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swords ideas


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thanks a lot, Vulpes! that's really cool.
i'm also glad that you liked the idea, Boombro.


i was thinking.. if the other sword ("Montante") would be too daunting, as Vulpes said, do you guys think i can tag some mod authors to ask if they would be interested in making this one?

i don't know how to tag people on this forum, to be honest.. :sweat:

but, for example, those guys has made some cool weapon mods before:

Corvalho1 FavoredSoul FrankFamily InsanitySorrow jaysus LozengeCraft

i think it would be awesome to make both of these sword but, yeah i can see some difficulties about the Montante

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The problem i see with this one http://www.regenyei.com/imagesB/Ketkezes.html (Montante) is the massive handle, it will probably look weird in skyrim when compared to other weapons (small and fat) plus if the overall size (i don't really know how big is it supposed to be...) is big enough it may clip with ground and such. But the shape itself isn't that hard.

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The problem i see with this one http://www.regenyei.com/imagesB/Ketkezes.html (Montante) is the massive handle, it will probably look weird in skyrim when compared to other weapons (small and fat) plus if the overall size (i don't really know how big is it supposed to be...) is big enough it may clip with ground and such. But the shape itself isn't that hard.

Well, it is quite big but still should be reasonable - after all, this kind of weapon was really in use in the 15th, 16th century.

I was looking for some examples of the correspondence between the sword and human body cause it'd make it easier to see the size of this weapon..

...but i didn't find a perfect one. I hope this video can provide some further info and give you idea how it actually looks like in hands.


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