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Left-Wing, Right-wing, or Central?


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I reckon nature acts much like a pendulum and we are along for the ride. We have our views and they will usually revolve around the things we care about. In many ways this makes us all relatively central.


Of course, this doesn't make life any easier except in the way that someone who finds out they are terminally ill can then prepare for passing on. Their are also many who would rather not know about it.





EDIT: Spelling!

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I recon nature acts much like a pendulum and we are along for the ride. We have our views and they will usually revolve around the things we care about. In many ways this makes us all relatively central.


Of course, this doesn't make life any easier except in the way that someone who finds out they are terminally ill can then prepare for passing on. Their are also many who would rather not know about it.



Recon, Reckon...whichever, right?

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I recon nature acts much like a pendulum and we are along for the ride. We have our views and they will usually revolve around the things we care about. In many ways this makes us all relatively central.


Of course, this doesn't make life any easier except in the way that someone who finds out they are terminally ill can then prepare for passing on. Their are also many who would rather not know about it.



Recon, Reckon...whichever, right?





My aplogies on that.

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I reckon nature acts much like a pendulum and we are along for the ride. We have our views and they will usually revolve around the things we care about. In many ways this makes us all relatively central.


Of course, this doesn't make life any easier except in the way that someone who finds out they are terminally ill can then prepare for passing on. Their are also many who would rather not know about it.





EDIT: Spelling!

General Philosophy or political position? If the former then that is a debate for another thread if the latter then it's quite pessimistic. Every generation deals with the crisis at hand, how one meets that challenge is the test of one's mettle. However, there are no points for giving up..then again I do not believe in losing if it's important to me.

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I would have to argue that politics is a philosophy. To the degree that philosophers 'invented' it.


Admittedly I have pessimistic thoughts about the extreme nature of current affairs in the near future of human civilisation (and many other living things too), as we are quite possibly on the precipice of some massive changes in the world. I do however believe this all part of a much larger picture, be it the unspeakable, a theory of everything, aliens or some other fantastic circumstance. Reminding myself of this allows me to remain optimistic and appreciative about the tenacity and long term future of life in the universe.


Perhaps surprisingly, I am somewhat quietly confident humans could remain a part of this more distant future. Yet most of us have seen the movies, read the books and played the video games, so exactly what shape this future may take is anybody's guess. It does make the whole living experience quite breathtaking and at times confounding and so we have created systems of symbols and semantics in order to guide our way through this cosmic dust, or so to speak.


I agree that I too do not like giving up and encourage others to do the same as it does seem the most rationale thing to do - being rationale beings. For example, we must not give up on being able to adapt to change and being aware that not all our systems and rationales are the 'best' ones. However, I also would say that at great personal cost is the only way we can realise the difference.

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Hhhmm.... I am a pessimist, and will freely admit. (yes, I know, there is a twelve step program for that, yet, being a pessimist, I don't believe it will help. :) ) I don't see much hope for a bright future at this point. Things have become far to polarized, and fringe groups are asserting rights over the majority, and society seems to be supporting them in that. Our society is also becoming ever more stratified, with all the power concentrated at the top. Given that this group pretty much has full control over who runs for what office, and a disproportionate amount of influence over who wins, I see this trend continuing, instead of balancing. I do not see any method, short of revolution, to alter that course either. But then, it appears to me that the majority of folks here (USA), see it as too much trouble to take any steps whatsoever to apply any pressure at all toward change. Hence, nothing will change..... we will continue on our current course, until we look just like all those third world nations that we are supposedly trying to help.......

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