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The first quest you ever did?


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Actually tutorial is rarely the first quest people complete as you have to complete actions like going to jail etc. to complete it. :thumbsup: How's that for a wisearse? :whistling:
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Accidentally started the Knife in the Dark quest after taking like two steps. Stole some bread (didn't know it was stealing, lol), guard told me to go to jail. I didn't want to, so I began to have a nice conversation with him over the misunderstanding when the nut pulls a sword on me! Thinking quickly, I ran like the dickens! When I was surrounded, I just kept swinging until they were dead. Went to sleep and BANG- creepy guy in a hood.


And so on and so forth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first quest was the Bloated Float Inn quest in the IC Waterfront.

When I first saw Imperial City after coming out of the sewers I was spell-bound by its immensity.


I immediately decided to make complete circumambulation of the entire city to see just how big it was.

Turned out, it was also a nice way to train my athletics and acrobatics. :biggrin:


Anyway, I ended up at the IC Waterfront and saw this big ship moored there.

I scouted around inside, talked to the guys including the bartender, and found a place to sleep.


When I woke up, bang! Ship is hijacked!:blink:

And I got into some feisty fights with the Blackwater Brigands.:pirate:

I got some weapons with the first fellow I killed, but I think I didn't kill the boss lady at the end.

She surrendered after my fluke answers and gave up her sword. Their leather armor was sweet!

And that bartender gave me some big chunk of gold.

I later sold the fancy sword too. ;)


Fun way to start a great game, eh?!:yes:


EDIT: Next time I tried the same quest with another character, I didn't finish it properly, and had to kill the lady. :confused:

Edited by vvk78
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