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There's no need for proof of visits to prove that they visited...does that make sense?! For example, only recently (2005) did someone discover the first ever chimpanzee fossil. think about that and then think of a few spaceships coming here with their tech and "leaving their mark".


Then there's this interesting tale of an Army lieutenant colonel who by his own admission took part in the post-Roswell, back-engineering alien technology for decades. His name is Philip J. Corso and his book, The Day After Roswell, is one great ride. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif Scared my mom so much (a lifelong military man has a certain reputation and weight when he writes of things in his memoirs) that she put the thing down and couldn't finish it.

From the sounds of it, I'd much like to get my hands on that book--but thats beside the point.


I'd like to believe that aliens exist because look at all the past civiliaztions. The Egyptian pyramids, to be made all those thousands of years ago, you'd think they would have had to had some outside of help of some kind. The Aztecs are another example, Stone Henge, the Mesopotamians, the list goes on.

Not only that, but again, as many have mentioned, the universe is so vast that we can scarcely imagine just how big it actually is, and therefore, there is just no way we could possibly be the only ones out there. For example, there are posters that you may find in science labs and other places, its a picture of our galaxy, The Milky Way, and it looks like a giant white vortex covering a black poster. Our solar system, (located in The Milky Way mind you) is about the size of a pencil dot on that poster, and again, thats just our solar system alone. Not only that, but there are 100s or 1000s of galaxies out there, and The Milky Way is one of the smaller ones. So yeah, theres no way we could be the only ones out there.


One other thing I'd like to point out, many of you guys may want to try googling this, it was on the news about a month or two ago if you don't believe me, but scientists just discovered a new planet in our solar system, it is very similar to Earth, it has oceans on it and has roughly the same temperature as Earth. Yahoo had a huge article on it fairly recently too. So anyways, theres a really good chance that if there isn't life on that planet, whether bacterial or not, there will be someday.


So yes while I can't say I've ever seen any UFO sightings myself or suddenly had a time lapse where two hours or so had just past by out of nowhere :P I still believe that yes there is life out there somewhere. Whether or not they have visited in the past few millenia or not....who knows lol.

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If there are aliens who travel between systems in organic form rather than downloading personalities into robotic ships and letting them do their thing. Then even if they were travelling in a large mobile asteroid with all it's minerals and a good supply of gasses then bearing in mind the low level of (relative) speed attainable they would be living in a culture of comparative resource scarcity. What types of governance would such a lifestyle induce, communism, anarchism, tribalism or semi monastic? They surely would not be the aliens who hate commies & p*** petrol so beloved of golden age SF.


These alien would certainly not be interested in our mineral wealth as it would not be worth the effort of lugging it out of our gravity well. The only reason the aliens would have for interaction with our ancestors or ourselves would be gratification be it intellectual or vanity.


Just as our societies change envision the changes in a limited population over the (minimum) centuries travel period. The noble space travelling culture which started would be something very different and quite possibly ugly by the time it got to it's first, second or third destination.

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If there are aliens who travel between systems in organic form rather than downloading personalities into robotic ships and letting them do their thing. Then even if they were travelling in a large mobile asteroid with all it's minerals and a good supply of gasses then bearing in mind the low level of (relative) speed attainable they would be living in a culture of comparative resource scarcity. What types of governance would such a lifestyle induce, communism, anarchism, tribalism or semi monastic? They surely would not be the aliens who hate commies & p*** petrol so beloved of golden age SF.


These alien would certainly not be interested in our mineral wealth as it would not be worth the effort of lugging it out of our gravity well. The only reason the aliens would have for interaction with our ancestors or ourselves would be gratification be it intellectual or vanity.


Just as our societies change envision the changes in a limited population over the (minimum) centuries travel period. The noble space travelling culture which started would be something very different and quite possibly ugly by the time it got to it's first, second or third destination.

That kind of reasoning is sound only if you follow the laws of basic physics as we understand them, i.e. "rocket" technology.




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If there are aliens who travel between systems in organic form rather than downloading personalities into robotic ships and letting them do their thing. Then even if they were travelling in a large mobile asteroid with all it's minerals and a good supply of gasses then bearing in mind the low level of (relative) speed attainable they would be living in a culture of comparative resource scarcity. What types of governance would such a lifestyle induce, communism, anarchism, tribalism or semi monastic? They surely would not be the aliens who hate commies & p*** petrol so beloved of golden age SF.


These alien would certainly not be interested in our mineral wealth as it would not be worth the effort of lugging it out of our gravity well. The only reason the aliens would have for interaction with our ancestors or ourselves would be gratification be it intellectual or vanity.


Just as our societies change envision the changes in a limited population over the (minimum) centuries travel period. The noble space travelling culture which started would be something very different and quite possibly ugly by the time it got to it's first, second or third destination.

Assuming they even exist, that would mean they have space travel and their laws of physics would go far beyond ours. So how they travel between planets or anything is not something we could imagine and as far as their minerals and gas goes, they'd probably have minerals and rescources we've never seen before that have greater potential than ours. As far as why they're here, it doesn't have to be for our mineral sources or w/e, who knows what they could have been here for.

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The same laws of physics extend all over the universe (this "universe"). the understanding and ability to design devices to manipulate those laws might be superior but nothing else.


Said aliens would have access to pretty much the same elements of the periodic table as do we but they would if capable of interstellar travel probably have an ability to manipulate them in a manner more sophisticated than we do today - also as we will have if we do not reduce ourselves to a post tech barbarism.


Maybe a 'miracle' energy source is available such as quantum foam but the energy output necessary to achieve each percentage toward lightspeed grows outrageously. My understanding of physics says that close to luminal velocity for space vehicles is impossible, hence evolving societies within any space vehicle. I would be happy to be proven wrong but whenever I read anything or talk to anyone involved in physics I receive the same answer: C+ impossible.

Edited by happy pig
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The same laws of physics extend all over the universe (this "universe"). the understanding and ability to design devices to manipulate those laws might be superior but nothing else.


Said aliens would have access to pretty much the same elements of the periodic table as do we but they would if capable of interstellar travel probably have an ability to manipulate them in a manner more sophisticated than we do today - also as we will have if we do not reduce ourselves to a post tech barbarism.


Maybe a 'miracle' energy source is available such as quantum foam but the energy output necessary to achieve each percentage toward lightspeed grows outrageously. My understanding of physics says that close to luminal velocity for space vehicles is impossible, hence evolving societies within any space vehicle. I would be happy to be proven wrong but whenever I read anything or talk to anyone involved in physics I receive the same answer: C+ impossible.

You're still talking about rocket ships. It doesn't matter who says what if they're still talking inside that box. I said basic implying "what we understand of it". For all we know, these beings could be from another dimension, materialising in this one in this way at this time. Maybe they are from this dimension, and only travel in another, "hopping" from here to there.


Quantum teleportation of energy is already a fact, here on Earth, right now, proved by scientists.


Quantum entanglement, right now a theory, is what modern physicists think will one day prove to be the way to teleport objects from one side of a galaxy to another, instantly in faster-than-lightspeed interaction between particles.


That's us, now.

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The same laws of physics extend all over the universe (this "universe"). the understanding and ability to design devices to manipulate those laws might be superior but nothing else.


Said aliens would have access to pretty much the same elements of the periodic table as do we but they would if capable of interstellar travel probably have an ability to manipulate them in a manner more sophisticated than we do today - also as we will have if we do not reduce ourselves to a post tech barbarism.


Maybe a 'miracle' energy source is available such as quantum foam but the energy output necessary to achieve each percentage toward lightspeed grows outrageously. My understanding of physics says that close to luminal velocity for space vehicles is impossible, hence evolving societies within any space vehicle. I would be happy to be proven wrong but whenever I read anything or talk to anyone involved in physics I receive the same answer: C+ impossible.

I understand what you're saying, but the thing is, we don't know what kind of planet they'd come from (assuming they even exist) but for all we know they could have an entirely different table of elements. In other words, more minerals and materials that just don't exist where we are and therefore have not discovered them ourselves. And as far as space travel being impossible, well it'd be impossible for US with OUR technology as it is now but clearly not for them if they do interstellar travel.


Now I don't know much about any of the teleportation that WizardofAtlantis was talking about, but what I do know is that scientists know about wormholes and how maybe one day (VERY far from now) we could use them to travel through space. The same laws of physics are applied, and you're right, you can't break the laws of physics, but if they're that technologically advanced, then it is indeed very possible they made device(s) to manipulate them as you stated.


I agree with Atlantis however, you're thinking inside the box, like rocketships, but theres a lot more possibilities than that.

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In a rapidly developing and contradictory field such as physics only the very arrogant, confident or pedantic can remain certain in everything, I want to encounter the alien and the exotic and am prepared to think outside the box but my love of history, humanity and rationality will not accept without significant evidence the intereference in our development by non human intelligences.


To misquote some guy or another "Amaze me"!!!!!!!

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In a rapidly developing and contradictory field such as physics only the very arrogant, confident or pedantic can remain certain in everything, I want to encounter the alien and the exotic and am prepared to think outside the box but my love of history, humanity and rationality will not accept without significant evidence the intereference in our development by non human intelligences.


To misquote some guy or another "Amaze me"!!!!!!!

Well I see where you're coming from, I'm a lover of history myself, and I'm not trying to say that we did have help in ancient times. I'm just saying it's a huge possibility. Though I suppose thats the whole point of this topic, nothing is certain at all. There are no conclusive facts at all and theres also the other big possibility to consider as well: No aliens have visited us at all.

On another note, I think it would be neat to travel in space from planet to planet, though thats just fantasy right now and I don't want to get off topic.

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