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i can't help thinking that the combined cuirass/greaves is going to severely limit the customization of clothing. hopefully it will be as mod-friendly as oblivion.


You can customize every piece of armor with the smithing skill. They are visual too.

So you can add pauldrons and such things and they will be visible on the armor.

I think that allows even more customization then Morrowind.


I agree .. I'm wondering what types of armor will be able to be changed by smithing .. I have a hard time believing that glass/ebony/elven and every armor in the game can be added onto .. They said you can make dragon armor and add onto it .. but I assume you make it from dragon hides .. So my thought is that this is reserved for armors you can find materials for .. like leather/iron/dragon .. then again .. he said dwemer armor can be improved too I think <_< .. hu.. maybe I should just wait and see on 11/11/11 instead of driving myself mad and possibly ruining the thrill of finding out in game.

Edited by jedimembrain
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I agree .. I'm wondering what types of armor will be able to be modded by smithing .. I have a hard time believing that glass/ebony/elven and every armor in the game can be added onto .. They said you can make dragon armor and add onto it .. but I assume you make it from dragon hides .. So my thought is that this is reserved for armors you can find materials for .. like leather/iron/dragon .. then again .. he said dwemer armor can be improved too I think <_< .. hu.. maybe I should just wait and see on 11/11/11 instead of driving myself mad and possibly ruining the thrill of finding out in game.

I am 90% certain with modding you can add onto any outfit in game. In fact the system may actually allow for visually upgrading of glass and daedric in vanilla.


imo they are using a formlist and armoraddon system similar to F3. This means there are way more biped slots than were availible to modders in Ob. :cool:


When I worked with it in F3 I was very happy with it. While it is true to say F3 armor was in the vanilla game had less pieces than oblivion... I could set it up within the system that allowed a player in game to equip several more items than were allowed in oblivion, backpack, outfit, 3x armor addons(which could be pauldrons, capes whatever), left glove, right glove, face mask, helmets, etc. Already that is more than oblivion had, and that is only about half the total slots available.


edit: oh modded. sorry misunderstood the premise of what you were saying.

Edited by Ghogiel
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i can't help thinking that the combined cuirass/greaves is going to severely limit the customization of clothing. hopefully it will be as mod-friendly as oblivion.


You can customize every piece of armor with the smithing skill. They are visual too.

So you can add pauldrons and such things and they will be visible on the armor.

I think that allows even more customization then Morrowind.


I agree .. I'm wondering what types of armor will be able to be changed by smithing .. I have a hard time believing that glass/ebony/elven and every armor in the game can be added onto .. They said you can make dragon armor and add onto it .. but I assume you make it from dragon hides .. So my thought is that this is reserved for armors you can find materials for .. like leather/iron/dragon .. then again .. he said dwemer armor can be improved too I think <_< .. hu.. maybe I should just wait and see on 11/11/11 instead of driving myself mad and possibly ruining the thrill of finding out in game.


I think it's dragon bones not hides. I mean heck when you absorb their soul all that is left is bones. Definitely no hide/scales or whatever. But yeah can't wait to mess around with it. It seems like a more advanced C.R.A.F.T. system with more things to do processes to go with and ways to do it in my opinion.

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i can't help thinking that the combined cuirass/greaves is going to severely limit the customization of clothing. hopefully it will be as mod-friendly as oblivion.


You can customize every piece of armor with the smithing skill. They are visual too.

So you can add pauldrons and such things and they will be visible on the armor.

I think that allows even more customization then Morrowind.


I agree .. I'm wondering what types of armor will be able to be changed by smithing .. I have a hard time believing that glass/ebony/elven and every armor in the game can be added onto .. They said you can make dragon armor and add onto it .. but I assume you make it from dragon hides .. So my thought is that this is reserved for armors you can find materials for .. like leather/iron/dragon .. then again .. he said dwemer armor can be improved too I think <_< .. hu.. maybe I should just wait and see on 11/11/11 instead of driving myself mad and possibly ruining the thrill of finding out in game.


I think it's dragon bones not hides. I mean heck when you absorb their soul all that is left is bones. Definitely no hide/scales or whatever. But yeah can't wait to mess around with it. It seems like a more advanced C.R.A.F.T. system with more things to do processes to go with and ways to do it in my opinion.


Good point lols .. It would seem those scale wernt enough to protect them anyways ;)

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