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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24786084. #24786609, #24786764 are all replies on the same post.

Tj_Nightbringer wrote:
Marstonn wrote: Stop this, it always was about the money. People just don't want pay for mods, simple. So many reasons and excuses. I would like to see more honest talk.

I have 100 mods an i don't want pay for them. Simple.
Tj_Nightbringer wrote: Actually no for me it isnt about the money, Would I pay for the mods that were in the first wave of mods put up on the paid workshop probably not, had a mod like Falskaar or Nerhim or The lost Spires or Tears of A Fiend went up you damn right I would pay money for them without question. I like how your trying to call me out as if you know me personally simply put money isnt an issue for me.

I don't think it's wise to ignore how it would have changed the market either. I mean pop ups in mods telling them upgrade, really midas?. With valve's refusal to police. It would have been worse than the mobile market. Edited by jace14
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Thank god this nightmare is over now.

Really shows how fast corruption spreads once money is involved. In-game ads? Paid premium versions? Early access mods?

Some modders started behaving like EA for god's sake.

I can understand if you want to get compensation, but once you start pulling this kind of crap you lose all credibility to me.


Also kudos to the mod authors who opposed this. You are the true pillars of the community and I will start donating more often to make clear that I and many other members of the community support this mindset.

Edited by lereddit
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In response to post #24786084. #24786609, #24786764, #24787089 are all replies on the same post.

Tj_Nightbringer wrote:
Marstonn wrote: Stop this, it always was about the money. People just don't want pay for mods, simple. So many reasons and excuses. I would like to see more honest talk.

I have 100 mods an i don't want pay for them. Simple.
Tj_Nightbringer wrote: Actually no for me it isnt about the money, Would I pay for the mods that were in the first wave of mods put up on the paid workshop probably not, had a mod like Falskaar or Nerhim or The lost Spires or Tears of A Fiend went up you damn right I would pay money for them without question. I like how your trying to call me out as if you know me personally simply put money isnt an issue for me.
jace14 wrote: I don't think it's wise to ignore how it would have changed the market either. I mean pop ups in mods telling them upgrade, really midas?. With valve's refusal to police. It would have been worse than the mobile market.

I agree which is why in its current form I was against it, but I do believe mod authors who put in time and effort have every right if they so choose to want compensation for their work so long as it is their work.
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I agree with Tj_Nightbringer below. Some mods *are* worth paying for but pre-existing mods (even if its a new improved version) and single sword and armor mods are not.


Also the Steam Workshop is a mess. You HAVE TO download to your data folder. And even if you use MO to handle the download it's really awkward because unless you unsubscribe it'll keep re-downloading and what happens if you unsubscribe from a paid mod - would need to buy it again?


The workshop was a major part of the problem for me. The choice of mods to launch with was too. But the fact that the best mods relied on the work of other modders who released their work for free is/was the clincher. Mods like SKSE, SkyUI, MCM and FNIS should consider going to a GPL or Creative Commons licence - this would *legally* prevents ppl who use their assets from selling the derivative work.


All that said if we are talking about paying modders I have no problem donating to people who are creating things likes Beyond Skyrim or Falskaar or Skywind. Or people like Chesko and Isoku and Laast who've made my Skyrim unbelievably better than the original but the way it was done was wrong and ultimately it was Valve who caused this problem not the modders and not Bethesda. It looks to me like Bethesda pulled the plug here not Valve so i agree with you Dark0ne even now we have a lot to thank Bethesda for.

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To try and cool off the edgy community at the moment I recommend deep breathing - just kidding.


I know that very few people endorse, some times mods aren't good, I get that. But I'm sure you've experienced more good mods than you've endorsed. So, why don't we all show some of these authors some love. Go to the File button on the top of the page and check out your download history and send a nice endorsement to some mods you've enjoyed. :)

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I know that Bethesda is the developer of this game, but damn, they shouldn't have made the sudden paywall decision without actually analyzing or communicating with the communities first, modders and mod users alike, openly. Now we have this blatant argument with mod users vs mod makers, and honestly, I really do blame Bethesda for this without acknowledging anything beforehand.


Now, great modders that do deserve the reward, have left the community, and leaving us who already indulge on great mods, being forbidden or probably blocked, if wanted to. I know trolls are everywhere and how they react in a baffling, annoying and ignorant way, but I guess you can't stop human nature by using internet alone. But Bethesda did push the red button, just to destroy the community apart, much worse than before.


The damages are already done, but holly molly, the damages look so severe right now.

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In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094, #24732139, #24732229, #24732289, #24734304, #24734404, #24734464, #24734509, #24735149, #24786969 are all replies on the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)
Avastgard wrote: I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.
CelticPaladin wrote: If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.
phantompally76 wrote: Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here.

I'm not at all sure they'd be bold enough to try that though.

On the other hand, would he be bold enough to update them here?
sa547 wrote: It's unfortunate that on Reddit one of the members of the SkyUI team used the wrong approach and language, hence he sort of wrecked the mod's public image.
Aavok wrote: Wait, what happened on Reddit?
daedriccat wrote: He said that there was no community in Skyrim.
Beetlecat wrote: I'm not sure it's true that he *can't* distribute them elsewhere, only that Valve can legitimately do what they want with them.
phantompally76 wrote: Wasn't just reddit.

Go look at SKYUI's comments section on here. It's been locked, but the dev's arrogant, condescending and smug demeanor is preserved.

Yes, he was taking a beating from some VERY angry commenters, but he was also taunting them. That's unacceptable, and for that reason I will never upgrade or endorse SkyUI whether they upload it or not.
SirTopas wrote: @phantompally76 - But you'll keep using it, won't you? You seem to lack the strength of conviction to uninstall it, but you'll trash the authors and say "I won't upgrade". Pretty weak sauce.
diluvium wrote: "Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here."

Re-read section 6 of your subscriber agreement - The rights you, I and Isoku granted to Valve in order to upload things are non-exclusive.

SirTopas, stand down.

I only use it anyway because 99% of mods require it. If I uninstall it, I forfeit the ability to mod at all, and I won't give those jerks the satisfaction. Nor you.

Given the choice, I would have never used it to begin with. If there was another option, you can bet I would use it.

As it is, I will never upgrade.

Regardless, it's honestly none of your business. But thanks for trying to make it yours. You've spent a great deal of the past few days sticking your nose in where it isn't wanted. I won't forget that, son.
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In response to post #24733609.

sgtchase wrote:

Frankly i really find extremely hard to think that anyone could believe Bethesda and Valve had good intentions for modders.

The intention was profiting about a pontential huge market with 0 costs.
How they wanted to handle refunds for broken mods was unacceptable.
The share itself was outrageous.

They used modders as human shields for an act of pure greedyness and nothing more.
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In response to post #24787589.

hafizlordfeast wrote:

It should have been open instead of that shady thing with hand picking a select few modders... it's the same thing they did with giving the CK to certain modders months before everyone else got it. And that is why I stopped playing and never modded Skyrim and went back to Fallout -- making some artificial caste system where some modders got early access to the CK is BS

But I don't see how it is mod makers vs mod users. A user has no say over what the producer of the mod wants. Might not like what they do, but the CK is available to all -- if you don't like what a modder does, you're free to make your own mod instead. The talk about community openness and sharing and innovation and whatnot, that all applies to the mod maker. The only thing the mod user was affected by and ultimately upset by was the prospect of actually paying money for the mountain of work mod makers do...
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