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if they had pouldron addons then thats another thing the artist has to deal with .. every armor that can be worn with them would need to be able to fit without clipping ..

But it is down to the artist to decide what armor that paudron was added to a particular formlist. It is only attached to the entry as an armor addon that you want it to be attached to. if it works on a couple armors, you could slap a new list together, containing any thing like pauldrons with some belts or straps or anything, and make a new entry if you wanted and add it as an armor addon.


In no way does this open up the idea that just because the paudron is separate object, and that it can exist in multiple formlists and can be attached or not to any armor entry in the CK, that the player in game can do anything about it. It's either on there and the artists wanted it to be, or it's not because they thought it clipped or daedric pauldrons don't belong as an addon with iron armor. It's up to them to make the entry for it to exist.


Armor addons are solely for the purpose of adding visual direcity. Read the GECK wiki page on them they say pretty much that in describing them.


And yeah exactly like fallout 3. You can do all that. In fact with modding you can take what is listed in form lists and make new entries for them, giving them stats, and make them use any spare biped slot. Like in F3 you could just as easily have pauldrons as separate objects that give an AR bonus. You can do the same with a left glove if you wanted. As long as there are available biped slots for the number of outfit pieces, you could get very silly. Obviously doing so will start to lead to the cobbled together look and the clipping starts to be an issue.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Its entirely to complicated .. Ive never seen bethesda use a system like this in game only mods .. of course they could layer things like that but they wont without a purpose like smithing or pouldron slots .. But both are up in the air .. they wont just randomly use different armor looks like this without it being a different tier or upgraded or entirely different armor .. it would complicate things to much for the player.
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Its entirely to complicated .. Ive never seen bethesda use a system like this in game only mods .. of course they could layer things like that but they wont without a purpose like smithing or pouldron slots .. But both are up in the air .. they wont just randomly use different armor looks like this without it being a different tier or upgraded or entirely different armor .. it would complicate things to much for the player.

But they did exactly that in F3. And they didn't even always do the tier system. For example the different power armors used different addons, but had the same stats. And some raider armor is pretty much the same thing as other raider armor but just looks different. And then sometimes they did have different stats, ie armor vault suit, the vault suit, etc, and some mixed in with just for visual diversity.


But I think in Skyrim the different armor variations will probably have a different stat, so in a sense you could say a sub tier system. Armor types are a tier system in themselves.


It's no more complex than F3 anyway. It looks basically the same across the board. In fact we don't even know if all armor actually has a variations at all. It could be even more like F3 than we realise.

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