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And that's labordays, not actual 24 hour days. So essentially what that is saying is that it would take ten men one day to move the stone. Assuming your 100,000 men, that's 10,000 stones that could be moved in a single day. And then that would mean that the 2.3 million stones would only take about 230 days to move. That's less than a year.


Assuming our 20 year timetable, that leaves them more than 19 years just for quarrying, cutting, and placing. Of those, Bben's already mentioned a few methods that would make placing a fast process, and I'd imagine that the Pharaohs Royal Engineer Corps or whatever had the quarry going all day, from dusk to dawn. That means that the majority of the build time would probably be devoted to quarrying and cutting. I'm no mining expert, but I'd say that's probably pretty doable. Especially since precise cutting would only have to be done on the outermost 'walls' and the inner tunnels for aesthetics, just in case the dead guy got bored.

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I believe in the Alien astronaut theory, and that aliens have helped us in some ways. Not building monuments, perhaps not, but letting them know they are here and what not.


They recently found two retired airforce men, who went into Rendlesham forest in North East Britain in the 80's to investigate a strange aircraft landing. Upon touching it, these two men each recieved a six page binary code of o's and 1's in their head, and when finally written onto paper and translated, it read as:



52° 09' 42.532" N

13° 13' 12.69" W




Now how could two retired airforce men get a hold of this kind of complex binary code, and remember it off the top of their head and hide it for thirty years only to finally reveal it? For the coordinates they lead to a place once known in mythology as High Brazil, the "Advanced people", now a sunken island known as Europe's Atlantis.


This may be the proof we've been searching for, or I could be wrong, IDK. Now I'm not atheist but I ask everyone to look around them carefully and think for a bit. The answers were all around us the entire time...

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Do aliens exist?

Every kid know the stars hanging at the sky are all fake chinese lamps!


Have aliens visited us?

Yes, you can see them do shopping in beverly hills almost daily.


The term alien for me is like many poeple can be alien to themself and then there are poeple,

entities who are fully in tune every moment in time. Wether it be one or the other form.


Like go to an animal farm and check that out. There is lots of <dna> there that is vibrating by what is spilled around everywhere in the universe. The universe does not has to hide something. You even have the ocean that reflects the stars for you.


Rather it depends on how much can you handle.

What is your comfort range of knowing?


For the fibonacci crowd and all, i have this:







I wonder what poeple would write about this in a few thousand years, if i build a similiar building

to this shape that harmonicly is aligned with the earth and all the planets in motion. (location and time)


First of all they would be genuinely fascinated. And then there would atleast be like ten version of star wars around it and thered be guys in a forum talking about it. Probably there would also be a few Erich von Dänikens aswell.


Poeple are easily entertained...on what...what is the center....the motor oil.... the mechanics...if even it is something like mechanics, because there always has to be some sort of vaccum right.

You would be just faced with so much friction. And thus form. It cant be all. :P

Edited by Nadimos
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Yes there are aliens. But if the aliens had landed and exposed themselves to our atmosphere there would have probably been an exchange of microbes and viruses which would have triggered off a mass die off. We would not be debating now would we? Who would have taught the aliens technology as the argument seems to run that primitives can only be elavated from without never within? Why use such silly materials as relatively local rock when they would presumably have nano assemblers capable of combining materials in both a more aesthetically pleasing manner and a long lasting manner as well. The pyramids throughout the world are very different in construction and alignment. Archaeological analysis of the interiors/exteriors and local environs are readily available to anyone who wants to go beyond the esoteric shelf in the local bookshop/library. Just as peoples with a 'lesser material culture' and non writing traditions tend to have remarkable command of memory, as would be required by any preliterate culture, a people in such circumstances would be far more capable than the average person in modern western society of utilising such material culture as they would have. Stonehenge is just one of a large number of wood/earth/rock henges and structures built and rebuilt over a period of millenia. They are not things knocked off on a whim but a reflection of profound beliefs over a long period and should not be dismissed as poor comparisons to egyptian edifices. Remember that societies tend to build what is appropriate to them in materials which are, relatively, easily availible.


For quite a while I was made to read esoteric books such as Daniken and I've never seen anything that a court could agree is proof whereas archaeology for all that it is an art which changes as does our understanding of science seems to be eminently proveable. The crystal skulls are such easily provable fakes I'll not bother with them here. Planet X and Sitchen? Supposedly aliens came here to exploit our gold reserves through the use of slaves, the slaves rebelled and built brick ziggarats as spacecraft? Ancient nuclear wars, where is the pattern of radioactivity which should leap out at us? Ancient technology did exist but in appropriate materials. Copper was once cutting edge tech, literally! Where are the floorplans for the large populations required to develop an advanced tech? Where is the debris in the form of masses of fabricated artifacts in composites, metals refined at extreme temperatures, and plastics etc. Look at how we loose and discard things would not ancient humanity have done the same?



Geniuses and engineers of note have lived and died over the millenia and most have not been remembered. We should honour the achievements of such people along with the labourers who manifested such wonders for us.


Could that nice mr Occam please come by with his razor maybe.......

Edited by happy pig
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A lot of you are saying we are not giving them enough credit.


Your the ones saying they used rope, stone, and log...


I think they used some kind of railroad system and a cutting machine (not necessarily fuel powered).


If they have the mathematics to build something like this, why can't they use the mathematics to make more advanced building tools?

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As far as I have read this thread, nobody have denied that the Egyptians used mathematics. On the contrary, they were just as skilled in mathematics as were the Greeks. Otherwise it would have been completely imposible to make such constuctions as the Pyramids.

However powerfull tools are more than just mathematics. They are innovation.

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As far as I have read this thread, nobody have denied that the Egyptians used mathematics. On the contrary, they were just as skilled in mathematics as were the Greeks. Otherwise it would have been completely imposible to make such constuctions as the Pyramids.

However powerfull tools are more than just mathematics. They are innovation.

That is true, but the mathematics they used would have taken much longer then 20 years to acquire.


I am saying that they would have had the mathematical skills to build good tools before starting construction.

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The pyramids and their construction were neither the starting point or finishing point of egyptian intellectual endeavour. The mathematics which underpinned those marvels were developed over centuries. With the egyptians as with the sumerians and the later minoans writing developed as a result of people using means of recording of taxes, business contracts etc. Likewise the pyramids were not built by the protodynastic or even earliest dynastic families, this suggests that the tools employed to govern the state from the era of Narmer/Scorpion onwards were employed when appropriate for significant structures.

As a side note I'd point out that if the egyptians constructed all they're buildings out of stone then there would be little cultivable space left in the country today. So the things we marvel at today are only a fragment of what what once was. Most of the remarkable constructions of the era would have been of mud which has a tendency to erode somewhat quicker than stone. All to often we look at the obvious and fail to see the subtle signs that integrate the artifacts into the landscape. As an instance the fact that most buildings in central america were constructed of wood and so their remains not being easily detectable to early antiquarians and archaeologists led to some curious theories about the mayan cities being the isolated dwellings of a caste of astronomically obsessed priest kings.

With reference to railways, I can envision a system of wooden rails with trollies being pushed along them loaded with stone. Why not if there is evidence I'll be as impressed as the next person. But let's remember a system of rails does not mean steam, diesel or maglev as a system of propulsion.


In short I'm more impressed with the pyramids etc being the result of generations of book keepers than with generations of noble E.T.s.

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I believe they are real for as a little girl many years ago I woke up in the middle of the night suddenly and something compellled me to look out the window, and I saw a UFO hovering over my nearby friend's house. She saw it as well. I woke my mother's boyfriend at the time daughter who was much older than me, and she saw it as well.


They exist, and they are out there. Perhaps they are smart enough to know that if they did reveal themselves, humanity would rob them of their technology and disect them to find out what makes them tick inside, and mostly maybe they would know that our inborn greed will eventually destroy us and them as well.


After all, we are killing our planet and our future for profits, and our food supply will dwindle because of global warming. Animals that are needed to keep the land healthy are being hunted to extinction. The rainforests that give us air to breathe are being cut down and we wonder why we feel tired, the levels of oxygen have decreased to what there used to be so we feel the effects but are too stupid to quit destroying the remaining rainforests. Space exploration today is for finding a new planet to inhabit and to destroy because this ones stuffed and the govts know it.


This explained, it should be no wonder or surprise to us that the aliens do not make themselves known to us...

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I think theres lots and lots of aliens all over.


But i dont think its very likely that they ever came directly to the world here.


Its cause its a lot of investment in energy, time and technology to be sending people out on galactic space travels.

Unless they are really paaranoid and want to spy on the rest of the universe.


If i was them i would be going to planets but just all the really close ones.

Yeah eventually they will get to us but then we will just be taken over so its not much to think about.


I have heard of that quantum entanglement stuff but u know how it is.

Its gona find one way or another to be highly uneconomical.

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