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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24761834. #24762054, #24762089, #24762294, #24762689 are all replies on the same post.

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I do work as a freelance artist and do earn a living at it. I also do mod and share the creations, the similarities are not that different, just basically a different medium to work with.
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In response to post #24761834. #24762054, #24762089, #24762294, #24762689, #24762759 are all replies on the same post.

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As am I
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People like games with MODs. The game companies know that. While I am grateful for the SDKs, I doubt they released them out of the goodness of their hearts. I believe they do it to make money. The more quality MODs there are for a game, the more copies of the game the company sells. Businesses are in business to make money. That's what the SDKs are about.


Understand, as I said, I'm grateful. I would not play Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Skyrim and many other games if they could not accept MODs easily. I'm also grateful to the Nexus. It's a great place to get MODs. Membership here is not expensive.


I have thousands of MODs on my computer, most downloaded long before there was a simple way to donate. I am poor, and I'm used to getting MODs for free. Even so, I will try to donate $5 here $10 there over a lot of time on the MODs I use and love the most. It's the best I can do.

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In response to post #24761834. #24762054, #24762089, #24762294, #24762689, #24762759, #24762869 are all replies on the same post.

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There also is too much emphasis that people can only fall into two camps:



I think its a great deal more complex than that.
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In response to post #24761834. #24762054, #24762089, #24762294, #24762689, #24762759, #24762869, #24762924 are all replies on the same post.

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Honestly most modders are not really users. Once you start modding you almost never play.
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In response to post #24748904. #24762514 is also a reply to the same post.

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I've wondered the same thing myself. Why can't they do it like youtube does it. Those guys/girls get paid without any expense coming from the consumer themselves. Couldn't that at least be an option on the table when further discussing how to compensate our better mod authors?

Hell, while I'm waiting on a download, I'll watch a couple of Toyota commercials if it means that the mod author is getting a little bit of a kick back Edited by jfisha
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In response to post #24745044. #24745229, #24745464, #24745559, #24745634, #24745674, #24745769, #24746064, #24746434, #24746794, #24746974, #24747029, #24747269, #24750919, #24751124, #24751414, #24753424, #24762449 are all replies on the same post.

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why is it that until now i was fed this? "modders mod because they want that respective thing in their own game, if by chance they also feel like sharing their work with others that might be interested in it, then yay for everyone...". <- where did this vanish to? I understand that with monetizing comes the prospective of being a modder for a job and the like, and some feel their work should be financially endorsed.. but really how many modders are out there? If monetizing occurs then you do realize some will be propelled while others would still fare the same as they have until now. You want monetizing to happen fine, you want money for your mods fine, i support it. Indeed like lots said, why shouldn't the modder be able to request pay for his work? It's perfectly fine. I just get the feeling, i might be wrong though, the modders that stepped up to defend this system, didn't just to did for the sake of the idea of modders having freedom to request pay, but more like "If you guys hadn't blown this up, i would have had some money to pay my bills by now, thx a lot, really helpful". I apologize but the way Steam did it, it wasn't okay. Edited by Teruke
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In response to post #24761574. #24762844 is also a reply to the same post.

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He's struggling with his English, but I believe he's referring to the fact that Valve/Bethesda seemingly ignored the idea that people would be selling what wasn't necessarily theirs to sell. and that up until now, Mod authors who gave consent for unrestricted use of their work were not considering the pay system that would be put in place.

Favoredsoul's work as well as apachii are unique as they have a GREAT deal of influence on MANY modders' work. Valvesda essentially IGNORED this entirely.
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