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Then... what's the purpose of the morrowind-style fast travel again?


Immersion in the world space going from where you are to where you want to go.


Instead of a loading screen and finding out nothing of what lies between where you are to where you want to go.


My understanding was that the Morrowind-style fast travel lets you travel to places you haven't been before, while Oblivion-style lets you travel to places you HAVE been before...

Not entirely. For a start MW fast travel was limited to places that had a travel merchant, teleporters, boats, striders. and was not accessible from your map at any place in the game. In Ob all major cities are marked on your map ready for fast travel. And IIRC all kinds of things get marked on your map when someone asks you to go there, whether you had been there or not. So basically most things get marked on there if it involves a quest. Which would be fine, and makes sense, you know where to go, but perhaps it might have been better not to be able to FT there if you hadn't been to the location. I mean even if you hadn't been exactly at that place, you were probably at some point close enough that you could FT to a place you had been before, which would be literally around the corner, and you can just use the marker on your map to navigate there. That might have made all the difference, and sorted any issue people had wandering around in MW trying to find that cave bases on loose directions..


I don't know... I played Oblivion first, and then Morrowind. At first, I HATED the lack of fast-travel, but now, I wish it was like that in Oblivion honestly....

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Races and faces of Skyrim Don't think anyone posted that up here. Now all races have been shown. And they look sweet.


Pretty cool! From the looks of them, though, I'm probably playing as an Imperial. :P

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"All races?" Where's the high elves?


They are the last ones.

All 10 races are there.


Is anyone else blown away by those pictures? I definitely am.


Yup, Bethsoft definitely does listen to their fans. I mean we wanted a new facegen we got one for Fallout 3. Not what we wanted of course but hey they listened. That is what makes me mad when people diss them. I mean they try, what else do they want?

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I don't know... I played Oblivion first, and then Morrowind. At first, I HATED the lack of fast-travel, but now, I wish it was like that in Oblivion honestly....


I liked the process of learning by heart where you can quickly get to from where, so you can learn all the shortcuts. Seyda Neen to Sadrith Mora? Silt Strider to Balmora, Mage's Guild teleport.


What I did NOT like, and which totally sold the concept of fast travel for me, was walking back and forth between areas which didn't have any travel options nearby. What stands out in my mind in particular is the House Telvanni stronghold quest...


"Go to Tel Uvirith and check on the construction of your stronghold."

*spend 20 minutes walking aaaaaaaall the way out to Tel Uvirith because it's out in the middle of f***ing nowhere*

"What? Everything's fine."

*walk aaaaaaaall the way back because I forgot to re-set my mark location*

"Go to a ruin near your stronghold, also out in the middle of nowhere."

*walk aaaaaaall the way back out there because I haven't been anywhere near there in the past few hours of gameplay*

*walk aaaaaaall the way back because I forgot to set my mark location again* (Yes this actually happened twice. I'm ashamed.)

"Now go to a vampire lair also near your stronghold to get a book."

*stab that *censored* to death*


THAT is not fun. Just being able to instantly teleport anywhere destroys the meaning of having a big game world (even if you don't use it, it still ruins the experience of exploring by making it feel totally pointless). The proper solution is to disperse the travel locations so you can get from anywhere to anywhere within a reasonable time period.


The last slide. You have to keep clicking over.


Aaahhh, my bad. Had scripts disabled.

Edited by Alcrin
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