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Shouldn't vampires be able to breathe underwater?


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Ahh, I see. I should take notes on this stuff haha. Already learned that the hearts don't beat (which I should've deduced by knowing they're undead, but whatever), and that the stake through the heart still kills them. We could always adopt the dreadful Twilight spin on it, though, where we have to brutally mangle them and burn the tiny bits of their miserable body. Then again, they sparkle...
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From a purely biological standpoint (I know, there are no real vampires, but still...) vampires are basically intelligent walking dead. In any mythology where vampires are acknowledged as undead, they generally lack a beating heart, so no respiration is occuring. Dead people don't require oxygen, and without a beating heart, even if you breathe, the air isn't doing any good, it's not being passed through your blood stream, it's just sitting in your lungs. So basically, what I'm trying to say is that vampires don't need to breathe above water, so there's no reason why being underwater should bother them...


that is true

then again, i'm pretty sure that people in Oblivion don't see you as a vampire

i mean, even with the creepy aging and all, you still look much more alive then an undead


also, the vampires i know of (World Of Darkness vampires) have the ability to force their body to seem more human, thus requiring that they breath and all

so a realistic non-breathing vampire would have been easy to spot among humans, thus you couldn't socialize at all (unless there are pro-vampire characters in Oblivion, that i don't know of :biggrin:)


still, i think that this is one of many perks that could be introduced into the vampire aging system, but that would require working hard on it, and making it make sense (though there may be a vampirism overhaul that does this, not sure as i haven't tried any of them, as i just never played a vampire)

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I hate playing a vampire. Whenever you want to get cured, the quest glitches/potion glitches, and then you're stuck a vampire or stuck with the vamp face :wallbash:

Mods, my friends. Mods.

If there's one that makes it so you never get the hideous face I'm all for it. That's really the only thing that bothers me. The rest I can live with, even the Sun Damage effect.

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