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The first quest you ever did?


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Heheh ... would you believe that I've completed the Thieves Guild questline a couple of times and have NEVER used the Cowl? On the other hand, I've replayed "Whodunnit?" over and over with the same exact character only dressed differently each time and in checking initial dispositions of each NPC they're always the same. You could be right, though. Unfortunately, I finished this quest before I got the Cowl on both of those occasions, so I couldn't have worn it, anyway (although I would certainly have tried that if I could have).
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I've tried out the Gray Cowl on a few NPCs. Some cower in fear but when you check their disposition it's the same as when you take the cowl off. Others, who also cower, have very low disposition when you're wearing the cowl and their normal higher disposition when it's off. Then of course the Thieves Guild memebers give you the "Oh look it's the Gray Fox" (naturally). It seems like the game engine changes your character when you put on the cowl (which is consistant with what I've read about what happens if you commit crimes while wearing it). I haven't tried it out on any guards yet ... don't tell me if I have jail time in my future, I'll find out. :tongue:
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Not entirely true. There is one exception, if you wear the Gray Fox's Cowl, I'm 99% sure you get a negative response from one of the guests.


I know it was my post but could anyone confirm this please?

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I didn't wear the cowl during that party quest, because I read somewhere that you can get stuck with the effects of the cowl forever if you have it forcefully removed. Word to the wise, don't wear it when you cast the spell, because that's a bad thing...
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I believe you may be thinking of the Stark Reality spell? From a shrine, Sanguine I think? Because as far as I can tell there are no spells to forcibly remove the Cowl in this quest.
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