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Yet another idea for player homes


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I would like to begin with few words of great appreciation to authors of already existing house mods: The level of detail on architectural and interior decoration is in many cases overwhelming!


But on the other hand, most of those houses seem a little bit empty. Of course you can get a steward, start a family or even use a follower mod and order followers to relocate to your house (or manor, or castle, etc.). I'm thinking, since modders already proved just how much is possible, why not invite particular NPC's that are part of main quest or became a good friend of Dragonborn along the way? Why not invite Esbern to browse through the collection of books you found throughout Skyrim? Why not offer Malborn a safe refuge from Thalmor? Why not ask good old Paarthurnax to join you for a quiet night of contemplation upon the words of power?


I don't imply voice acting or even new lines for them. The way I see it, they have some interesting things to say even after you exhausted their quest usefulness.



Of course anyone can modify a mod to their own heart's content, put as many NPC's in existing mods as they like. Well, I guess I would too if I had the time to. Alas, I don't. Even if I really would love to.


So I guess the idea is plain, posted and anyone willing can use it. Or just discuss it here. That's fine too.





Sorry for my bad engrish, I don't train it as often as I would like :d

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