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Left-Wing, Right-wing, or Central?


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Wow it has gotten heated in here...


Do people not think that the entire facade about leaders, parties and election campaigns is just a sideshow to distract people? Especially knowing how most media channels never actually investigate the larger issues. I don't live in USA but wouldn't be surprised to learn that many of the most controversial movements in government are done 'on the quiet' during the holidays and by subtley changing the rights of people through re-wording, different terminology and acronyms - just like here in the UK... or anywhere else for that matter.


Are our 'leaders' not just puppets, figureheads that tow the line and have a television appeal? Like a magic show, its all about distracting the viewer so you can pull a rabbit out the hat.

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Wow it has gotten heated in here...


Do people not think that the entire facade about leaders, parties and election campaigns is just a sideshow to distract people? Especially knowing how most media channels never actually investigate the larger issues. I don't live in USA but wouldn't be surprised to learn that many of the most controversial movements in government are done 'on the quiet' during the holidays and by subtley changing the rights of people through re-wording, different terminology and acronyms - just like here in the UK... or anywhere else for that matter.


Are our 'leaders' not just puppets, figureheads that tow the line and have a television appeal? Like a magic show, its all about distracting the viewer so you can pull a rabbit out the hat.

So who really runs things? Maybe that's the real question. Is it organized crime? Is it old money? Is it the Seven Sisters? Could it be that Trump's real appeal is the perception that unlike everyone else running for office, he hasn't been bought and paid for?

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So who really runs things? Maybe that's the real question. Is it organized crime? Is it old money? Is it the Seven Sisters? Could it be that Trump's real appeal is the perception that unlike everyone else running for office, he hasn't been bought and paid for?


Honestly in my opinion, you would have to be a fool to believe anything that Trump says is true or accurate. You could fact check pretty much everything and anything Trump as been spewing out of his mouth just the last few weeks alone. Most of the things he been saying can be empirically proven totally wrong or completely inaccurate... Just people who support him either don't care or just blindly loyal to him.

Edited by colourwheel
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@CW It's the "don't care" They know all politicians are liars so what difference does it make. He just lies more boldly. People are tired of professional politicians, fatigued by the corrupting of the system, yearning to push back against the political correctness that seems to have everyone in a cerebral straitjacket.


The choice many people have always wanted to see on a ballet is "none of the above". Trump is that choice, he is "none of the above".


I'm not an American so I don't get a vote. For me your election is entertainment, and Trump is in his element, so I enjoy the show, and I see a lot of similarities between Trump and a man we had as our Mayor here in this town. You've probably never heard of Rob Ford, but he was our "none of the above" candidate. Our way of sticking it to the political elites who couldn't hold down a real job but insist it is their calling in life to think for the rest of us. Now Ford is gone and we have a cookie cutter Mayor, oh joy. Ford was an embarrassment and a buffoon, but he wasn't a bad Mayor believe it or not.


I don't know what type of a president Trump would make, but probably no worse than some you have already had. The bottom line though, is when people like Ford or Trump take office, it is an indictment of our political system.

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So who really runs things? Maybe that's the real question. Is it organized crime? Is it old money? Is it the Seven Sisters? Could it be that Trump's real appeal is the perception that unlike everyone else running for office, he hasn't been bought and paid for?


Honestly in my opinion, you would have to be a fool to believe anything that Trump says is true or accurate. You could fact check pretty much everything and anything Trump as been spewing out of his mouth just the last few weeks alone. Most of the things he been saying can be empirically proven totally wrong or completely inaccurate... Just people who support him either don't care or just blindly loyal to him.


Everything that Trump says are lies but everything Hilary says is true? So... he has not said one thing that isn't false or inaccurate? I personally don't care for the man but your partisan hyperbole is ludicrous. :facepalm:

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I don't know what type of a president Trump would make, but probably no worse than some you have already had. The bottom line though, is when people like Ford or Trump take office, it is an indictment of our political system.


Trump is the kind of person who starts flame wars with people on twitter.... That should give you an idea about what he could incidentally start with a foreign nation. :psyduck:





So who really runs things? Maybe that's the real question. Is it organized crime? Is it old money? Is it the Seven Sisters? Could it be that Trump's real appeal is the perception that unlike everyone else running for office, he hasn't been bought and paid for?


Honestly in my opinion, you would have to be a fool to believe anything that Trump says is true or accurate. You could fact check pretty much everything and anything Trump as been spewing out of his mouth just the last few weeks alone. Most of the things he been saying can be empirically proven totally wrong or completely inaccurate... Just people who support him either don't care or just blindly loyal to him.


Everything that Trump says are lies but everything Hilary says is true? So... he has not said one thing that isn't false or inaccurate? I personally don't care for the man but your partisan hyperbole is ludicrous. :facepalm:


Never was claiming Hilary was some kind of truthful saint. But there is a huge difference between the things Hilary is caught being inaccurate about and the stuff that trump just seems to just pull out of his butt... To be fair most the things that Clinton has been characterized as "lying" are either statements out of context or a matter of semantics. Trump is on a completely different level of inaccuracy and false statements....


Trump making bold claims about "illegal immigration" mainly being a bunch of rapist, drug dealers, and gang members is completely a miss-characterization of the people who come in this country undocumented and can be proven otherwise just by simply fact checking. An extreme majority of undocumented immigrants work in low-skilled jobs which almost a non-existent percentage number of them have been caught doing anything unlawful, mostly jobs natural born citizens will absolutely not even consider doing because the work is too hard for such low pay...


Trump claims "Many" scholars say 'anchor babies' are not covered under the constitution. When there are actually no scholars who even say this... This was settled by the Civil rights Act of 1866. Even decades after, SCOTUS has upheld in favor of every case regarding birthright citizenship.


Trump goes around saying he can build a wall on the border of Mexico as high as the Great Wall of China claiming Mexico will pay for it.... This is not even possible let alone realistic... The Mexican government has already said they wouldn't pay for a wall nor could their country actually afford it. Not even our country can afford something that grand. Even if you take away all the money undocumented immigrants make working in the U.S. alone that wouldn't even amount to a fraction of the cost to build something that big. The ironic thing about people wanting to build a stupid wall is that it wouldn't even solve any problems. People would just find other ways to get into the country if they wanted.


This is just only looking at his crazy immigration reform policy... there is plenty of other completely outrageous and just bluntly false things that Trump says when he opens his mouth. Trump makes Mitt Romney look like a better candidate for the GOP even after his famous 47% video comments....

Edited by colourwheel
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Who do I think runs the world?


Money, growth, profits, spreadsheets and databases are the factors than dictate most of the decisions that governments make. Whatever the cost for the 'greater good'... except those people with wealth and power will obviously look after there own and make that fit the plan.


There are organisations that plan and prepare for many of the things that take place in the world, many are no secret either. However much planning and 'conspiracy' there is, it does not mean things always go as scripted and many unplanned things happen which makes truth an elusive Holy Grail. On top of this is the inate characteristic of writing history from an angle.


Now I wrestle on a day to day basis with whether any other alternative is both desireable or even possible, given human nature. This is to say I think if we got rid of all systems and such that we have today we would probably just build another world much like this one, full of conflict and hipocrasy. The supposed utopia that is promised by promoters of the 'new world order' will only come about with a lot of sacrifice that will probably destroy the dream in the process - just like The Beach.


If we ever were to get to a point of pure equilibrium it would most likely be through the use of technology to control us, and it would be argueable how much of our 'humaness' (as we know it today) would need to also be sacrificed in order achieve it.

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So who really runs things? Maybe that's the real question. Is it organized crime? Is it old money? Is it the Seven Sisters? Could it be that Trump's real appeal is the perception that unlike everyone else running for office, he hasn't been bought and paid for?


Honestly in my opinion, you would have to be a fool to believe anything that Trump says is true or accurate. You could fact check pretty much everything and anything Trump as been spewing out of his mouth just the last few weeks alone. Most of the things he been saying can be empirically proven totally wrong or completely inaccurate... Just people who support him either don't care or just blindly loyal to him.


Since when did anyone think politicians are completely honest with their agenda? They do, after all, vie for votes with embellishments of what they think the voters want...normally. Trump doesn't count completely in the basket here, he probably didn't have an agenda until 2 weeks after he announced his run.


@CW It's the "don't care" They know all politicians are liars so what difference does it make. He just lies more boldly. People are tired of professional politicians, fatigued by the corrupting of the system, yearning to push back against the political correctness that seems to have everyone in a cerebral straitjacket.


The choice many people have always wanted to see on a ballet is "none of the above". Trump is that choice, he is "none of the above".


I'm not an American so I don't get a vote. For me your election is entertainment, and Trump is in his element, so I enjoy the show, and I see a lot of similarities between Trump and a man we had as our Mayor here in this town. You've probably never heard of Rob Ford, but he was our "none of the above" candidate. Our way of sticking it to the political elites who couldn't hold down a real job but insist it is their calling in life to think for the rest of us. Now Ford is gone and we have a cookie cutter Mayor, oh joy. Ford was an embarrassment and a buffoon, but he wasn't a bad Mayor believe it or not.


I don't know what type of a president Trump would make, but probably no worse than some you have already had. The bottom line though, is when people like Ford or Trump take office, it is an indictment of our political system.

Well, Ford was probably different in that his vice is decadence, where Trump's vice is vanity. :P ;) He just likes to see himself on TV, hear himself talk and listen to the chingaling of the cash coming in.




I don't know what type of a president Trump would make, but probably no worse than some you have already had. The bottom line though, is when people like Ford or Trump take office, it is an indictment of our political system.


Trump is the kind of person who starts flame wars with people on twitter.... That should give you an idea about what he could incidentally start with a foreign nation. :psyduck:





So who really runs things? Maybe that's the real question. Is it organized crime? Is it old money? Is it the Seven Sisters? Could it be that Trump's real appeal is the perception that unlike everyone else running for office, he hasn't been bought and paid for?


Honestly in my opinion, you would have to be a fool to believe anything that Trump says is true or accurate. You could fact check pretty much everything and anything Trump as been spewing out of his mouth just the last few weeks alone. Most of the things he been saying can be empirically proven totally wrong or completely inaccurate... Just people who support him either don't care or just blindly loyal to him.


Everything that Trump says are lies but everything Hilary says is true? So... he has not said one thing that isn't false or inaccurate? I personally don't care for the man but your partisan hyperbole is ludicrous. :facepalm:


Never was claiming Hilary was some kind of truthful saint. But there is a huge difference between the things Hilary is caught being inaccurate about and the stuff that trump just seems to just pull out of his butt... To be fair most the things that Clinton has been characterized as "lying" are either statements out of context or a matter of semantics. Trump is on a completely different level of inaccuracy and false statements....


Trump making bold claims about "illegal immigration" mainly being a bunch of rapist, drug dealers, and gang members is completely a miss-characterization of the people who come in this country undocumented and can be proven otherwise just by simply fact checking. An extreme majority of undocumented immigrants work in low-skilled jobs which almost a non-existent percentage number of them have been caught doing anything unlawful, mostly jobs natural born citizens will absolutely not even consider doing because the work is too hard for such low pay...


Trump claims "Many" scholars say 'anchor babies' are not covered under the constitution. When there are actually no scholars who even say this... This was settled by the Civil rights Act of 1866. Even decades after, SCOTUS has upheld in favor of every case regarding birthright citizenship.


Trump goes around saying he can build a wall on the border of Mexico as high as the Great Wall of China claiming Mexico will pay for it.... This is not even possible let alone realistic... The Mexican government has already said they wouldn't pay for a wall nor could their country actually afford it. Not even our country can afford something that grand. Even if you take away all the money undocumented immigrants make working in the U.S. alone that wouldn't even amount to a fraction of the cost to build something that big. The ironic thing about people wanting to build a stupid wall is that it wouldn't even solve any problems. People would just find other ways to get into the country if they wanted.


This is just only looking at his crazy immigration reform policy... there is plenty of other completely outrageous and just bluntly false things that Trump says when he opens his mouth. Trump makes Mitt Romney look like a better candidate for the GOP even after his famous 47% video comments....


Yes, yes, CW...Trump has zero diplomacy skills. Not many of the currently listed candidates do have outstanding diplomatic skills. And yes, thank the gods and cosmos Mitt isn't a viable candidate. :wacko: But, that's not the only thing that gets me. Trump made his fortune in Real Estate...pretty much making it from taking the food off the table of the middle and lower class workers, buying companies, downsizing, out-sourcing...the idea is to keep money circulating, not sitting in one bank account wasting space.


My brother was born in Germany while dad was touring in Bitburg, where the first F-15s were landing for the USAF overseas. Until my brother was 18, he had the benefit of dual-citizenship. An American born on foreign soil. Germany, afaik, still honors such policy. Now, Trump wants to reverse such exchange of citizens by denying those immigrant children BORN on American soil any way of attaining full citizenship, which is how the US got populated during the Industrial Age: with the promise that your children would be free Americans! :armscrossed:


I also understand why people find Hillary is dishonest: she's handled the server issue as if there's something to hide. PLUS We don't need family legacies in our government; enough Kennedys, Clintons, Bushes, Roosevelts, Adams...5 too many dynasties IMO.


Now, to voter statistics. Most statistics are based on V.A.P. (Voting Age Population), which does not take into account those ineligible due to felony backgrounds. Now, I can find some interesting felony charges, including one in which owning more than half a dozen prosthetic surrogate sensual devices (for those who might cringe at the d word) can amount to felony charges. But we could probably more safely include something like marijuana possession in a state that thinks its legal but the fed doesn't. There's a state prisoner here that's getting pardoned for a 50 year marijuana possession sentence. 50 years? 2 pounds. He's been there 15 so far... Meanwhile, two cells down, Bubba gets off with 7 years of a 15 for manslaughter and now checks in with a parole officer maybe twice a month; his cellmate is Hector, he dismembered two people but is up for parole after 9 years. The US has more per capita prisoners than any other country on the planet. Most from conservative laws. I read somewhere back in the late 90s that St Louis had a "been in prison" to "totally clean prison record" of about 61%...61% of residents had been in or were currently in prison or jail. Something is wrong if more than half of the population of a single city has seen a cell for longer than a thirty days. (Prompt the single "Thirty Days in the Hole" by Humble Pie)


The immigration problem rises from States having the liberty to deny the Fed compliance to the letter. They only have to do a certain amount, but must let the Fed in when it asks to be in. Basically makes ICE worthless holding cells dotted across the states. How about making better incentive for people to STAY HERE. :armscrossed: As it is, I'm thinking Norway or Denmark, I hear the Happiness Level is pretty high over there...I bet it's the apple cider. :D

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Money runs it all.


I will give you an example. Recently the National Park Service got tired of all the plastic bottle trash all over the parks. it decided to stop selling bottled water and instead let folks fill up their reusable for free with the clean and awesome park water. This in fact saved them money and helped clean up things. Many places are trying this (like Universal Studios, etc.) However the BIG MONEY (and OMG are they big) Water Bottle Companies went to Congress and whined-and Congress decided to tell the Parks, No you can't or we will take your money from you.


No compromising, no-hey lets work something out here. The big money has influenced and possibly dictated policy in relation to tax-payer supported National Parks. Google it there is a ton about it.


Now this caught the public eye but things like this happen EVERY DAY that isn't all over. People don't know, don't care how this all goes down in things big and small.


@Moto-I'm going to Finland!

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Money runs it all.


I will give you an example. Recently the National Park Service got tired of all the plastic bottle trash all over the parks. it decided to stop selling bottled water and instead let folks fill up their reusable for free with the clean and awesome park water. This in fact saved them money and helped clean up things. Many places are trying this (like Universal Studios, etc.) However the BIG MONEY (and OMG are they big) Water Bottle Companies went to Congress and whined-and Congress decided to tell the Parks, No you can't or we will take your money from you.


No compromising, no-hey lets work something out here. The big money has influenced and possibly dictated policy in relation to tax-payer supported National Parks. Google it there is a ton about it.


Now this caught the public eye but things like this happen EVERY DAY that isn't all over. People don't know, don't care how this all goes down in things big and small.


@Moto-I'm going to Finland!

Aight, I'll pack a parka and some Olives for the gin.


EDIT: there's a story here that my dad and a turkish pilot told me here, but I can't remember the place in Finland for USAF installation...dad went to Oslo then Heckensheck or something in Finland. Said the crew at the "station" which was like two shacks and an outline of a runway on ice, had huge bottles of what they said was "good gin". The turkish pilot kept joking my dad during the story telling about needing more than three olives for that martini.


Old school diplomacy... Blink Blink.

Edited by MotoSxorpio
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