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Systematically activate quest esps to maintain performance?


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So I am an avid mod user. I literally CANNOT start the game in its vanilla base and or with vanilla quests only to influence my gameplay. Let's admit it, the base game is a good BASE for modding and such, but as a complete game it is horribly boring and thin. I almost hit the 255 mod esp limit and that with some merged esps. So I have two kinds of mods:


1. Immersion and survival mods, Frostfall, iNeed, and many many little additions that together make a great compilation (your own marketstall, alchemy expansions, fishing, dine with followers, etc...".


2. Quest mods and any kind of intellectual addition to the game, that means npcs too. So in MO I currently have all the major quest mods as Falskaar and Wyrmstooth, Wheels of Lull, etc... And also Interesting Npcs and Inconsequential Npcs.


Here is where my problem begins. My PC rig is completely fine. I can run vanilla skyrim with max performance on max setting and everything runs smoothly. Texture mods and weather mods will only slightly affect my performance, that is to be expected. Now Skyrim, Dawnguard and Dragonborn, along with ALL of my mods activated save for 3DNPCs and quest mods runs fast and smooth. From here I seperate it into 3 loadouts: With quest mods, with npc mods, or with both quest and npc mods. When I activate at least 8 quest mods and interesting npcs the game is unplayable. That means a whole minute or so to enter an inn. Without interesting npcs the game can run almost as smoothly with all 50 quest mods as without any mod installed. That made me conclude that NPCS in particular affect game performance, meaning that if we were to add a new world expansion and a bunch of npcs, most of the performance issues will be attributed to the npcs, not the new wold.


Here is where it gets confusing: The more quest specifically ESPS that I activate, the more the loading times get longer. Even if I activate 10 single short quests in 10 esps, they will have the same impact as activating Falskaar, Wyrmstooth and 8 more big quest mods. This is seriously illogical but I tested it and that is how it is.


I am trying to find a way to play both Interesting Npcs and most quest mods in a single playthrough, that means having all of them activated at the same time. What I thought is this: I run a new game with 3DNPCS, and as I progress withing the playthough in terms of finishing quests, therefore FINISHING QUEST SCRIPTS, I may activate a quest esp and finish that too. As time passes on I repeatedly do that until eventually I have played all quest mods without a loading time issue.


Question is, is that possible? When I think of what affects LOADING TIMES I think scripts, and the only scripts that seem to completely destroy my playability are quest mods. So the most logical solution I found was to reduce the number of scripts in the vanilla questlines such that I have adequate space to replace the previous scripts with a quest mod script, thus not affecting my loading time.


Is that a solution or am I wasting my time?

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I did not suggest constantly uninstalling and reinstalling quests. I suggested ONLY installing them during the playthrough starting from a fresh game. Quest mods bear much less chaotic effects on the game, so game breaking is not one of the possible issues to be taken into account. My question is whether it would be possible to maintain performance via the conduct I mention above.

Edited by Wylfred
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Hey Wylfred,


So you've installed all these mods and can run the game fine, until you activate a quest marker? If that's the case, why are you activating multiple markers? Also to answer your question, yes that would work. Start a clean save and progressively adding in more quest mods should technically work, though even if you complete a quest I'm not 100% sure that it stops all scripts running that are related to the mod. Give it a try and let us know if it works.



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I don't see how it will, as you are eventually going to get to the point where your game is overloaded again. I suspect part of what is increasing your load times is the increased number of mods in your load order. On that note, when you say your game is "unplayable", what do you mean? Does it really quit working, or just run slow? Or do you just not like it when load screens take too long?

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When I say unplayable I mean long loading screens. I don't mind 20 seconds or so, but with the quests it means 40 or even whole minutes.


I plan to use script cleaner and save game cleaner on the go as I progress in the playthough in order to reduce the familiar game bloat.

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I did not suggest constantly uninstalling and reinstalling quests. I suggested ONLY installing them during the playthrough starting from a fresh game. Quest mods bear much less chaotic effects on the game, so game breaking is not one of the possible issues to be taken into account. My question is whether it would be possible to maintain performance via the conduct I mention above.

sorry i ddint me to add 'reinstalling' to my comment. but yeah you dont want to keep installing quest mods it will make the game unplayable after a while.

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What everyone is saying to you is this, you CAN do it, but your save is going to bloat if you do and eventually it'll be the same either way. You could test it. Install a Mod, give yourself a level boost, complete the mod, do the next one. Something that would take you what? A few days, would take you half an hour? Then you could see for yourself if this save bloating is really going to occur like we think it will. Though the only person who can really test it is you.


Try it and let us know the results.



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Does anyone actually know for sure that it does not work? Theoretically it makes sense to me.

i tested it before so yes i do. though as always everybodies game works and reacts differently so you might have better luck.

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