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deadly reflex Sword double sheathing


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  • 1 month later...

You need to properly install and configure the mod.


Head over to the Official Deadly Reflex 6 BETA and Release Thread for plenty of information. Every issue has been covered about a dozen times each.


I have the same problem and why couldn't you just tell the solution instead of linking it? Now we have to read threw x-amount of pages? Very helpful.


Anyway the problem was having 'draw' as your 'F' key. Change it to something else and it should work fine.

Edited by Shinigami7777
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I have the same problem and why couldn't you just tell the solution instead of linking it? Now we have to read threw x-amount of pages? Very helpful.


Anyway the problem was having 'draw' as your 'F' key. Change it to something else and it should work fine.

I could ask.... "But why didn't you just read the ReadMe?" Since it includes information on how to properly assign your key bindings. Also, common sense would dictate not to bind two actions to one key for just about any game or program. Anyway...


I did tell the solution, "You need to properly install and configure the mod.", and I linked you to more information that will answer many many more of your upcoming questions. All bugs or other issues with Deadly Reflex 6 have been covered 10 times over by now in the thread I linked, in the opening two posts mostly. I was only trying to assist with the current issue and direct you to even more information since DR 6 is a BETA release and has other bugs or oddities that you, as a tester/user, should be aware of. Otherwise you'll just be back here tomorrow asking why you have missing meshes under certain circumstances, or why does my game crash with a runtime error when I throw any weapon with a Scabbard? Etcetera, etc...


If a couple hours of reading some information on a very advanced and complex mod, that's still in BETA, is too much for someone, I suggest they uninstall Deadly Reflex 6 immediately. Then go download and install Deadly Reflex 5, since it's the more stable and simpler of the two versions. Although you'll miss out on some of the newer features such as Weapon Throwing, Kicks, and Horse Combat.


Good luck.

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  • 3 months later...

Well...maybe I'm "stupid" or whatever, but I for one am really glad people ask questions like this. I also use DR 6, and I also had this problem. If IdPokeHim hadn't asked, this may not have turned up in my google search...and I'd been through the readme a lot and I hadn't seen this particular problem mentioned. And maybe I'm still fairly new at this, but I had no idea having sheath/unsheath bound to this particular key would cause the problem. Thank you, Shinigami...:)


Many of us *are* intelligent, and many of us *do* comb readmes for solutions. Not all of us are born experts at this stuff. Snarky answers don't help anyone at all...a bit of helpful direction often does. :)

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All of that aside, if he helped you solve your issue, you should throw him some kudos or something as he/she/it tried to be helpful.


I have posted problems and had to go to the official forums for results with no replies on here other than people sharing the same issue.


My thoughts on the subject.

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Smooth was responding to ShiniGami77777, as the quote infers. Everyone chillax. :) Smooth might not have DR6 installed or have an expertise with said mod, but has enough knowledge to know where to look for the answer that he/she might not have readily to give. With large mods like DR6, it is hard to get completely working on an already modded game and INI. I take particular care in installing such mods, experience from Unnecessary Violence and its not-so-friendly reminder to read the readme. I had to laugh at myself after reading it thoroughly after I was killed by unknown forces and obligated to seek out help. Hope everyone has a happy day. ;)
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You must change the

"set skycaptainsSb.flipKey to 33", which is F key, which is the same as sheath weapon, to something else like LALT (which i use)

set skycaptainsSb.flipKey to 56 <--- LALT


From the .txt file. (X:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\INI\DeadlyReflex\DeadlyReflexINI.txt)


flipKey = dodge key

Edited by Dwnloader
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