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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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This is pathetic.

A huge wall of text, containing nothing but a one-sided argument without room for other sides of the story, and even if arguments are being made they are being hand-waved away with sarcasm and snide, not taken seriously.

You don't want a discussion, you want sympathy and people to agree with you. When I look at the comment section here on Nexus, your mods are all well received, not seeing much of what you're describing, which supports my claim that you're just fishing for sympathy.

Dude, I am sorry you feel like the punching-bag of the internet, but you really shouldn't use the Steam Workshop as your clap-o-meter. The applause you'll get from steam users is predictable to say the least... And when you set yourself up for it, you'll just have to deal with it.
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I was surprised by these numbers on the Bethesda post.

"Only 8% of the Skyrim audience has ever used a mod. Less than 1% has ever made one".


Someone can elaborate more? 8% seems a bit low to me. What they call the "Skyrim audience" includes the Steam/PC gamers only... or also the console.

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In response to post #24745044. #24745229, #24745464, #24745559, #24745634, #24745674, #24745769, #24746064, #24746434, #24746794, #24746974, #24747029, #24747269, #24750919, #24751124, #24751414 are all replies on the same post.

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You don't know what entitlement is until you take money for a product and then see people pissed off because said product doesn't work.

Also last I checked it was legally required that those that sell software, which mods are, support their product for free for 2 years, this is why games are patched for a minimum of 2 years by the way, and modders would be making so little f*#@ing money that it wouldn't be viable for them to support the mod for 2 years. Not to mention that they can't guarantee that the mod will even work with the setup that their customers have. No I'm sorry, paid mods take away the freedom of the mod makers, they stop being volunteers who can stop whenever they want and suffer minimal backlash and instead turns them into slaves working for pennies. Edited by Tarathiel_Torosir
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In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339, #24745449, #24745494, #24745729, #24745734, #24745839, #24745939, #24746154, #24746294, #24746544, #24746674, #24746704, #24746719, #24747064, #24747169, #24747379, #24747459, #24747514, #24747554, #24747774, #24747799, #24747909, #24748204, #24748329, #24748344, #24748534, #24748849, #24749024, #24749029, #24749224, #24749279, #24749419, #24750314, #24751879, #24752384, #24752494, #24752744, #24753274 are all replies on the same post.

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Thread is too long, even compared to past ones, and most people have said what I would have by now, so let me simplify:

1) As someone who has gone out of their way this weekend to defend people's right to be paid for their work if they so choose, and donated, I'm offended at being blanket included in the rabble of "entitled" kids you mention, thanks.

2) The first thing people in all art fields learn when they get into art is that they either do it because their passionate about it, or they quit immediately. Criticism is LEGION- and they will not be stopped. You can either learn to take what you want to improve yourself, and ignore the rest, including the vitriolic, or not.

3) It is unrealistic and entitled to expect the ground you stand on to be kissed just because you made something.

I say this as a writer, and as far as I'm concerned, the bullshit we receive from so much as putting pen on paper is a fraction of the hatred that you get and continue to get from making mods. So a dozen people are spamming posts about how you're a terrible person, complete with overused memes and broken english? Who cares?

Imagine spending YEARS on a work, sending ar least a dozen drafts to publishers, editors, and friends alike, getting next to no responses, and when you do, finding your work awash in red ink or attached to a letter that extolls the reasons your work isn't profitable. Imagine the self righteous idiots who accuse you of being racist/homophobic/gay agenda/devil worshipper/christian propagandist/anti science/fails at science just because you write characters and situatioms contrary to their established worldview.

This torrent cannot, and will not be stopped, and the sooner you learn to ignore what is useless to you and pick up what is, will you be ready for the mod/artist community.

Otherwise, it sounds like you aren't meant for this line of work. All you've managed to do is throw anyone who would have helped you out under the bus over something that's meant to be fun anyway.
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Everyone knows damn well what would happen when paid mods becomes a common thing. Instead of large complex mods that are actual quality mods, we'd get thousands of small little mods that are mediocre at best. Do you know why? Because when people start focusing on what can get them paid, they will start creating things that will get them paid the most with as little work as possible.


So why would they spend hundreds of hours on a overhaul mod or expansion that they could sell for maybe 5 dollars, need even more time for bug fixing, updating, and tech support, when they could create a hundred retex mods in the same amount of time, sell each of them for 99 cents and make 100 times what they could if they only put out the one.


Bethesda and Valve were totally wrong in their assessment. Paid Mods wouldn't encourage modders to create bigger and better mods, it would do the exact opposite.

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I'd like to say... I'm pretty much against them getting a cut (valve and bethesda) of 75% and letting the modder with only 25% of it. They SHOULD and IT'S THEIR RIGHT to get a CUT. But not that much, I would dare to say that if bethesda got 10, and valve 10, we would be more than happy to pay for mods (assuming that our "trial time" is more than only 24hrs). There would still be free mods, it wouldn't die like that. Now to the main point, what I'm trying to say is, their idea was good, but it was poorly executed. It is a god damn idea to let modders charge for their hardwork (guys, even a good weapon/armor mod takes time and effort, do not belittle it), but they handled it wrongly, they should've explained what they were trying to do, not simply throw it at us, it doesn't work like that. Modding is a passion, sure, but life costs money, and you can't expect good modders that wanna spend all their time to make a perfect mod, to live without money. Wake up, it's real life. You want an example? Let's say that you found a job that you love doing, you would be happy to work on that, right? But you'll also expect compensation for your work, even though you love that, you can't work and not get paid, BECAUSE YOU NEED TO PAY YOUR BILLS AND OTHER THINGS, IT'S THE SAME FOR MODDERS, LET THEM HAVE MONEY. Now, to conclude all, before someone comes and throws me at hell for stating my opinion on the internet, I would like to clarify that I am against that move, because it was POORLY EXECUTED (much like my english). It all needs much more thinking, if they decide to think about it, and decide to do a system where everything is fair, both for us (users), modders and bethesta/valve, then, you can surely expect me to approve their actions and, if possible, help them.

Lastly, I wish you all happy lives x3

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In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974, #24752079, #24752334, #24752454 are all replies on the same post.

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this is kind of priceless.
Yesterday we have people who didnt want to give money for mod.
Today we have people who dont even want to click an endorsement button to say yes.

Consumers at their greatest posture.
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