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News from this article:

The player gets rewards (Better loot) if he goes to a higher level area.

Encumberance is not that annoying like in previous games.

A specific race (Wood Elves, Bosmer) gets a bonus where they can turn a hostile animal into an Ally. (Power usable once every day)

There will be essential NPC's like in Oblivion, but not that many. There will also be "Protected" NPC's which will not be able to die from another hostile NPC, but will only be able to die by your hand.



:ninja:'d by Corakus.

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Found another article which mentions Falmer in the game!I think they're just rieklings though.




@IvOOO It's probably the bosmer that can temporarily control animals, since they had that power in Oblivion.

Edited by Corakus
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A specific race (Altmer?) gets a bonus where they can turn a hostile animal into an Ally. (Power usable once every day)

Bosmer me thinks


Yep pretty sure it's Bosmer!

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Also in the Rock, Paper Shotgun article it said that Necromancers would reanimate each other if one died, which is awesome.

Combat in Skyrim sounds epic. The strategies you can do or come up against have a lot of variety.


I'm definitely practising necromancy. It'll be a quick draw contest between me and other necromancers to see who can get the reanimate spell off quicker :P

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Being a necromancer sounds sooo promising! I can imagine myself fighting enemies with an NPC partner, he bites the dust and I re animate his corpse !!! :) :thumbsup:
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