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Shouldn't vampires be able to breathe underwater?


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I have a mod that simply removes vampire wrinkles. It makes a huge difference, although there is a little bone restructuring and the red eyes still.

Well, there needs to be some indication of vampirism, especially at later levels, or what's the point?

Well your character would still feel the effects of it. Just wouldn't look like a hideous sob is all. I don't see why it's necessary to look like trash lol.

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Well, without blood, a vampire reverts to a ghoul. But getting back on topic, let's take 2 factors. First of all, vampires don't need to breathe because they are undead (well, the turned ones, anyway, not the True Ancestors). Secondly, vampires can't cross running water. Now, let's think about the "running water" example. It's ridiculous. So a vampire can't ride an airplane (or a dragon in Tamrielic times) over a river? Normally, I'd just throw the "running water" weakness out the window along with the "no reflection in the mirror" thing. However, the "running water" weakness combined with the fact that vampires don't need to breathe, let's just say that while lingering in water will not drown a vampire, it still does "water damage". OK? Yes, what I wrote is somewhat confusing.


On a side note, I personally think the "no reflection in the mirror" factor is stupid. Some people say that it is because vampires don't have souls. First of all, according to Oblivion, they do; human ones at that (Black Soul Gems, anyone?). Secondly, based on that reason, one would assume that inanimate objects should also not cast reflections because they, themselves, are soulless (unless they exist for a long time and become youkai, but that's a different story). However, they clearly do have reflections. So that's why I just ignore "no vampire reflection" stupidity entirely. While we're on that subject, sunlight. Vampires are damaged by sunlight because the light hastens the decay of their undying flesh (that's why fully living True Ancestors are immune to sunlight). So no, they don't sparkle, but they don't explode like Power-Rangers-monster either (I'm looking at you, Blade and Daybreakers)... Wow, wall of text.

Edited by MidbossVyers
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Naw, I get where you're coming from with the water thing. I think it's stupid entirely though (not your ideas, just the running water bit). If there's nothing special about the water except the fact that it's moving, what on Earth is stopping them? I can't even imagine what would make someone think that out of all the different possibilities out there, running water should be a checkmate for vampires. Doing them some degree of harm seems a bit more plausible, but like I said before if nothing is inherently special about this water except that it's running I don't understand why it is so powerful. Same with the no reflection thing. Someone should tell the mirrors that inanimate objects don't have souls.
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