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Hmm...Well, statistically there are enough planets that can "possibly" support life, that it seems rather closed minded to assume there isn't any life on other planets. I don't mean little green men though, this life could be as simple as a moss, or bactria.
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Hmm...Well, statistically there are enough planets that can "possibly" support life, that it seems rather closed minded to assume there isn't any life on other planets. I don't mean little green men though, this life could be as simple as a moss, or bactria.

I agree with Pyrosocial, if there isn't other life out there don't you think thats an enormous waste of space? Life may be such that we have to redefine the parameters that are considered currently possible. Don't really mind what sort of life we find or finds us, it will change many things one way or another.

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I believe in this universe..or others *grin* that alien life exist. I believe intelligent alien life exist. I do not, however believe they are or have been to our little, backwater planet.


Personally any alien life that can get here would need to be so much more advanced than we are, that they would either view us as 1) of no consequence, like an ant hill upon which we would step 2) as free labor 3) as food


As we are not currently any of these things I do not believe that aliens are "here."


Why do so many assume that because a civilization is more technologically advanced that it would also be more kind and compassionate? I do not think humanity is any more compassionate now than 1000 years ago. If anything it is easier to kill or maim as you do not even have to be up close and personal to kill massive amounts of people.


So yes....there is life out there...but please, PLEASE stop broadcasting the freaking directions! I am not sure I want to see how I would taste with mashed potatoes and gravy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ummm Doesn't that U,F.O disclosure project prove aliens exist??? Full version 2hours long.




I don't have time right now to watch the whole thing, but unless it includes really specific and substantial evidence. I'm taking about way more than witness testimony, because its also possible our governments got some really advanced aircraft flying around and it would be beneficial to them in keeping it secret because people would report it as a UFO, which most people wont even say anything about because they would be afraid of making themselves look crazy.


Whether these UFOs are aircraft from this Earth, or somewhere else, it is a fact that the governments of the world are not telling us the truth. The US is perhaps the most secretive when it comes to UFOs. If they have an invested interest in keeping whatever is going on secret, that kinda worries me, because I sure as hell don't trust that they are doing anything good as a result of it.


Also, if alien life was proved to be as common as I believe it is. The structure and teachings of many religions around the world would essentially be proven to be wrong by science. Similar to the way science was held back in the middle ages if it dared to question that the Earth was not the center of the universe or etc. I think some of that is still going on behind the scenes. And there is a whole lot of people with power that would rather maintain things the way they are.

Edited by crimsonedge11
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Personally any alien life that can get here would need to be so much more advanced than we are, that they would either view us as 1) of no consequence, like an ant hill upon which we would step 2) as free labor 3) as food


As we are not currently any of these things I do not believe that aliens are "here."


Why do so many assume that because a civilization is more technologically advanced that it would also be more kind and compassionate? I do not think humanity is any more compassionate now than 1000 years ago. If anything it is easier to kill or maim as you do not even have to be up close and personal to kill massive amounts of people.


So yes....there is life out there...but please, PLEASE stop broadcasting the freaking directions! I am not sure I want to see how I would taste with mashed potatoes and gravy.





I completely disagree with that.



1. They wouldn't be stupid enough to think humans were like ants, they would realize we were starting to get advanced and most likely leave us alone.


I find it unlikely that another advance race would crush our planet for no reason. Advanced races should be thinking logically and destroying a planet for no reason would be a lot less loss then gain.


I don't think many adults step on ant hills anymore, its simply a childish thing now days and at some point humans will no longer do that. I am sure humans will stop stepping on ant hills by the time we can travel intergalactic distances.


2. If they can build a ship to travel throughout galaxies I don't think they would have much trouble using technology for labor. Enslaving humans for labor would outweigh the benefits.


3. Oh come on... They are going to travel light years to eat tasty human?



I do agree would shouldn't be sending or signal, I don't think anything/anyone will take it has a threat or anything but they might look at us as idiots.


Also the disclosure project has nothing for proof but "witnesses" and text documents.


How hard could it be to get a real video after thousands of sightings in the last 10 years? People have cameras now days and I am sure that the military would keep some video record of things like this.


In short: 1. Aliens will most likely see us as a advancing civilization and leave us alone until we progress more.


2. If aliens visited the earth, the government must have some crazy kind of technology to hide stuff.


3. Sending out signals will only hurt us at this point.

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Also the disclosure project has nothing for proof but "witnesses" and text documents.


How hard could it be to get a real video after thousands of sightings in the last 10 years? People have cameras now days and I am sure that the military would keep some video record of things like this.

I've been watching a whole bunch of the Disclosure Project interviews, and I wholeheartedly encourage every single person here to do the same.


That said, you can't simply dismiss witness testimony just because it's witness testimony. Our whole legal system is based largely upon witness testimony, and someone's credibility is more than enough to, as a witness, convict or not another person of a crime.


Therefore, when watching interviews of high level military personnel, esteemed public figures (astronauts, for example, which were at one time the byword for everything an upstanding citizen could ever aspire to be), and experts in the very fields in question (air traffic controllers, radar technicians, and professional pilots both military and civilian), it is simply impossible as an open minded individual to brush away the fact that they are all saying in their interviews the same thing.


Which boils down to basically this, in an overview: that extraterrestrial craft have been coming to earth regularly since WW2, that they have been tracked in the skies with all manner of radar civilian and military, witnessed by pilots both civilian and military, as well as photographed and filmed (and that includes photos and films of the radar activity) on what a normal person would consider "countless" situations, often enough with all of these types of surveillance happening at once (eyewitness, radar from the ground, from pilots, photos) from multiple sources, as in not only a pilot in a plane (once again either military or civilian) but radar technicians in multiple places so that they corroborate the same event with their testimony.


It is also stated, quite clearly, by persons who have been involved in the military, in Strategic Air Command (SAC), in working with NASA, that it is Standard Operating Procedure, to confiscate, and/or destroy, or render innocuous all such physical evidence of these goings on. That includes accounts of NASA doctoring satellite photos of Earth before releasing them to the public, airbrushing out the photo evidence of extraterrestrial ships as well as doctoring the photos that are released of the moon, etc.


Other accounts from reliable witnesses include events where film footage was confiscated by members of the military and never seen again. Confiscating even from their own military, mind you, so yes, there is in fact a huge record of this "somewhere". There is one clamorous case told by a rocket scientist (pardon the '50's slang) working for the military, when they were shooting a Titan 3 I believe it was, a nuclear-armed missile, into space that they shot it off, watched it with their eyes while filming the whole time. They saw the rocket go off, go through its stages, and thought the experiment a success.


Then, the next day when someone had developed the film footage, this scientist was called in to view the footage with other military men present, and they saw quite clearly beautiful images of the rocket doing just what it should, in close up (as they hadn't seen anything clearly for the launch site was far away; the camera had been set up on a telescope), until they saw a UFO zoom right up to the speeding Titan 3 as it was going into space (and zoom up is right, as the missile was going 10-15 thousand miles per hour ! ) and proceed to "shoot" the Titan's nuclear warhead, first from one side, then it zoomed up in front of it (all the while at that speed) and shot it from the front, then whizzed around and zapped it again from the side before zipping off at its own "impossible" speed. The warhead was rendered innocuous and fell from the sky.


So, what happened to this perfect footage? The rocket scientist said the military guys neatly snipped off those parts of the footage with scissors, handed them back the rest, and told them the usual story. "You never saw this, this meeting never happened" etc, etc.




I could go on, but let's limit the length of the post (I know, I know, too late ! )

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1. Do aliens exist?


Well the Universe is about 70 billion light years and counting so it'd be arrogant to say we're the only species.


2. Have aliens visited Earth?


Maybe. Remember that aliens could be just animals on a different planet or intelligent beings with technology enabling them to travel 10 light years in 3 seconds.


3. If aliens did come to Earth, will they come back?


When Columbus discovered the new world, did others settle in the New World? To Aliens, this is probably just another new planet to be colonized.


4. What if Aliens attack Earth?


Nuke their ships, dissect their bodies, and steal their technology. Although humans may not be the most powerful or only race in the cosmos, we DESERVE the Universe.

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Also the disclosure project has nothing for proof but "witnesses" and text documents.


How hard could it be to get a real video after thousands of sightings in the last 10 years? People have cameras now days and I am sure that the military would keep some video record of things like this.

I've been watching a whole bunch of the Disclosure Project interviews, and I wholeheartedly encourage every single person here to do the same.


That said, you can't simply dismiss witness testimony just because it's witness testimony. Our whole legal system is based largely upon witness testimony, and someone's credibility is more than enough to, as a witness, convict or not another person of a crime.


Therefore, when watching interviews of high level military personnel, esteemed public figures (astronauts, for example, which were at one time the byword for everything an upstanding citizen could ever aspire to be), and experts in the very fields in question (air traffic controllers, radar technicians, and professional pilots both military and civilian), it is simply impossible as an open minded individual to brush away the fact that they are all saying in their interviews the same thing.


Which boils down to basically this, in an overview: that extraterrestrial craft have been coming to earth regularly since WW2, that they have been tracked in the skies with all manner of radar civilian and military, witnessed by pilots both civilian and military, as well as photographed and filmed (and that includes photos and films of the radar activity) on what a normal person would consider "countless" situations, often enough with all of these types of surveillance happening at once (eyewitness, radar from the ground, from pilots, photos) from multiple sources, as in not only a pilot in a plane (once again either military or civilian) but radar technicians in multiple places so that they corroborate the same event with their testimony.


It is also stated, quite clearly, by persons who have been involved in the military, in Strategic Air Command (SAC), in working with NASA, that it is Standard Operating Procedure, to confiscate, and/or destroy, or render innocuous all such physical evidence of these goings on. That includes accounts of NASA doctoring satellite photos of Earth before releasing them to the public, airbrushing out the photo evidence of extraterrestrial ships as well as doctoring the photos that are released of the moon, etc.


Other accounts from reliable witnesses include events where film footage was confiscated by members of the military and never seen again. Confiscating even from their own military, mind you, so yes, there is in fact a huge record of this "somewhere". There is one clamorous case told by a rocket scientist (pardon the '50's slang) working for the military, when they were shooting a Titan 3 I believe it was, a nuclear-armed missile, into space that they shot it off, watched it with their eyes while filming the whole time. They saw the rocket go off, go through its stages, and thought the experiment a success.


Then, the next day when someone had developed the film footage, this scientist was called in to view the footage with other military men present, and they saw quite clearly beautiful images of the rocket doing just what it should, in close up (as they hadn't seen anything clearly for the launch site was far away; the camera had been set up on a telescope), until they saw a UFO zoom right up to the speeding Titan 3 as it was going into space (and zoom up is right, as the missile was going 10-15 thousand miles per hour ! ) and proceed to "shoot" the Titan's nuclear warhead, first from one side, then it zoomed up in front of it (all the while at that speed) and shot it from the front, then whizzed around and zapped it again from the side before zipping off at its own "impossible" speed. The warhead was rendered innocuous and fell from the sky.


So, what happened to this perfect footage? The rocket scientist said the military guys neatly snipped off those parts of the footage with scissors, handed them back the rest, and told them the usual story. "You never saw this, this meeting never happened" etc, etc.




I could go on, but let's limit the length of the post (I know, I know, too late ! )


Don't get me wrong, I would love to beleive that aliens are around.


My issue is that there should be some kind of physical evidence by now.

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