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Liking to play male characters does not equal gay


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I realize that gaming is still dominated by the 14-34 male demographic, so there is a tendency on the part of some to assume that those of us who enjoy playing male characters (especially when we use nude mods, an/or sexy clothing mods) are gay. the thing the people that make these assumptions fail to realize, however, is that females play these games too, and shock! suprrise! We like looking at the opposite sex, too! There's also a weird rumor going around that we even enjoy sex as much as men, but you won't catch me spreading such slander. :P


So I guess I don't get why when someone like Alien Slof makes male clothing that is very revelaing, people assume she's a gay man. If you turn it around to be the opposite 'People who designs Female Sexy Body and Clothing Mod X are lesbians!' it's equally silly.


I also don't get why some people seem so threatened and even offended by it--the idea of women liking to play male characters and put them in sexy outfits. I have theories, but in the interest of not getting myself banned because people could find it offensive, I am not going to state them openly in great detail here. You're welcome to PM me though. So i am going to stick with some generic statements here about it possibly being caused by insecurity, old-fashioned ideas about how women are supposed to be, and well, a certain amount of outright sexism involved.


I know I'm being vague here, it's because I am trying hard to not get myself banned while still trying to see the opinions of others on the subject. Does anyone agree? Disagree? I like pie?


ETA: Being gay is not bad, and I am not saying that, I am saying here that assuming females are gay males because of an inability to recognize or accept that woemn have a sexuality and desires and like looking too is the annoying aspect of it.

Edited by nyxalinth
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I have a rather strong opinion on this (doesn't everyone!). In my own game, I'm a straight dude that has some female characters, and I dislike ultra-revealing armor/clothes for either gender in-game honestly. I've just never really connected the TES games (or others) with anything super-sexual, and I also have an issue putting my character in a bikini and then instructing her to go fight things that want to stab or otherwise mutilate her. To me, there is no practicality in this, it is completely illogical and I like my characters to feel somewhat...smart.


In my little Karasuman world, no one with half a brain rolling around in their skull would go to fight a horde of creatures like Dremora Lords while wearing nothing but a thong. But that is only my opinion on the whole sexy clothing thing. But then, once again, I don't directly see my characters in TES games in sexual terms. I prefer the violence of the game over the sexual potential, which by definition means I'm just as depraved as anyone who wishes to see their characters running around half (or all) naked. Yes, we're all depraved little humans in one way or another. Stones in a glass house, etc.


That being said, I agree with you completely in that women do in fact play this game, and women are in fact sexual creatures like guys. Thus it would stand to reason that the skimpier clothing/armor mods would have a following with the female population that plays the game.


I actually could understand a female doing this even more so than a guy would. I don't know where you're from, but in many places in the world (including the US), women up until recently have (and in many cases still are) encouraged to be sexually repressed in fear of being labeled as sluts, whores, and all those other words I'm sure we're familiar with. I have used a few of those words myself in the past during heated convos with real-life people, so I'm not sitting here playing the super-supportive hypothetical feminist Ken to the masses of Barbies. Just saying I can understand a possible point of view on this that perhaps a female might be inclined to dress their male characters in said skimpy clothing.


I also think there is nothing wrong if a gay guy wishes to use these types of clothes/armors on his male character. So what? The government wastes his tax dollars just as easily as it wastes a straight guy's, so he can dress his male characters in whatever the frick he wants since he bought the game with his own money.

Edited by Karasuman
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I would not go and fight in bikini or under wears either, lol. But part of the game for me, is that the characters also have a private life. They do have some time off, form time to time, to fill in with romances and love. Thank all the good modders, that I then have the proper clothing for that. Just as you don´t go fight in a bikini, it´s also very little romantic to wear a heavy amor, trying to seduce someone. At least it is for me. We are all different.

Is it gay or lesbinan look? I never noticed. 2 of my best friends are gay. We don´t pay much attention to peoples sexual orientation, where I come from :dry:

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This hits the nail right on the head - Nyx is absolutely right. For all the years that I have modded ES games, (10 years?) I have been called 'gay' for it. If I was gay, I'd be making tit mods and girly things. As Nyx correctly points out, some gamers and modders are women with a healthy sex drive. Also, contrary to some poeple's opinion when they see my mods, I also have a full sex life. I don't NEED to get my jollies off in a computer game like that sad friendless nerd in the basement. I'm sure a lot of the problems come from a combination of guys insecure in their sexuality, guys who feel threatened when women treat them like sex objects - hey, guess what - we girls have had to live with that for time uncountable! If we can handle it, why can't you?


The human race as a whole needs to grow up and drop the out-dated Victorian values. Nothing wrong with anatomy, nothing wrong with skin, nothing wrong with genitalia. We all have them. We'd be pretty useless without them. So why the big deal over showing it? I dunno. I don't understand it. The fleshly body (whether human or animal) is a marvelous machine, something that should be revered and celebrated for its complex perfection, not hidden away in shame.


Lastly, I play male characters exclusively (used to play both, but could never gel with a female one) for several reasons, which are just as good as a guy's reasons for playing a female.


I play in 3rd-person. I'd rather look at a man's pert bum than a woman's.


I put a lot of time and effort into their skins, hours and hours of work. Why then cover it up all the time?


I play mage characters, not tanks. Mages have access to shield spells. Makes full-covering armour a moot issue. I like my mage boys flamboyant and without shame of their bodies. Robert's male body is a fine work, so why cover it?


I like to play most of my characters as gay or bisexual men. I like gay men. More man candy on screen for me!


Does this make me gay? No. If I was gay, I'd be playing just the same way, but with females.

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i aggree and i like pie :P

the resion being... its called flipping ROLE PLAYING thusly you IMMAGEN yourself as said what ever you deside to name "it"

meaning it is more likely that guys who play as fems are more likly wanting to be fems them selves or realy like seing a nakie fem boddy move accross there screen

the same goes for fems playing as males

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No, that is not it at all. I have NO desire to be male. None. I don't play games as 'me', though, either. My characters are always 'they' - separate from 'me'. I interact with them as though they are a separate entity doing what I suggest or tell them to do.


I certainly do NOT wish I was male. I suspect the same is true for a lot of guys playing females. We play opposite sex because we like LOOKING AT THEM.

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No, that is not it at all. I have NO desire to be male. None. I don't play games as 'me', though, either. My characters are always 'they' - separate from 'me'. I interact with them as though they are a separate entity doing what I suggest or tell them to do.


I certainly do NOT wish I was male. I suspect the same is true for a lot of guys playing females. We play opposite sex because we like LOOKING AT THEM.

i feel similarly slof

but i want my characters to moreso be who i want to be (if im playing a serious character, i do have characters that run around naked with a two story sword)

and I myself and starting to become offended by people calling things gay. I myself am NOT gay, but I am bi, so i feel a little for the gays out there. I do love the bikini armor, the female form is too beautiful to cover up with a huge pile of metal! I also play sexy male characters sometimes, but Id rather watch a chick. My serious characters are always male, they look way cooler in the heavy armor and with a bad*** sword


and also, i do not understand why lesbians are acceptable, and gay/bi men are unacceptable

Edited by TheCalliton
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I play a male character and know people who play male characters, it has never crossed my mind that it would be "gay" to be honest. People make a fuss about thing they don't know about or they are scared about, it makes them feel threatened and insecure and thus the harsh talks. When i play a game, i mostly customize my character to be like the main hero of one of my story's.
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