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Why are kids im/mortal in your game?


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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, but lets face it, Braith is right there next to Nazeem and Heimskr on the list of mandatory decapitation each play-through. Lets see how tough the little sh*t is when her head is being used as a soccer ball.

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  On 10/28/2015 at 3:55 PM, dpgillam said:

Yeah, but lets face it, Braith is right there next to Nazeem and Heimskr on the list of mandatory decapitation each play-through. Lets see how tough the little sh*t is when her head is being used as a soccer ball.

I would get a great deal of satisfaction from that. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Not enough room in my heavy load order to warrant a mod just to have children NPCs I've learned to ignore be killable :tongue:


Besides, death is too good for them.


Why suffer the consequences of fines or jail in these tough economical times when you can send them to work in the mines for eternity, lock them in a cage buried knee-deep in their own feces, or turn them into a goat to graze away behind their own backyards. Many choices. Much tempt.


Edit: And in case some of you are wondering, yes. Those can be done with mods already available. Namely Become High King of Skyrim, NPC Visual Transfer, Jaxonz Positioner and Immersive Poop (for the knee-deep feces bit).

Edited by Sir_serigala
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I don't have killable children mod installed because one single reason: I can't roleplay in any Beth game like TES or new FO so it's completely pointless, though I don't mind if children would be killable in vanilla, but since world is too static and doesn't react to anything, the argument stays: pointless.


In F2 we actually could roleplay child-killing maniac (and many-many more types), it had considerable impact on the world, and roleplay in game the type of person who does things you never would IRL is... well, curious. I always try to RP multiple types of characters if game allows it, and sadly, there are too few games that allows it to some extent.

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Actually, there are lines of dialog for the family of the dead brat, though not specifically for if you kill them; likewise, if you orphan the little monster, (w/ HF, of course) the little germ factory recognizes being all alone, and asks you to adopt. Although depending on how many murders you've already committed, (a certain number triggers DB assassins) the surviving party could contract for your death.

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normal i don't care much about it.

in fallout 2 i used grenades to counter those stealing children. work like a charm. *exploded nicely*

in fallout 3 it was a must to have killable children those at the lamp whatever specifically arrogant little ****eaters.

in fallout 4 i find it just a natural thing to do, not have killed a single child yet but the idea i can is good enough for me.


other then that it's a hares world out there reality is that nothing is save even digital not.

what i wonder is why they even are ingame, other then to laugh in my face by developers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes of course, more realism is always welcome.
Since we're talking about games, there's nothing wrong with having everything mortal.

And i'm not the slightest worried about "morality", it's a game, not something that affects real life (well...except for the time used, which i could have used for other non-fun ways)

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