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Malicious ad/further hacking?


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Oops, just realised my mistake. I've added a new adformat that's meant to display once every 3 hours or so. The type of advert is called an "interstitial" and is quite safe. It's the same type of ad seen on a lot of sites, including the Planet sites like Planet Elderscrolls. Where I mucked up was by getting the premium "on/off" flag the wrong way around; so it's displaying for premium members rather than normal members.


Sorry about that! Fixing it now.


Oh, bloody hell! I thought we got hacked! My holy socks, Dark0ne, that was scary.

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I don´t get the ad at all. Did like @GinnyF. Went to TesNexus, looked for Updates, nothing happend. Tried as being logged out too.

Probably too good protected with Kaspersky and Lavasoft Anti malware :wink:

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As a once-but-currently-not premium member I have to say that I really don't mind the new add so much. I'm so used to this type of add from like every other website that I visit that my mouse already knows where to find the "skip this add" button. I say if it helps keep the Nexus out of the red then I'm all for it; it's a lot less annoying than the Resolve stainbusters video.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
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