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Mods for Rich Noble Character


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Oi... first time posting on nexusmods forums, hope I don't screw this up. :ermm:

Anyway, hi everyone, I'm looking for mods that might go along well with a certain character I had in mind. The character is meant to be a rich noblewoman of Solitude, which is different from the usual adventurer-types I play. So, what I'm asking is if there's any mods out there that could fulfill the following:

1. Feeling of wealth and glamour

The character is meant to be rich and live inside Proudspire Manor, and I was hoping if there's mods for this that make me feel like the character is rich outside of a number in the inventory window. Like, servants or expensive clothing or parties or stuff along those lines. Kind of like if the character was actually going to the party in Diplomatic Immunity rather than just posing to spy on the Thalmor. It would also help if there was a mod to add more expensive things to buy, outside of changing the entire economy to the point where it's easy to go broke on a single shopping spree. Just stuff like that. :sweat:

2. Combat Inefficiency

This might be where it gets technical. Most mods I've seen happen to enhance the combat experience, but the issue is how I'm envisioning the character. I'd find it a bit odd that a noble who spends most of her time trading and living the high life could just find a warhammer or bow and arrows inside an old ruin and instantly know how to use them properly. So, if there's mods that could make it so the character has no previous experience in combat, outside of Requiem or other hardcore mods, that would help. (She'd probably have bodyguards anyway. Mods for that help too.)

3. Beauty and cosmetics

This character is meant to be very vain about her looks. So, to keep this short, I just need some mods that could add aspects of beauty and cleanliness, like face mods or something.


Thank you for your time, everyone! :laugh:

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A-then you want to take a look at house mods, there many castle mods that has npc and has a lot of displays. If the hero is really rich, she will have his own estate.




2-You are wrong. Many nobles even females know fencing, horse riding and archery. Even if not trained since young, she can use her money for trainers. She can do a small quest for a follower like a fetch quest and RP that the follower trained her how to use a weapon ( romantic training chapter here.) If she really hated to touch a weapon, she can be mage and and use spells like bound deadra, frenzy and others.


3-Then she need to be fully clad in heavy armor, so her body won't have scars, burns and cuts?

Or dressers?


Here is a dress that will fit http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63634/?

A replacer http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37764/?


Animations http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/3474785/?tb=mods&pUp=1

For skin, what body mod are you using?
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Thanks for the fast reply!


1 - Alrighty, will look into the house mods. (Was hoping to go a bit more in depth with the riches, but who knows?) :happy:


2 - I was not aware of this, actually! If that's the case, is there any weapon mods that looks a bit more refined than a steel sword or something of the like? :rolleyes:


3 - Heavy armor... hm. Not sure about that entirely. Could you elaborate on it a bit? :huh:


The dress seems nice, definitely will take a look-see.

The replacer... hm. I'll look into it as well.

The body mod I use... uhm... I've kinda lost track, honestly. Let's just assume vanilla is the body I use and I'm looking for a better one. :sweat:

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One of the choices in Live Another Life is Property Owner, so you can start with one of the Vanilla houses.


There are several mods that alter starting skills- setting them to 0 or other. Here's one I've used before, but if you search the Nexus categories for "Gameplay Effects and Changes," you should be able to find more


My favorite clothes


Good Luck in your role-play!

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1-Wait a traders, right? Does she like rare stuff?


2-A merchant RP will use something like:


-Rare item of higher tier. Ebony with Amidborn textures look sick and fancy as hell. It almost black and it engraved with gold, what else do you want in terms of class?

Also maybe this remesh http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61818/?


Just a normal, pretty falcon maybe? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60066/?


-Imported sword: the guards at skyrim can't stop talking about craved swords, it possessed them with it beauty. If she kind of gal that like to stand out, a weapon from other lands is needed! This pack has them, also normal falcon swords http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28545/?


-Super rare magic artifact that is lonely: because is she one of the kind!

Dawn breaker, it pretty you know.


Also http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59222/?


And this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59331/?


Also http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60066/?


3-That easy.


-Why would she want her skin to be dirty? Her body scared and burned? Her hair caught on fire? Heavy armor covers the body whole from the head to the toe and stops all that, keeping her pretty body safe till she gets home or the closest city to dress pretty.


There is nothing wrong in wearing high heels and a fancy dress, but it odd for anyone to look dame fine ( in rich people clothes.) while heading to a bandit fort knowing they will fight everyone in it, crossing swamps and going deep underground getting hit with poison arrow. Don't you think? If she really cares, she will make sure to be fully clothed with steel. It can be done right you know?


For example look at those ladies in ebony armor http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/37487-1-1371908291.jpg http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/37487-3-1371908417.jpg http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/37487-2-1371908562.jpg they look very fashionable.


Of course, it only makes sense if she wish to kill everyone in a bandit camp, as the dragonborn or really cares about her skin and hair.


If she wishes to fight on the main roads, caped light armor with a hood makes more sense as traveling merchant. There are many light armor mods that make traveling on foot convenient and good looking.

Edited by Boombro
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