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Isn't it strange that every hour i come back to this topic so i can see the screens again and lower my hunger for Skyrim?

Still 10 months untill the games release!

I am prepared for the wait, with TES 3 and 4, the Assassin's Creed franchise, Mass Effect and Overgrowth. (and school, but that is not a enjoyable thing).

Let the wait BEGIN.

Good luck to all of you waiters, you will need it!

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I just read that they removed a few skills, from 21 in Oblivion to 18. That's great, Athletics and Acrobatics should be one skill and so does Speechcraft and Mercantile (I have my reasons). I'm still bummed that they removed Mysticism. Also, level scaling is returning and conversations are more organic and not zoomed in like Oblivion.


Mercantile and Speechcraft the same thing? That does not make sense...

By being good at talking your way out of things, and by being a good preacher, does that automatically make you good at bartering and investing? ...no...


Acrobatics and Athletics one skill? Why?

By being a very good runner/sprinter, does that automatically make you a good jumper as well? ...no...


You just answered why. It automaticly makes no sense to me if they were two different skills. If I was a sliver-tounged bard that can make people fall in love with me, why can't I charm my way to get a better deal? To me it doesn't makes much sense. Same with Acrobatics and Athletics. I am really healthy person but why can't I jump really well? Also I see acrobatics as the ablitity to dodge enemy attacks but all I can do in Oblivion is jump in and out of water. If they couldn't improve it, they should have just scraped it or combined it with Athletics, pure and simple.

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Yeah, you can get them to give you a better price, but investing in a store takes more than that - In real Life you need to know finance to get a good investment in stores.


But yes, when I think about it, athletic and acrobatic should be the same. :)

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