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Wrye bash Morrowloot 4E + Scarcity question


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Small question if some of you could help. Concerning Wrye bash, i red 10 different way to do the bash patch (about the mods to include) and i'd really like to know what mod do i have to patch.


as some people say you must include all mods that wrye bash give you, do i include all the mod from the screen below + scarcity?




Or should i just merge Morrowloot + scarcity as below?




If someone could give me the exact mods that i have to patch and the tags on it, i would be grateful as it's not really clear on the mods decsriptions.




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The mod you want in the bash:

New monsters mods.

New armor mods that can appear in loot tablets.

New weapon mods.

New item mods.


In short anything that changes leveled list in anyway .


If something was not meant to be merged, werye will tell you that it tagged as not to be merged.

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