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And with smithing you can create new armor/weapons OR you can improve your current armor/weapons.


I want that confirmed!

Could you post the source?

If that's true, it confirms my previous speculation, and that Skyrim's going to have more customization then Morrowind! :psyduck:


Actually I found it in the e3 demo.


When he's on the skills menu, if you pause it right when smithing is selected, it says "The art of crafting weapons and armor from raw materials, or improving" the rest of it is covered up by the stupid banner telling us what game it is.

But I am sure it says something like "or improving your own weapons or armor."

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Which is very vague. So you get to collect ore and material and fashion your ebony armor. adamantium (MW) or maddness (SI) was something that I am likening this to, except you do it like alchemy is handled. And improving just sounds like stat boosts. :/


I sure hope it isn't that lame.

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Yes, I hope it's like I described a few pages back, upgrading armor with pieces and not only the stats boost, but the armor changes look.

Like adding a pauldron adds +1 defense, and attaches the actual pauldron on the armor.

Sounds highly likely, since we saw same armors with a few different pieces, and boosting stats would be enchanting.

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In Daggerfall, there is a book which talks about Werebears, a native form of Lycanthropy to Skyrim, (sort of like wereboars in Daggerfall).


It would be awesome if they added those. Have they been dismissed slash confirmed?


(I'm expecting dismissed or just overlooked, but it would still be cool. Dreamers be dreamers). Actually, I might make that into a mod... (If I can. It would take a few more hours mastering the CS)

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I think birthsigns are out actually.


The constellations are still in Lore though. And we see constellations in the perk trees, and they have to be there in the sky or else no magicka can escape aetherius(sp?).

Edited by Ghogiel
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At least something.

And they added those stones, I forgot their name Guardian Stones, that when you touch them you get bonuses.

I hope they are a replacement for birthsigns. Finding some will be a great reward for exploration!

Edited by Iv000
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Those guardian stones, In terms of game mechanics, they sound to be the equivalent to the specialisation in character class. Birthsigns in oblivion only added mostly crappy perks. I don't really miss them for their powers, but if they are out, I will miss that in the sense that it is just another thing that individualises your character.. Edited by Ghogiel
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The birthsigns i usually took in oblivion were the apprentice, the mage and the warrior, so i dont mind having them as those stones and as some kind of specialisation, also some players did not know what birthsign to take and choose poorly, so it is good to be able to change them later.
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