

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I think the community needs to stop putting modders on a pedestal like they are some kind of demigods.

I mod a little myself but am certainly not well known or popular, for which I am glad.

Having the kind of pseudo-celebrity status that some people have is not my cup of tea.


Part of the reason why people lashed out so harshly at these modders seems to be related to the fact they held them in such high regard.

and in the process, forgetting that these people are human, they have ego's, desires and faults like anyone else.

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I'm still not sure why everyone is throwing flak at chesko. He was told by valve it was okay to sell his mods even if they relied on things like fnis. Fores didn't agree and had a chat with him which resulted in chesko pulling his mod off the workshop and fore releasing a statement saying he talked things over with chesko and it was okay in his books for as far as he's concerned.


So what's wrong? Are people mad at him for trying to sell a mod? You've got to be kidding me. He made many mods, frostfall being the most prominent one and many others for free but you're actually mad he tries to sell something? If anything, it is the mod community that let him down, not the other way around.

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I'm still not sure why everyone is throwing flak at chesko. He was told by valve it was okay to sell his mods even if they relied on things like fnis. Fores didn't agree and had a chat with him which resulted in chesko pulling his mod off the workshop and fore releasing a statement saying he talked things over with chesko and it was okay in his books for as far as he's concerned.


So what's wrong? Are people mad at him for trying to sell a mod? You've got to be kidding me. He made many mods, frostfall being the most prominent one and many others for free but you're actually mad he tries to sell something? If anything, it is the mod community that let him down, not the other way around.


You are acting like he was FORCED to make the mod. He made the mod out of his own free will.

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I'm still not sure why everyone is throwing flak at chesko. He was told by valve it was okay to sell his mods even if they relied on things like fnis. Fores didn't agree and had a chat with him which resulted in chesko pulling his mod off the workshop and fore releasing a statement saying he talked things over with chesko and it was okay in his books for as far as he's concerned.


So what's wrong? Are people mad at him for trying to sell a mod? You've got to be kidding me. He made many mods, frostfall being the most prominent one and many others for free but you're actually mad he tries to sell something? If anything, it is the mod community that let him down, not the other way around.


You are acting like he was FORCED to make the mod. He made the mod out of his own free will.




Um, I don't think that was what pandachan90 was getting at... or was saying.

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